November is "Caregiver Month"

but it's never too early to express our gratitude!
caregivers, we greatly appreciate your compassion, patience, and love.

btw, just learned that Mercy Cancer Centers in Toledo offers stress reduction and support services to caregivers (free of charge). no doubt other cancer centers offer similar programs--if you're a stressed caregiver, might be worth looking into. happy massages!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    I know you mentioned Ohio before...are you in Toledo?

    I lived there when a kid..., Front Street near the Maumee River. I went to Garfield Elementary School.

    Good plug for the CareGivers...., they are truely the un-noticed heros in this ordeal.

  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    Skiffin16 said:

    I know you mentioned Ohio before...are you in Toledo?

    I lived there when a kid..., Front Street near the Maumee River. I went to Garfield Elementary School.

    Good plug for the CareGivers...., they are truely the un-noticed heros in this ordeal.


    more on National Family Caregiver Month
    National Family Caregiver Month

    National Family Caregivers Month (NFC Month) - observed every November - is a nationally recognized month seeking to draw attention to the many challenges facing family caregivers, advocate for stronger public policy to address family caregiving issues, and raise awareness about community programs that support family caregivers.

    NFC Month is a time to thank, support, educate, and celebrate more than 50 million family caregivers across the country.

    The theme for NFC Month is for family caregivers to...

    BELIEVE in yourself... PROTECT your health... REACH OUT for help

    This November there is a special emphasis on the need for all of us to help family caregivers protect their health in order to have a more satisfying life and be better able to provide their loved one with the best care possible.

    To learn more about NFC Month visit the National Family Caregivers Association Web site (


    John, I'm down in BG. not a native Ohioan. But Toledo is a very underrated town!
    Go Toledo Walleye! Go Mudhens! Roll along, BGSU Falcons!
    cheers mate.
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    I think that the caregivers often get the worst of it. Rick.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    caregivers are great

    Does this mean we have to change places with the caregivers or just thank them, appreciate them and adore them (which I already do).


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Care givers
    Thank you for the reminder on this very special recognition of what I deem as our angels. I have been a primary care giver, and now a survivor. What a trip...would never want to change places with them again. My children and husband, and extended family have been instrumental in my journey forward. I will defineatly do something very nice for all of them come November. Thanks again ! Katie