The doctor missed it

Hi everybody,was feeling good late Monday and Tuesday, then at 8am this morning the oncologist at Hershey called to say that the scan shows that I have lung cancer, they had a team meeting and did whatever they do and confirmed that a grey area was cancer. I am being scheduled for a biopsy, don't know when but right now I am zonked, going through every emotion possible. I got an e-mail from his Nurse that said that if it was a new cancer it was caught early.


  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    So sorry for the bad news.
    So sorry for the bad news. Will keep you in my prayers.
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    I am sorry
    I am so sorry to hear you news. Please know I am thinkig about you. Please let us know what happens with the biopsy. Know that we are here for you.


  • shoeloy
    shoeloy Member Posts: 70
    Sorry to hear that the battle continues. Will keep you in our prayers.
  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Hi Dennis, I am going through what you just have heard. I have a metastatic spread from Tonsil / neck to my lung and mediastynum area. Got my port placed yesterday and start chemo monday.

    Hang in there buddy, we beat the beast the first time, we will slay the beast this time.

    I'm thinking of you.


  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member

    Hi Dennis, I am going through what you just have heard. I have a metastatic spread from Tonsil / neck to my lung and mediastynum area. Got my port placed yesterday and start chemo monday.

    Hang in there buddy, we beat the beast the first time, we will slay the beast this time.

    I'm thinking of you.



    Same here
    for my husband. One step at a time...sending prayers.
  • tuffenuff
    tuffenuff Member Posts: 277

    Hi Dennis, I am going through what you just have heard. I have a metastatic spread from Tonsil / neck to my lung and mediastynum area. Got my port placed yesterday and start chemo monday.

    Hang in there buddy, we beat the beast the first time, we will slay the beast this time.

    I'm thinking of you.



    I'm NED as of earler today
    I'm NED as of earler today but this proves we never (anyone) know what the future may hold.
  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    prayers lifted and holding good thoughts
    You'll get your plan together and move forward.

    Waiting to hear the next step.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Well that totally sucks....

    Keep the fight Denis, I know you will.

    Thoughts and Prayers,
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    I will say it.... "THAT SUCKS"

    i must also say, it's not c until the biopsy says so.

    don't know with all you been thru what your experiencing, i will say my heart goes out for you

    prayers for understanding, wisdom and comfort

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    fisrpotpe said:

    I will say it.... "THAT SUCKS"

    i must also say, it's not c until the biopsy says so.

    don't know with all you been thru what your experiencing, i will say my heart goes out for you

    prayers for understanding, wisdom and comfort


    That's upsetting...
    I just hate that news. Hope it was alright I whispered a prayer they are wrong, but it c then early enough for you to beat the heck out of it....

    I said that prayer right before hitting post ....

    Keep us posted ..


  • NeoTheron91
    NeoTheron91 Member Posts: 75
    Keep fighting

    Sorry to hear about the news. But you will have to fight back. I am sure you will be alright!
    Going to pray for you!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    do it again

    It is early in the game and the whole team is pulling for you.

    Praying that things go your way.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So sorry to hear the Bad news
    I am praying the biopsy comes up negative. I know the emotions are all over the place. When they told us Jim now had lung cancer I lost it. Since that time (6 months ago) my emotions have run all over the place. Jim seems to be holding up better than I but he tends to keep it inside.

    Keep up the fight.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Well damn!!
    This is crappy news, Dennis. We're all right here tho, to support you thru the fight one more time....I'm just so sorry you have to do it.

    Hang in there, the news might not be quite what they thing till they do a biopsy.

  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    jim and i said:

    So sorry to hear the Bad news
    I am praying the biopsy comes up negative. I know the emotions are all over the place. When they told us Jim now had lung cancer I lost it. Since that time (6 months ago) my emotions have run all over the place. Jim seems to be holding up better than I but he tends to keep it inside.

    Keep up the fight.


    You can do it...
    You've beat this beast once before Denis, you can
    certainly do it again.
    We all pray for you.

    God bless
    Tonsiil dad,

  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    Prayers and thoughts
    I was so afraid I would hear that news myself, know you are in my thoughts and prayers, for a complete recovery.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    So very sorry to hear this news. The fight continues.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    A Lot of Us Here Cursing
    This has to be an insane time for you - I'm sorry you're in this spot. Just because you CAN beat this doesn't make it OK that you're in a place where you have to.
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Sorry to read this others said one day at a time...sending blessings and light .

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    osmotar said:

    Sorry to read this others said one day at a time...sending blessings and light .


    Thanks for all of your prayers, they are much appreciated. Yes it is a dreadful feeling, I feel worse about this that the original throat diagnosis. Not sure how the doctor missed it, I was in the room with him on Monday as he went over the scan, he pointed out the nodule and said it was absolutely nothing to be concerned with. I don't know if he looked hard enough at anything else, will ask. I have questions for him that I did not think about when we talked on the phone, if you can advise me of any questions I would be most thankful. Denis