recurrence of esophageal cancer
hi sherriunknown said:This comment has been removed by the Moderator
Well after 4 visits ,2 ct scans,multiple x rays,barium swallow follow through a surgeon in the hospital decided to do keyhole surgery and have a look,lucky for me she did.I just knew something major was going on as everything was just never working properly.My symptoms were pretty acute as i was having severe abdominal pain 2 or so hours after eating and on the 4th time even after 4 days i still was vomiting and in extreme pain so i guess thats the reason they had no option but to have a look.I am still recovering as it was 2 weeks ago but im back to eating like normal and i just hope i can get more time with a good quality of life.I dont know what the outcome is yet as i have results in a few days and end of next week i get the results from my pet scan.Just gong to enjoy everyday as it comes as thats all any of us can do:
dan0 -
Staying Positive
Hello Dan,
Sometimes its hard to stay positive here in tumourville, but to my mind it is a positive that the surgeon said it hadn't spread through the bowel. The unknown is the scariest thing to live with at times. Good Luck on your Pet. Wishing you the best possible news.0 -
Glad they got it out
I am so sorry to hear of your recurrence. It sounds like they found it before it had a chance to spread very much. I am sure you are on pins and needles waiting for the results of the PET scan results. We will be hoping for good results. There are other survivors who have had recurrences and gone through surgery and chemo a second time and gotten back to remission.
Best Regards,
Paul Adams
Grand Blanc, Michigan
DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
Two year survivor
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!0 -
thanks guys
thankyou so much for your kind words and thoughts know it helps just to know that other people understand what im going through.I could wish i didnt have this terrible disease and ask "why me?"but i just cant live in the past.To be honest i am not really doing very well mentally as my swallowing has gotten worse in just the last few days.I am having that sensation of swallowing and then a secondary movement in my throat just like i did before i was diagnosed...its scaring the crap out of me because most things in life you can usually find a solution to a problem but unfortunatley its not so easy when it comes to your body.I am feeling really tired all of a sudden and i didnt think it would hit me like this.....I dont know if the second time round i will be so fortunate to have positive results from any sort of treatment,my oncologist doesnt really give me the feeling that chemo without radiotherapy is as effective on the recurrence of esophageal C.All my family seem to think because the first time it was a walk in the park that i just get more treatment and it will do the same thing.I can only hope and prey.I probably am getting a bit ahead of myself as i have a PET scan tommorrow and find out the results friday next week but i just know something is going on,maybe its something to do with having bowel surgery a couple of weeks ago?I dont know.I cant think,i cant sleep.I feel like im back where i started 2 years ago but this time i have less ammunition to fight this battle.
I'm sorry if i rant on a bit,it just helps if i get this off my chest.Most of my friends and family are not really supportive and i put it down to they dont want to face their own mortality. Even though most of us are worlds apart i guess we can all find some comfort in knowing that we are not alone.
Dantheman0 -
This comment has been removed by the ModeratorDanTheMan said:thanks guys
thankyou so much for your kind words and thoughts know it helps just to know that other people understand what im going through.I could wish i didnt have this terrible disease and ask "why me?"but i just cant live in the past.To be honest i am not really doing very well mentally as my swallowing has gotten worse in just the last few days.I am having that sensation of swallowing and then a secondary movement in my throat just like i did before i was diagnosed...its scaring the crap out of me because most things in life you can usually find a solution to a problem but unfortunatley its not so easy when it comes to your body.I am feeling really tired all of a sudden and i didnt think it would hit me like this.....I dont know if the second time round i will be so fortunate to have positive results from any sort of treatment,my oncologist doesnt really give me the feeling that chemo without radiotherapy is as effective on the recurrence of esophageal C.All my family seem to think because the first time it was a walk in the park that i just get more treatment and it will do the same thing.I can only hope and prey.I probably am getting a bit ahead of myself as i have a PET scan tommorrow and find out the results friday next week but i just know something is going on,maybe its something to do with having bowel surgery a couple of weeks ago?I dont know.I cant think,i cant sleep.I feel like im back where i started 2 years ago but this time i have less ammunition to fight this battle.
I'm sorry if i rant on a bit,it just helps if i get this off my chest.Most of my friends and family are not really supportive and i put it down to they dont want to face their own mortality. Even though most of us are worlds apart i guess we can all find some comfort in knowing that we are not alone.
Dantheman0 -
Rant away. I agreeunknown said:This comment has been removed by the Moderator
Bailey you are so helpful to all of us. Just know, we like to talk with you.
As you so well said, what he is going through is just unimaginable and to face it a second time. We anxiously await Dan's results. Please let us know. You are in our prayers. BMGky0 -
You rant just as much as you please, you have earned the right.
We are all here for you and praying that you will get good news from your pet scan.
I feel so angry for you, so lord know how you must be feeling. Please God you scan
will be clear and you will be able to overcome this new challenge.You're our DantheMan
after all.
My prayers and my thoughts are with you. Hang in there!
Marci0 -
tomorrow will comemardigras said:Oh Dan FEC FEC FEC
You rant just as much as you please, you have earned the right.
We are all here for you and praying that you will get good news from your pet scan.
I feel so angry for you, so lord know how you must be feeling. Please God you scan
will be clear and you will be able to overcome this new challenge.You're our DantheMan
after all.
My prayers and my thoughts are with you. Hang in there!
Dan it is so hard waiting for results. as others say rant all you want, hopefully it helps the stress some. Our prayers are with you as you get your results.Sometimes I wish that EC gremlin would peer off the doctors table so I can lasso it,and dump it in a hole 90 feet deep.
You probably know your body better then anyone. Hoping for good news and quality days ahead.0 -
Dear Dan
When Vince's EC
Dear Dan
When Vince's EC came back a year and a half after surgury we were devastated. This cancer is such a beast. How many more families will be hit with this. My God I am so sorry as you have been thru so much.
You say anything you want to us. We KNOW what you are thinking and how you are feeling.
Do what you think is best Dan and as Judy says FEC.
barb0 -
i am a mess
thanks guys your words are helpful....unfortunatley in just the last few days my swallowing has got to the point where its getting really hard and painful in my chest...i honestly thought it would not hit me so fast...i been eating ok for 2 years and then had small bowel surgery and a week later im getting swallowing problems..:( i always suspected after they start cutting you open in places that the cancer reacts in funny ways and maybe that is my case...i still have to wait until friday to see the oncologist about my PET scan results and tell him about my swallowing but i dont think i will make it that long without having to go to the hospital. losing my ability to eat or drink is pretty life threatening in the short term....its hard enough to deal with having crappy non curable cancer but then not being able to eat is just another hard thing to deal with in itself...Im pretty darn depressed and im barely holding my sanity at this point in time.I had plans for the near future and it feels like it is all getting taken away from me and i cant control it..Im sorry,i know positive things is what people want to hear and believe me its what i want too but i am starting to see the ugly side of this beast and im **** scared...:(0 -
swallowing problems after 1 yr 6 months alsoDanTheMan said:i am a mess
thanks guys your words are helpful....unfortunatley in just the last few days my swallowing has got to the point where its getting really hard and painful in my chest...i honestly thought it would not hit me so fast...i been eating ok for 2 years and then had small bowel surgery and a week later im getting swallowing problems..:( i always suspected after they start cutting you open in places that the cancer reacts in funny ways and maybe that is my case...i still have to wait until friday to see the oncologist about my PET scan results and tell him about my swallowing but i dont think i will make it that long without having to go to the hospital. losing my ability to eat or drink is pretty life threatening in the short term....its hard enough to deal with having crappy non curable cancer but then not being able to eat is just another hard thing to deal with in itself...Im pretty darn depressed and im barely holding my sanity at this point in time.I had plans for the near future and it feels like it is all getting taken away from me and i cant control it..Im sorry,i know positive things is what people want to hear and believe me its what i want too but i am starting to see the ugly side of this beast and im **** scared...:(
So sorry to read this Dan. My husband also is having swallowing problems after 1 yr 6 months and having a hard time eating. He never did eat well after surgery, some days he did ok and others not at all. Lately it is more and more not even able to keep his saliva down and he ends up choking and spitting up. He is unable to sleep in bed but maybe 1 night a week. His recliner is usually his bed and in the upright position as even a slight recline gives him trouble. He is dealing with it better then I am. I do pray your scan comes out good and your trouble will ease and you will be able to eat again. You rant all you want! We all love to read the positive things but we all know not everything always works that way at times. I should have read your profile before posting here. Just wondering if you ever had to have the stretching s done? Nino had them every 2 weeks because he could not eat then every month, so far none since March although he is planning to schedule another soon. His scan 3 weeks ago showed what they call nodes in his lungs now but they are too small to be biopsy and his most recent showed 1 of those nodes slightly enlarged but still to small so will have another in 2 months. It scares me that 1 doctor said it is 98% chance it is the ec showing in his lungs, and the other doctor looking at the other 2% that it may just be small cist. He already ruled out infection. We also have plans for the near future and the waiting to find out what is in his lungs is depressing for me. I so understand where your coming from. I do hope you find some comfort you are not a lone and that what keeps me from getting a deep depression is HOPE and that it is so hard to hear Nino choke and see him eating so very little but HOPE that tomorrow will be a better day. Pray you find some comfort to ease all that you are dealing with. Above all I hope you can rest, sleep to keep some energy for what you will be dealing with for the days a head.0 -
i am so sorryNLMCEM said:swallowing problems after 1 yr 6 months also
So sorry to read this Dan. My husband also is having swallowing problems after 1 yr 6 months and having a hard time eating. He never did eat well after surgery, some days he did ok and others not at all. Lately it is more and more not even able to keep his saliva down and he ends up choking and spitting up. He is unable to sleep in bed but maybe 1 night a week. His recliner is usually his bed and in the upright position as even a slight recline gives him trouble. He is dealing with it better then I am. I do pray your scan comes out good and your trouble will ease and you will be able to eat again. You rant all you want! We all love to read the positive things but we all know not everything always works that way at times. I should have read your profile before posting here. Just wondering if you ever had to have the stretching s done? Nino had them every 2 weeks because he could not eat then every month, so far none since March although he is planning to schedule another soon. His scan 3 weeks ago showed what they call nodes in his lungs now but they are too small to be biopsy and his most recent showed 1 of those nodes slightly enlarged but still to small so will have another in 2 months. It scares me that 1 doctor said it is 98% chance it is the ec showing in his lungs, and the other doctor looking at the other 2% that it may just be small cist. He already ruled out infection. We also have plans for the near future and the waiting to find out what is in his lungs is depressing for me. I so understand where your coming from. I do hope you find some comfort you are not a lone and that what keeps me from getting a deep depression is HOPE and that it is so hard to hear Nino choke and see him eating so very little but HOPE that tomorrow will be a better day. Pray you find some comfort to ease all that you are dealing with. Above all I hope you can rest, sleep to keep some energy for what you will be dealing with for the days a head.
i am very sorry to hear of your husbands condition and everybody elses for that matter that has brought everyone to a site like this.I have my ups and downs and sometimes its harder and sometimes its easier.I dont really look for solutions on here,it just helps to get it off my chest as i know everyone affected by this knows what im going through more then anyone in my family or friends.I have never filled out my profile and i think i should as it only takes a minute.I never had an operation and was treated with chemo twice and radiotherapy for 28 days 2 years ago.Was all good until around march when i started getting small bowel obstruction.After 4 episodes and numerous ct scans,x rays,barium swallow tests they finally operated and found a tumour in my small bowel(i strongly suggested it 6 months ago to my doctors)and now 3 weeks after the op it feels i am having reccurence in my oesophagous...I can only hope that it isnt but i sort of know the symptoms from before...i do still hope and prey that if it is i can have a positive result from chemotherapy or have a stint placement or something that just gives me more time and a better quality of life..I am not ready to leave this world and be damned if i am going to go without a fight.At the moment i am anxious,nervous,scared,angry and not really in a good place but i know i have the abilty to overcome this and find inner peace with it all.I really hope your husband can find some comfort and you get to fulfill your plans...I mean thats what life is all about isnt it?Love,joy,friendships,laughter,good memories,smiling faces!0 -
So sorry you are havingDanTheMan said:i am so sorry
i am very sorry to hear of your husbands condition and everybody elses for that matter that has brought everyone to a site like this.I have my ups and downs and sometimes its harder and sometimes its easier.I dont really look for solutions on here,it just helps to get it off my chest as i know everyone affected by this knows what im going through more then anyone in my family or friends.I have never filled out my profile and i think i should as it only takes a minute.I never had an operation and was treated with chemo twice and radiotherapy for 28 days 2 years ago.Was all good until around march when i started getting small bowel obstruction.After 4 episodes and numerous ct scans,x rays,barium swallow tests they finally operated and found a tumour in my small bowel(i strongly suggested it 6 months ago to my doctors)and now 3 weeks after the op it feels i am having reccurence in my oesophagous...I can only hope that it isnt but i sort of know the symptoms from before...i do still hope and prey that if it is i can have a positive result from chemotherapy or have a stint placement or something that just gives me more time and a better quality of life..I am not ready to leave this world and be damned if i am going to go without a fight.At the moment i am anxious,nervous,scared,angry and not really in a good place but i know i have the abilty to overcome this and find inner peace with it all.I really hope your husband can find some comfort and you get to fulfill your plans...I mean thats what life is all about isnt it?Love,joy,friendships,laughter,good memories,smiling faces!
So sorry you are having these issues, Dan. Have you thought about calling to get in sooner? Perhaps a visit to the ER can get things moving along faster. I did that with my mom when I couldn't get in to see docs. The ER can get some tests done. Maybe now is the time for a feeding tube to get some nourishment into you.
Call your docs. Consider a visit to the ER.0 -
I would not wait until FridayDanTheMan said:i am a mess
thanks guys your words are helpful....unfortunatley in just the last few days my swallowing has got to the point where its getting really hard and painful in my chest...i honestly thought it would not hit me so fast...i been eating ok for 2 years and then had small bowel surgery and a week later im getting swallowing problems..:( i always suspected after they start cutting you open in places that the cancer reacts in funny ways and maybe that is my case...i still have to wait until friday to see the oncologist about my PET scan results and tell him about my swallowing but i dont think i will make it that long without having to go to the hospital. losing my ability to eat or drink is pretty life threatening in the short term....its hard enough to deal with having crappy non curable cancer but then not being able to eat is just another hard thing to deal with in itself...Im pretty darn depressed and im barely holding my sanity at this point in time.I had plans for the near future and it feels like it is all getting taken away from me and i cant control it..Im sorry,i know positive things is what people want to hear and believe me its what i want too but i am starting to see the ugly side of this beast and im **** scared...:(
I am sorry you are having these issues. With all the tests you have had recently and then recovery from surgery you certainly have reason to be stressed. I found that when I was having difficulty swallowing and I because anxious about it, the muscles in my throat would tense up and that would make it even more difficult to swallow. I wonder if it would be helpful to try to get along on a liquid diet until you get a chance to see your doctor about your most recent symptoms.
It could be that some scar tissue or stricture is building up in your throat and you need a dilation to expand that area a bit. If there really is a recurrence there and further treatment is required there is always the option of a feeding tube to provide nutrition while treatment deals with the recurrence.
I am not sure if I would want to wait until Friday for the results of the PET scan. They should have the PET scan results read by now; if you call your oncologist’s office and inform them you are having issues with swallowing perhaps they can at least look at the scan results and let you know what they see. If an endoscopy is required at least then you can get started on getting that scheduled.
If you do have a recurrence, you had a good response before hopefully you will have a good response again, but there is no reason if live in fear until Friday. I would get in touch with your oncologist first thing tomorrow morning and explain your issues.
Hoping you will be feeling better soon.
Best Regards,
Paul Adams
Grand Blanc, Michigan
DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
Two year survivor
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!0 -
I agreepaul61 said:I would not wait until Friday
I am sorry you are having these issues. With all the tests you have had recently and then recovery from surgery you certainly have reason to be stressed. I found that when I was having difficulty swallowing and I because anxious about it, the muscles in my throat would tense up and that would make it even more difficult to swallow. I wonder if it would be helpful to try to get along on a liquid diet until you get a chance to see your doctor about your most recent symptoms.
It could be that some scar tissue or stricture is building up in your throat and you need a dilation to expand that area a bit. If there really is a recurrence there and further treatment is required there is always the option of a feeding tube to provide nutrition while treatment deals with the recurrence.
I am not sure if I would want to wait until Friday for the results of the PET scan. They should have the PET scan results read by now; if you call your oncologist’s office and inform them you are having issues with swallowing perhaps they can at least look at the scan results and let you know what they see. If an endoscopy is required at least then you can get started on getting that scheduled.
If you do have a recurrence, you had a good response before hopefully you will have a good response again, but there is no reason if live in fear until Friday. I would get in touch with your oncologist first thing tomorrow morning and explain your issues.
Hoping you will be feeling better soon.
Best Regards,
Paul Adams
Grand Blanc, Michigan
DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
Two year survivor
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
I agree with Paul. You should contact your doctor first thing in the morning and let them know what's going on. My husband did not have surgery either, but has had to have his throat stretched (dilated) when he started having swallowing problems.....just like in the beginning..... since scar tissue can develop from radiation.
At least your Dr can advise what to do and possibly schedule a scope to see what's going on.
Best wishes to you. And you can vent anytime! We can all understand what you're going through. And you're darn right it's scarey.
Marta0 -
im feeling no emotionsBMGky said:Just wondering how you are
Just wondering how you are doing. Let us know. BMGky
Well i went to the oncology department at the hospital today as i explained to them that i was in pain and my swallowing was deteriating.I didnt see my usual oncologist as i have to wait until friday but i seen another general results were in and not good news,tells me the pet scan showed up large uptake in my oesophagous and also in my small bowel where i just had The tumour removed which indicates active cancer in both was prepared for this mentally,well at least i think i am.....I have read a great deal about recurring oesophageal cancer whether its local recurrence or distant recurrence,i have have to trying so hard to keep a positive fight up against this and i know its my best hope of a longer and better quality of life.I almost certainly know my only chance now is with chemotherapy and if that doesnt work then alternative natural remedies are my only option.I am realistic to the fact that this thing is probably going to take my life but i am holding onto hope i can get some positive results and as much time as i can get...its all i can do right now.I think i know what FEC means and i say FEC!0
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