Possible New Cancer and/or Metastasis !!??

BarefootBob Member Posts: 72
edited September 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hello all, I am totally freaking out.

Over the last three weeks lumps started forming under my skin. The first one was under my scalp and a nurse told me that it was an ingrown hair and to apply a warm cloth to help. Then one showed up just to the left of my belly button. then one under my left breast. I alerted my oncologist and he felt them. There were only four (that i could feel at this time) I directly asked him if it was cancer and he said it was highly unlikely due to my previous cancer and the original CT and PET scans. He ordered me to get an ultrasound last Friday. I saw the images and they were about marble sized, right under the skin. My follow up was yesterday and basically confirmed that he believes that it has metastasized but still not absolute - I have a biopsy scheduled for tomorrow at 7am.

Since I noticed the first one i found near the belly button it is growing larger, the one on my chest as well...And I have now found one deep onder my rear end, one on my side one on my back and a second one on my scalp....WHAT is going on?!?!?

I am bothered that he didnt order a biopsy right away and had an ultrasound done immediately anyway but, it looks as though it is very aggressive and showing up all over. They stopped my Radiation where I was at 21 (9more to go) assuming that I am going to need an agressive chemo treatment.

I am really scared. Really scared. Does anyone know what this could be or is there even a slight chance that these is just something else besides Cancer again. I dont like my chances here. I dont know what to do..I was in the home stretch of my Rads and now this!!

This seems very bad.

Much Love.



  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    there are only two rules here:

    1). the opera isnt over till the fat lady sings
    2) there are no fat ladies in head and neck cancer.

    I have just this month beem through a similar scare. New lesion on my tongue that should have neen cancer, but wasnt. There are always other possibilities. Just the distribution of these multiple lesions under the skin over such a widely separated area argues against this being metastatic disease. Until you have a tissue diagnosis, this is not confirmed. Take it one step at a time. That is all that you can do.

    best wishes for you.

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Sorry that I can't give any
    Sorry that I can't give any answers or suggestions as to what they could be but you will be in my prayers. It isn't cancer until they say it is cancer so we will keep positive thoughts.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    What on earth?!? I am


    What on earth?!? I am so hoping these new developments are not cancer. Feeling sorry for you just the same - last thing you need during treatment is something to totally stress you and yours out, and this qualifies. I have never heard of anyone here developing lumps like you have - I'm hoping for speedy results on the biopsy.

    Do well.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I haven't heard of anything like this either.....
    and the fact that they are spread out from head to butt, and just under the skin would lead me away from the fact that it is your HNC that has metastasized....that IF it is cancer it is something entirely different.

    And then we get to the the oft said statement here....it ain't cancer till somebody SAYS it is cancer...hard to live by in your shoes, but try to put on that life jacket until the biopsy...they haven't a clue whats going on, it's obvious...

    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers Bob....this just ain't fair.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Sounds like some sort of skin cysts....

    Anyways, thoughts and prayers, the biopsy should let you know something for sure.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    You can get through this !
    I'm praying for you that this is just some kind of bizarre reaction your body is having due to what you've already indured. I do know about cysts in general, but most are beniegn. (need spell check on this darn computer) This one is way out there...I agree with everyone else....until they prove it's mets it's NOT ! I will be thinking and sending you positive thoughts for tomorrows biopsy in the a.m. ! Katie
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    I understand
    you freaking out, we are all nervous about anything our body tosses out that seems strange since being dx with cancer. But as others have said it aint until it is. So hang in there we cannot remove your anxiety but hopefully you will post soon it was something other than what you feared. Prayers your way
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    wait and see
    Hi Bob,

    Try to relax brother, no need to borrow trouble. Your doctors will figure it out and get you back on the path to recovery.


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:

    wait and see
    Hi Bob,

    Try to relax brother, no need to borrow trouble. Your doctors will figure it out and get you back on the path to recovery.



    I'm sorry
    Bob, I'm sorry you are going thru this right now. Try very hard to stay as calm as possible, it honestly sounds like they don't have a clue what it is so wait until the biopsy results are in before you decide to worry. It sounds like cysts, but I can't diagnose you. Please do yourself a favor tho, NO google searches! It'll only make you crazy.
    I will be praying for you and for this to be nothing to worry about.
    Take good care,
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Let's Hope It's a False Alarm
    Hope it's a false alarm. But you are "right" to be scared. And fear does motivate us to have it checked out. One step at a time. Rick.
  • BarefootBob
    BarefootBob Member Posts: 72

    Let's Hope It's a False Alarm
    Hope it's a false alarm. But you are "right" to be scared. And fear does motivate us to have it checked out. One step at a time. Rick.

    Still up...
    I am still up and yes I know I shouldn't freak out but the waiting again?!? My out patient biopsy is scheduled for 7 am these lumps are starting to hurt real bad because of the speed of growth. I may have to take something to calm myself down tonight. Nevertheless, I will. Do my best to try and heed the advice...just very scared.

    Once again thanks for letting me vent..results will be Wed, hopefully earlier if it is good news.

    Much love,
  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member

    Still up...
    I am still up and yes I know I shouldn't freak out but the waiting again?!? My out patient biopsy is scheduled for 7 am these lumps are starting to hurt real bad because of the speed of growth. I may have to take something to calm myself down tonight. Nevertheless, I will. Do my best to try and heed the advice...just very scared.

    Once again thanks for letting me vent..results will be Wed, hopefully earlier if it is good news.

    Much love,

    Same fear we all have

    I have no idea what's really going on with you right now, but you have the same fear all of us have--that your cancer is back, or has spread. Take a deep breath and some Avatin if you have them, and try to stay calm. As Pat said, it will all become clear when you get your lab results back. Then you'll know what you are dealing with and can make decisions from there.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Mikemetz said:

    Same fear we all have

    I have no idea what's really going on with you right now, but you have the same fear all of us have--that your cancer is back, or has spread. Take a deep breath and some Avatin if you have them, and try to stay calm. As Pat said, it will all become clear when you get your lab results back. Then you'll know what you are dealing with and can make decisions from there.


    Whispered a prayer for healing and strength Bob ...
    Hi Bob ..so wish you did not have to endure that fear you have right now....first the dx of cancer and now this ...I'd be silly to try and tell you not to worry...I'd be all over the place too.

    With that said know this (and hope that was okay by you) I stopped before finishing my post and asked the Lord to not let this be cancer, I also asked that you would find strength to face anything that comes your way.

    Wish so much I could do more, but I firmly believe in the power of prayer. :)

    Keep us posted Bob...and ask for that dag-gum tissue biopsy back in 24 hours and just tell the doctor to please understand you can't wait several days! :)

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    Still up...
    I am still up and yes I know I shouldn't freak out but the waiting again?!? My out patient biopsy is scheduled for 7 am these lumps are starting to hurt real bad because of the speed of growth. I may have to take something to calm myself down tonight. Nevertheless, I will. Do my best to try and heed the advice...just very scared.

    Once again thanks for letting me vent..results will be Wed, hopefully earlier if it is good news.

    Much love,

    Hurry Up and Wait
    Four hours til biopsy. It's gonna be a Looooong weekend - I hate that for you. I hate taht whatever it is, it's just one more thing on the list. Even if it's something that's easily remedied, it's another bleeping example of how cancer attacks. Many things happen (or don't happen) that make us wonder if, or think that we have more cancer. So things that normally have nothing whatsoever to do with cancer are linked for us, simply because they put cancer at the forefront of our thoughts again. Hope results are so good, doc can't wait for Wednesday to contact you.
  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    Praying for blessing
    I hate to hear about your concerns. I know it has to be awful knowing something is wrong, but not knowing if it is related to the cancer. I pray that your tests will come back and it will have nothing to do with the cancer. I hope you got some sleep last night and that your biopsy results come back quickly.
  • BarefootBob
    BarefootBob Member Posts: 72
    Tim6003 said:

    Whispered a prayer for healing and strength Bob ...
    Hi Bob ..so wish you did not have to endure that fear you have right now....first the dx of cancer and now this ...I'd be silly to try and tell you not to worry...I'd be all over the place too.

    With that said know this (and hope that was okay by you) I stopped before finishing my post and asked the Lord to not let this be cancer, I also asked that you would find strength to face anything that comes your way.

    Wish so much I could do more, but I firmly believe in the power of prayer. :)

    Keep us posted Bob...and ask for that dag-gum tissue biopsy back in 24 hours and just tell the doctor to please understand you can't wait several days! :)


    Thank You.
    Thank You, because I think I need a miracle on this one. With all that blood that was extracted today makes it all that much more scary.

  • BarefootBob
    BarefootBob Member Posts: 72
    The Biopsy...
    So today they took me in out-patient and numbed the area of the largest "lump" and took about three samples. I asked the guy what it looked like and he said it was just blood. knowing that most cysts have a cheesy like substance in there, i have an odd feeling about this, but going to try to go to my garage and build some stuff with my table saw and router that I got for my birthday in may (and conveniently diagnosed) and have never touched. I am going to build a bookshelf and a couple of nightstands.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    The Biopsy...
    So today they took me in out-patient and numbed the area of the largest "lump" and took about three samples. I asked the guy what it looked like and he said it was just blood. knowing that most cysts have a cheesy like substance in there, i have an odd feeling about this, but going to try to go to my garage and build some stuff with my table saw and router that I got for my birthday in may (and conveniently diagnosed) and have never touched. I am going to build a bookshelf and a couple of nightstands.

    Hey Bob....
    I will put my order in now ...my wife has been looking for a "display cabinet" to drape her handmade quilts over ...she sells them out of the house and right now she's got this "room divider" if you will that is pitiful ...hold about 20 quilts...:)

    ..wish I was good with my hands...I'd build her something ...

    ..you enjoy building that and we want to see some pictures when you are done ...


  • Barbara B
    Barbara B Member Posts: 40

    The Biopsy...
    So today they took me in out-patient and numbed the area of the largest "lump" and took about three samples. I asked the guy what it looked like and he said it was just blood. knowing that most cysts have a cheesy like substance in there, i have an odd feeling about this, but going to try to go to my garage and build some stuff with my table saw and router that I got for my birthday in may (and conveniently diagnosed) and have never touched. I am going to build a bookshelf and a couple of nightstands.

    Power of positive thinking

    My husband is one year post treatment and he started to get lumps in different places. One on his ear, one by his eye, and another on his leg.

    After much FREAKING OUT it turned out they were all non malignant cysts.

    Stay positive and know whatever it is you will face it and deal with it.

    Now about those booksheleves...

    Praying for you.
