Cleaning for a reason



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    SSPC99 said:

    Cleaning For a Reason
    After reading all of the comments on this thread I felt sad and a little frustrated at the perception some have unfortunately had. I would like to just take a second to add my experiences with Cleaning For a Reason.

    I own a very small cleaning service in Vancouver, WA and we are a Cleaning For a Reason partner. We have been a parner since joining fall of 2010 after meeting the founder & other volunteers and partners (companies that donate cleaning) at the ISSA international convention held in Orlando. I can tell you first hand that the organization is in no way a scam. They are a very well respected & very well organized organization. I have met many company owners that participate & provide free cleanings every month. I think most of the frustration seems to be that because we have so much more need than the enrolled service partners can provide, it frustrates people and seems that perhaps it is not even a legitimate organization.

    My company is pretty typical of those that participate. We have just 3 employees that work in our residential cleaning department, and just a handful of other part time employees that clean the small number of commercial buildings & churches we clean. In other words, we are a very modestly sized company with a very small profit margin. In a company where every single dollar matters and where we struggle to find any extra money grow our business, we choose to participate at our own expense because we care. What goes around comes around and we know that if everyone does the best they can to show kindness and lend a hand when others need it most, it makes the entire world, including our own world a better place. Our employees love to participate, knowing that they are bringing a smile to some relief to other women who are going through a very difficult time and find little energy to deal with such daily task.

    However frustrating the shortage of service is please understand a few things. This organization was started by someone just like you and I. An ordinary woman that owned local cleaning service that saw a way she could lend her organizing abilities and her companies resources to help other women who really needed it. This organization is really very young and though it has hundreds of companies who participate, it will take a long time to build it to the size that it will need to be to meet all of the need that exist. When I read some of the angry post it hurt because I thought, after all I personally have sacrificed to provide free service for others, it seems that if you can't do "it all" than it will not be good enough. I don't believe that. We all have to do what we can and it will help, especially those many women who have been able to be helped. Just so you all know, many of the company partners I have met are small to medium sized cleaning companies, some are so small they even operate out of their home offices. For our companies size and financial resources we are only able to service 2 women at a time. I know there is so much more need, but we feel we can at least do what we are able to and others will hopefully follow our example.

    As for the charge that companies participate only to seem to be philanthropist and brag on their websites, I really don't think that is the case. It cost us directly about 75% or more of the cost we would charge just in the payroll, taxes, material, and vehicle expense we cover to be able to provide services for free. My suspision is that that couple hundred or more a month we donate would probably pay for a lot of advertising if we really were looking at it from that angle. Really, how many people even look at my website to see we participate? I don't know, but it isn't much. Yes, we do want to be good community partners and we do want to engage ourselves and our employees in the cause, but it's not for show, and it does make a difference in a lot of lives. Incidentally, many of the people that work at the Cleaning for a Reason office are volunteers and they have very few paid staff, and let me tell you, when I do talk to them you can tell they are hopping as fast as they can. Us partners pay a very modest monthly fee to support the foundation and it goes directly to the basics.

    I am doing what I can to spread the word to other cleaning service owners so hopefully more will learn about the foundation and choose to participate. I know the Cleaning For a Reason founder spends a lot of her time in supporting and encouraging more companies to join up and make a difference. All of us women can spread the word to other companies of this great opportunity they have to support the women in their community. Definately not a scam, but do we need more partners to help all of the beautiful women who are waiting for service, YES we do! Spread the word to the companies in your area ladies.

    Nobody on this board was able to received any cleaning services. It is nice to know that somebody whom we never met have gotten it
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112

    Nobody on this board was able to received any cleaning services. It is nice to know that somebody whom we never met have gotten it

    Sorry, couldn't get it either...
    I am currently in chemo. I filled out my form as suggested by my Cancer Center. I've heard nothing. Nearly finished my chemo treatments. Too little, too late! It would have been nice to have received this service. Chemo is hard!!!! I wanted to add my thoughts since it seems Cleaning for a Reason is looking at this post.
  • Member Posts: 21
    I had to go to the web site
    I had to go to the web site several times before I could get on to it, where they then proceeded to take all my personal info. It wasn't until after they got the info that I was made aware they don't have any services in my area but they do have them in the next town over from me. Very disappointed!! I agree, it gets your hopes up that this may be one less thing you have to worry about while dealing with cancer and then find out there is not a chance of getting help. I was told to check back monthly, as if....I don't think they should be advertising out there unless they can accomodate the clients. Cancer takes away so much from our lives, this just adds another dimension to the loss.
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    Same Story Here
    It's a great idea, but not enough cleaning services sign up.
  • parrotpammy
    parrotpammy Member Posts: 1
    Not a Myth
    Wanted to let you know that last year when my sister was going thru her chemo, she had her home cleaned three or four times by Cleaning for a Reason. NOW that I need it, they are completely booked in our area. Because I am ONLY going thru radiation, I may not have enough of breast cancer to actually qualify. Just found out last week that the ONCO-DX test indicated I do not need chemo. Yippee, so I'll probably continue to have a dusty house!
  • concerned_cleaner
    concerned_cleaner Member Posts: 2
    Cleaning for a Reason is for PR and Marketing
    I am reluctant to even share this but after reading the many posts on this board and others from cancer victims I feel compelled to share my experience with Cleaning for a Reason from a cleaning service perspective.

    One thing is true, Cleaning for a Reason is a legitimate organization, paper work filed, volunteers, and all that jazz, blah blah blah.

    While it does do some good, it excels at its main purpose. It is a PR machine for the consultant that founded it and her consultant friends she placed on the board. They all do business together and shamelessly use Cleaning For a Reason to promote their businesses.

    Dig a little deeper and you will also see her husband serves on the board, along with her best friend and one of her actual employees. Not much for over sight of the actions of the board. There are a few others on the board that do not profit from the industry, but they donate money to the organization.

    I talked with someone that used to be on the board that was “asked to step down” and she said no one can even disagree with the founder without her husband nearly threatening them, very intimidating.

    It is the cleaning service owners that do the real good, donating free cleanings and pay for it out of their own pocket most do it for the right reasons, but many others sign up just to get the logo on their marketing digs.

    My cleaning service used to be in it and paid the $25 a month for the privilege of giving our services away. I don’t do it anymore; I prefer to do “good” on my own. I have tried to raise questions about this but lordy let me tell ya, you don’t want to bad mouth the group they will come down on you like the plague.

    I wish more would speak out and tell the truth about this to all of the maid services that try so hard and give so much to make it work. None of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars they take in goes to the cleanings, where does all of that money go? No one knows.
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493

    Cleaning for a Reason is for PR and Marketing
    I am reluctant to even share this but after reading the many posts on this board and others from cancer victims I feel compelled to share my experience with Cleaning for a Reason from a cleaning service perspective.

    One thing is true, Cleaning for a Reason is a legitimate organization, paper work filed, volunteers, and all that jazz, blah blah blah.

    While it does do some good, it excels at its main purpose. It is a PR machine for the consultant that founded it and her consultant friends she placed on the board. They all do business together and shamelessly use Cleaning For a Reason to promote their businesses.

    Dig a little deeper and you will also see her husband serves on the board, along with her best friend and one of her actual employees. Not much for over sight of the actions of the board. There are a few others on the board that do not profit from the industry, but they donate money to the organization.

    I talked with someone that used to be on the board that was “asked to step down” and she said no one can even disagree with the founder without her husband nearly threatening them, very intimidating.

    It is the cleaning service owners that do the real good, donating free cleanings and pay for it out of their own pocket most do it for the right reasons, but many others sign up just to get the logo on their marketing digs.

    My cleaning service used to be in it and paid the $25 a month for the privilege of giving our services away. I don’t do it anymore; I prefer to do “good” on my own. I have tried to raise questions about this but lordy let me tell ya, you don’t want to bad mouth the group they will come down on you like the plague.

    I wish more would speak out and tell the truth about this to all of the maid services that try so hard and give so much to make it work. None of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars they take in goes to the cleanings, where does all of that money go? No one knows.

    Wonderful experience
    I had a wonderful experience with Cleaning for a Reason!! I went to the website and found they had service in my area. After filling out the online form, I had my cancer center fax confirmation that I was a patient. (The online instructions are very clear and easy to follow.)The next afternoon, I had a call from Merry Maids to schedule a cleaning. This was in Feb 2012. Each month through May, 2 ladies came and worked for 2 hours doing what I requested on a priority list. I'm very grateful to them and to the local Merry Maids for providing me with a very great and welcomed service.

  • dbaldwin
    dbaldwin Member Posts: 1
    AngieD said:

    Wonderful experience
    I had a wonderful experience with Cleaning for a Reason!! I went to the website and found they had service in my area. After filling out the online form, I had my cancer center fax confirmation that I was a patient. (The online instructions are very clear and easy to follow.)The next afternoon, I had a call from Merry Maids to schedule a cleaning. This was in Feb 2012. Each month through May, 2 ladies came and worked for 2 hours doing what I requested on a priority list. I'm very grateful to them and to the local Merry Maids for providing me with a very great and welcomed service.


    Fundemental problems
    There are some fundemental problems with Cleaning for a Reason. The cleaning services that are members are not pad at all by C4R and in fact pay to be members, a little over $300 a year. This is one of the reasons there are not that many cleaning services on board. Cleaning is not a high profit business and these small business owners cannot afford to give away too much for free.

    The other issue is the people recieving the service do not realize that the person cleaning for them is literally Paying to do it. Not only are they giving their time they are actually donating money to cover the costs of the organization. This leads to some real problems becuase the client does not understand this and often gets upset becuase the client feels like the service it taking "cancer money" (actual phrase used more than once to me by a client) and this the service should go above and beyond since they are taking money that could have been used for other types of cancer treatment and research. The service owner is actualy giving away money every time he or she cleans and thus has to limit how long they can stay and how much they can give away to a few hours at a time. All sorts of conflicts happen due to this fundemental misunderstanding. Angie above mentions that she got 4 hours of cleaning. Someone with a larger house who thinks the service is getting "foundation money" does not understand why a service has to cap their hours at 4. When it comes down to people calling off sick and a service owner has to pick between the paying client and the person they are paying to clean the C4R client will almost always lose which makes sense when you know what is going on. If the client knew the cleaning service was giving away their labor they may be more understanding that paying clients have to come first to keep the doors open and thus being able to provide the free services. But when the client thinks the cleaning service is getting "foundation money" and they are bumped they get VERY upset. Eventually the service owner gets tired of being yelled at by people he or she is cleaning for free and just walks away from the whole thing. It is a good idea but the fact that the cleaner is recieving no compensation needs to be much more upfront so everyone understands what is happening here.