another day another therapy Psorinum

my kids are learning geography out of my cancer investigations.
if i get my financial woes sorted, i would love to take the kids and wife to denmark to visit my european alt doc.
got these bottles, no idea how much to take, its tempting, but i am waiting on detailed instructions. so please never say i rush and take risks. i am a patient patient after all.
google it, if you feel integrued, yes its pus from scabbies, sounds yum.
well only one way to see if it works on me.
as always this message will self destruct in 30 seconds and csn will deny me ever existing if i stop typing.
ps now i have something interesting to add to pepes friday post besides fsathers day here.
If you are for real that is seriously gross. Just ate and think I'm going to throw up - yikes.
Kim0 -
Pete that is just gross...hope that you are kidding.0 -
You know Pete, you really
You know Pete, you really might want to consider the services of a psychiatrist as part of your 30 doctor team. This post confirms that you have seriously gone over the edge with your alternative treatments. I actually feel rather sorry for you because you just don't see it.0 -
It's completely gross, butLivinginNH said:You know Pete, you really
You know Pete, you really might want to consider the services of a psychiatrist as part of your 30 doctor team. This post confirms that you have seriously gone over the edge with your alternative treatments. I actually feel rather sorry for you because you just don't see it.
It's completely gross, but I did look it up, they did a trial in India some patients with different cancers had a complete response and their tumor disappeared, and some had tumor reduction. It was many years ago and there doesn't seem to be anything recent on it. Ya would just think something like this could make you sooooo sick. They were on this stuff for two years....Pete are you trying it to see if it makes your CEA go down, or are you planning on taking it daily for two years??0 -
Link to the Indian study..smokeyjoe said:It's completely gross, but
It's completely gross, but I did look it up, they did a trial in India some patients with different cancers had a complete response and their tumor disappeared, and some had tumor reduction. It was many years ago and there doesn't seem to be anything recent on it. Ya would just think something like this could make you sooooo sick. They were on this stuff for two years....Pete are you trying it to see if it makes your CEA go down, or are you planning on taking it daily for two years??
Finished in 2009. Some interesting results, but as the authors say, "The limitation of this study is that it did not have any placebo or treatment control arm; therefore, it cannot be concluded that Psorinum Therapy is effective in improving the survival and the quality of life of the participants due to the academic rigours of the scientific clinical trials."0 -
Psorinum 6x: ...a diluted alcoholic extract of pus
It's a homeopathic dilution of an alcohol extract, 1 part per million. Hopefully using 90-190 proof in boiling alcohol.
Immunological dilutions are about as close as we get to homeopathic dilutions.0 -
sorry and I am looking for a shrink alternative
Take this either way a psychologist who is into alternatives. Or an alternative shrink , that is an alt therapy that shrinks cancer, that at least gets this rising cea to stop and go down. My new 4th onc was concerned about the rising cea.
This lovely old Mum with pancreatic cancer, well I am friends with her son.
She is 18months and stable, no guarantees with this alt therapy and others.
You see beyond dodgy blogs with personal opinion, or research papers I also rely on professional medical advice, personally verified recomendations and my intuition.
Guess what this alt is easy, cheap.
How long will I be on it, well I leave that to God. Subject to contraindications I will rely on my medical team conses, but at least 6 months given the delayed response of cea with regard alternative Therapies.
My mission is to live, if a shrink will help then so be it. But all I have access to is you guys at present. My lovely cancer center psychologist who said I am the healthiest cancer patient she knows and thats was all through folfox and steroids. She stopped seeing me to start here family over a year ago.
The law here says you have to be within 12 months of passing to get retirement savings.
I discussed suicide as an option to avoiding my current financial stresses.
My new onc said that's not necessary, we right these letters all the time, I said good, because I have alOT to give and live.
It's a year since I went scuba diving in PNG, where I got some prizes and went in amazing underwater international photo competition.
I got malaria, got evacuated and got this rising cea. I want to go diving with great white sharks with rodney Fox and get some closeup head shots with great whites smiling. But no cash for that today. I will ask Rodney's son for a freely, we hit it off at the photography awards festival last weekend.y
What's the point of a lottery sized retirement account if you cannot access it until you are that sick you cannot enjoy it.
This therapy costs mega bucks, like $5 a week and side effects, yes it is gross, but not as gross to me as dieing
From crc.
Pete0 -
Well Pete, I guess nobodypete43lost_at_sea said:sorry and I am looking for a shrink alternative
Take this either way a psychologist who is into alternatives. Or an alternative shrink , that is an alt therapy that shrinks cancer, that at least gets this rising cea to stop and go down. My new 4th onc was concerned about the rising cea.
This lovely old Mum with pancreatic cancer, well I am friends with her son.
She is 18months and stable, no guarantees with this alt therapy and others.
You see beyond dodgy blogs with personal opinion, or research papers I also rely on professional medical advice, personally verified recomendations and my intuition.
Guess what this alt is easy, cheap.
How long will I be on it, well I leave that to God. Subject to contraindications I will rely on my medical team conses, but at least 6 months given the delayed response of cea with regard alternative Therapies.
My mission is to live, if a shrink will help then so be it. But all I have access to is you guys at present. My lovely cancer center psychologist who said I am the healthiest cancer patient she knows and thats was all through folfox and steroids. She stopped seeing me to start here family over a year ago.
The law here says you have to be within 12 months of passing to get retirement savings.
I discussed suicide as an option to avoiding my current financial stresses.
My new onc said that's not necessary, we right these letters all the time, I said good, because I have alOT to give and live.
It's a year since I went scuba diving in PNG, where I got some prizes and went in amazing underwater international photo competition.
I got malaria, got evacuated and got this rising cea. I want to go diving with great white sharks with rodney Fox and get some closeup head shots with great whites smiling. But no cash for that today. I will ask Rodney's son for a freely, we hit it off at the photography awards festival last weekend.y
What's the point of a lottery sized retirement account if you cannot access it until you are that sick you cannot enjoy it.
This therapy costs mega bucks, like $5 a week and side effects, yes it is gross, but not as gross to me as dieing
From crc.
Well Pete, I guess nobody can say that you haven't tried EVERYTHING! ;-) And sorry for the shrink comment, I'm a bit cranky today since Rick is so very sick and we're both having operations next week a day apart (I have pre-cancerous cervical cells that have to be dealt with - no messing around with them!)
Take care,
Cyn0 -
thanks cynLivinginNH said:Well Pete, I guess nobody
Well Pete, I guess nobody can say that you haven't tried EVERYTHING! ;-) And sorry for the shrink comment, I'm a bit cranky today since Rick is so very sick and we're both having operations next week a day apart (I have pre-cancerous cervical cells that have to be dealt with - no messing around with them!)
Take care,
i lov ya, its good to be cranky, i often am, better out than in.
goodluck with those pesky cells, my heart goes out to you guys.
two ops in the same week, i hope you get ajoining rooms at the hospital.
the cumulative love, care and compassion here exceeds any i have found in a person.
csn is onto a winner, we are so lucky to have this site. smile, especially when those around us have misplaced theres.
ps just think of your lovelly canoeing picture.0 -
Pete, Just so you know, I
Pete, Just so you know, I actually look forward to logging on and reading your latest posts. Always a treat. Keep up the fight and keep us informed!
My best,
SharonVegas0 -
Dear Petepete43lost_at_sea said:sorry and I am looking for a shrink alternative
Take this either way a psychologist who is into alternatives. Or an alternative shrink , that is an alt therapy that shrinks cancer, that at least gets this rising cea to stop and go down. My new 4th onc was concerned about the rising cea.
This lovely old Mum with pancreatic cancer, well I am friends with her son.
She is 18months and stable, no guarantees with this alt therapy and others.
You see beyond dodgy blogs with personal opinion, or research papers I also rely on professional medical advice, personally verified recomendations and my intuition.
Guess what this alt is easy, cheap.
How long will I be on it, well I leave that to God. Subject to contraindications I will rely on my medical team conses, but at least 6 months given the delayed response of cea with regard alternative Therapies.
My mission is to live, if a shrink will help then so be it. But all I have access to is you guys at present. My lovely cancer center psychologist who said I am the healthiest cancer patient she knows and thats was all through folfox and steroids. She stopped seeing me to start here family over a year ago.
The law here says you have to be within 12 months of passing to get retirement savings.
I discussed suicide as an option to avoiding my current financial stresses.
My new onc said that's not necessary, we right these letters all the time, I said good, because I have alOT to give and live.
It's a year since I went scuba diving in PNG, where I got some prizes and went in amazing underwater international photo competition.
I got malaria, got evacuated and got this rising cea. I want to go diving with great white sharks with rodney Fox and get some closeup head shots with great whites smiling. But no cash for that today. I will ask Rodney's son for a freely, we hit it off at the photography awards festival last weekend.y
What's the point of a lottery sized retirement account if you cannot access it until you are that sick you cannot enjoy it.
This therapy costs mega bucks, like $5 a week and side effects, yes it is gross, but not as gross to me as dieing
From crc.
While I was looking up this new treatment you are considering I found that it is also used for other issues such as:
Depression where an individual feels a very real fear of failure and even of death. They may feel that there is no hope or promise left in their lives. The feeling of depression often morphs into feelings of hopelessness and despair, perhaps even leading into suicidal tendencies. Psorinum may offer some tremendous help as a homeopathic remedy for the mental and physical symptoms associated with this type of depression.
Perhaps this is a side benifit which you may get from it.
I have to agree that you have gone far outside of any options which I personally would be comfortable with, but you do what you feel is right and good for you. Your case of the rising CEA with no visible tumors seems to indicate that perhaps CEA is either not necessarily a good indicator for you (even if it was earlier) or that there is some infection causing the rise. Could it be that the malaria is the cause? Or perhaps a bowel infection/irritation from all the enemas?
While the source of this treatment is kinda gross, from what I read, after processing and dilution, there is none of the scab causing effect left. You have to wonder who ever thought to use this in the first place.
I know you are fighting hard to beat crc, but give some thought to a complete cleansing of all meds, alts and suppliments for a short period to see how you do. It may give your body time to show you where to direct your cure efforts. Right now it seems that you are using the scatter gun approach...and you may be undoing some of the benifit you could be gaining from something more specific.
As always best wishes in your efforts.
Marie who loves kitties0 -
I wouldn't be to worried about this despite its origins as my understanding is it usually taken as homeopathic dilution which technically means it doesn't have any of the original extract in it. The basic concept of homeopathic meds is that the dilution is so extreme that the dilutant contains only he 'memory' of the original extract and that this is sufficient to trigger the body to fight the effects the drug causes and hence the illness the drug is mimicking. Hence, the likelihood of harm from tis is minimal.
As for the call for Peter to see a psychiatrist-I am not volunteering!
Steve0 -
Allways makes me smilesteved said:Psorinum
I wouldn't be to worried about this despite its origins as my understanding is it usually taken as homeopathic dilution which technically means it doesn't have any of the original extract in it. The basic concept of homeopathic meds is that the dilution is so extreme that the dilutant contains only he 'memory' of the original extract and that this is sufficient to trigger the body to fight the effects the drug causes and hence the illness the drug is mimicking. Hence, the likelihood of harm from tis is minimal.
As for the call for Peter to see a psychiatrist-I am not volunteering!
O Pete, you know we love you. Always something interesting and allways looking forward and find something new. What would we do without your ever interesting posts.
I also learned that eggplant melts tumors. Sounds much more yummi then Psorinum.
Fathers day down under? Happy fathersday then, enjoy the weekend , Labourday weekend in Canada.
Hugs, Marian0 -
thanks marianthingy45 said:Allways makes me smile
O Pete, you know we love you. Always something interesting and allways looking forward and find something new. What would we do without your ever interesting posts.
I also learned that eggplant melts tumors. Sounds much more yummi then Psorinum.
Fathers day down under? Happy fathersday then, enjoy the weekend , Labourday weekend in Canada.
Hugs, Marian
i have heard that about eggplant. i love eggplant.
still waiting for the dosage instructions.
fathers day was great, hugs and kisses from the kids and the wife.
never enough.
my son gave me a book mark, its in the amazing book called the molecular biology of the cell.
its compelling reading, my son knows how inspirational science is. My son and i covered a few of the texts i am reading. i put on the front covers a photo of myself and doctor richard lord an amazing scientist who i went to the top of sear tower. putting the pictures on the books is the in my face message that solid science is what underpins so many alternatives.
I am more scared about psorinum than i am these stupids cells that cannot shut up and die.
Only joking , i will take as soon as i get the instructions.
Pete0 -
thanks steve, anyone elsesteved said:Psorinum
I wouldn't be to worried about this despite its origins as my understanding is it usually taken as homeopathic dilution which technically means it doesn't have any of the original extract in it. The basic concept of homeopathic meds is that the dilution is so extreme that the dilutant contains only he 'memory' of the original extract and that this is sufficient to trigger the body to fight the effects the drug causes and hence the illness the drug is mimicking. Hence, the likelihood of harm from tis is minimal.
As for the call for Peter to see a psychiatrist-I am not volunteering!
small doses and large effects.
some really really ultra low doses of toxins, have more dramatic effects at a cellular level than toxic doses over established safe levels. go figure, from this toxicology conference.
really small things like the sperm that made me, or my first cancer cell, well like at the mess i am in. so small maybe effective. maybe the slow, patient and gentle approach to cancer therapies might be a treatment perspective to consider.
I did not even know psorinum was homeopathic until someone here mentioned it, then i read it. i just got into this from my euro alt doc based on good old fashioned word of mouth.
Pete0 -
thanks sharonSharonVegas said:Pete, Just so you know, I
Pete, Just so you know, I actually look forward to logging on and reading your latest posts. Always a treat. Keep up the fight and keep us informed!
My best,
I appreciate the comment.
Pete0 -
thanks sharonSharonVegas said:Pete, Just so you know, I
Pete, Just so you know, I actually look forward to logging on and reading your latest posts. Always a treat. Keep up the fight and keep us informed!
My best,
I appreciate the comment.
Pete0 -
thanks marieLovekitties said:Dear Pete
While I was looking up this new treatment you are considering I found that it is also used for other issues such as:
Depression where an individual feels a very real fear of failure and even of death. They may feel that there is no hope or promise left in their lives. The feeling of depression often morphs into feelings of hopelessness and despair, perhaps even leading into suicidal tendencies. Psorinum may offer some tremendous help as a homeopathic remedy for the mental and physical symptoms associated with this type of depression.
Perhaps this is a side benifit which you may get from it.
I have to agree that you have gone far outside of any options which I personally would be comfortable with, but you do what you feel is right and good for you. Your case of the rising CEA with no visible tumors seems to indicate that perhaps CEA is either not necessarily a good indicator for you (even if it was earlier) or that there is some infection causing the rise. Could it be that the malaria is the cause? Or perhaps a bowel infection/irritation from all the enemas?
While the source of this treatment is kinda gross, from what I read, after processing and dilution, there is none of the scab causing effect left. You have to wonder who ever thought to use this in the first place.
I know you are fighting hard to beat crc, but give some thought to a complete cleansing of all meds, alts and suppliments for a short period to see how you do. It may give your body time to show you where to direct your cure efforts. Right now it seems that you are using the scatter gun approach...and you may be undoing some of the benifit you could be gaining from something more specific.
As always best wishes in your efforts.
Marie who loves kitties
real great comments, a sincere thankyou.
scatter gun approach, yes it would seem that way.
I do want a more tactical and strategic approach, but so much is driven by my weekly test results, so the regime is very flecxible and adaptive.
I went vegan and had a break from vit c and heavy supps a few months back for a month, the marker jumped, 16 points to 46. even now i have had a bit of an enema break and its still climbing. i got the forms for a pet and a bone scan. i will book them tomorrow.
gentle scatter gun might be the answer, where high powdered rifle might miss a few cells and we are back to square one. who knows ? i clearly don't. just trying.
the more i learn about myself, about cancer, about our biology,, more i realise i have to learn. my dream is to have a personal cancer assistant to make my juices, teas, and meals and do the daily massages and then i can write my book and do the volume of reading i want to get through and of course have lots of fun with the family.
Pete0 -
Does psorinum therapy work?pete43lost_at_sea said:thanks steve, anyone else
small doses and large effects.
some really really ultra low doses of toxins, have more dramatic effects at a cellular level than toxic doses over established safe levels. go figure, from this toxicology conference.
really small things like the sperm that made me, or my first cancer cell, well like at the mess i am in. so small maybe effective. maybe the slow, patient and gentle approach to cancer therapies might be a treatment perspective to consider.
I did not even know psorinum was homeopathic until someone here mentioned it, then i read it. i just got into this from my euro alt doc based on good old fashioned word of mouth.
PeteMy mother, 57 was diagnosed with advanced gall bladder cancer in August this year. After 4 cycles of chemotherapy, there hasn't been much improvement so we've stopped. We were considering dendritic cell therapy but the lab said it doesn't really work well for gall bladder cancer. Read about psorinum therapy on the internet. Can anyone give feedback on whether this stuff works?
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