Off topic - prayers needed --- Update!

forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
Hello Dearhearts

I hope you don't mind me asking for your help. I know that I ask a lot from you all. But, really could use some prayers and positive energy right now.

Many of you know that we have a business in Key West, Fl. We have been trying to sell it for the last few years and just recently may have a potential buyer lined up.

I have been in contact with our managers and things are really starting to deteriorate tonight. Tropical storm Issac is heading into town. It is expected to make landfall sometime Sunday evening as a Hurricane. Right now they are having wind gusts around 60 miles per hour and the ocean is rough and the rains are heavy, and it's only Friday night.

I am so worried about the people who live in the Keys and our business too. Flooding will become one of the major damage makers of Issac. And if Issac becomes a really bad Hurricane, then it will beome a nightmare for everyone down there.

Many people in Florida have struggled financially for such a long time and especially the folks who live in the Keys. To be hit with a Hurricane will only make their life so much harder. I am praying that this storm will diminish and cause very little damage and or loss.

If you can, please say some prayers or send some positive energy to Florida and the folks in Key West.

Thank you all so much.
Huge hugs for everyone


Thank you all for your prayers and positive energy. Key West has survived with only minor issues that I know of at this time. This is the best news. I even saw on the weather channel a live broadcast from the main street (Duval) and the tourists were out walking around like nothing had happened. The stores and restaurants in the background were open for business.
It was lucky that this weekend was a slow one. Next weekend will bring loads more tourists to town.
I am always amazed when enough people get together and pray and have positive thoughts, there really is power in numbers.. Thank you all.

I tried to follow Sue's advice and not worry, but it just was to hard to do. Now I can rest easier..
Hugs all around, and wishing everyone a happy Monday.


  • nikkig43
    nikkig43 Member Posts: 73
    I'm sorry Lisha
    Living in the complete opposite end of the country, I have no idea what you and the people in Florida must be going through. I pray that the storm weakens and everyone is safe and your business survives. Keep us posted.
  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    nikkig43 said:

    I'm sorry Lisha
    Living in the complete opposite end of the country, I have no idea what you and the people in Florida must be going through. I pray that the storm weakens and everyone is safe and your business survives. Keep us posted.

    Thank you
    Hi Nikki

    Thank you for your prayers.
    I too am across the country. I am in California. I will talk to the folks in Key West tomorrow, and should have an update.

    Scary times for those in FL and also the many Island countries that will be impacted.


    PS How is your husband doing? Positive thoughts for the both of you.
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Lisha,

    I'm sending positive thoughts for you in general
    and that Isaac will fizzle out or bypass populated areas.

    I hope you're feeling better.

    Hugs as always,

  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Dear Lisha,

    I try always to think of the many people who get hit with tornado's, floods, and hurricanes. The last few years have been so horrible with so many disaster's. I say
    to myself, "what's going on with our earth?" So many people have lost their homes. Yes,
    I know they escaped with their life. But, still it is so horrible losing your home. Our
    home is our safe place.

    I am sending positive energy and prayers for everyone in Florida, especially Key West.
    I certainly hope no one is lost, and their homes and your property stay intact.

    Love you. How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?? Love Maggie
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    on its way!
    Prayer's on there way!
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Prayers ascending
    On behalf of you and all who are in harm's way.
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    I will be praying
    Hi Lisha,
    I will be praying that your business doesn't suffer too much damage! Please take care of yourself, I read on your other post that the pain is getting a little better. And like Sue said try to eat so you can get better faster sweetie. You are always in my thoughts ((((HUGS))))

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hey Lady ☺
    Hi Lisha,

    Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and keeping
    thoughts that Issac will make a course change and bypass the keys or
    will run out of steam if it does.

