nasopharyngeal cancer



  • meja
    meja Member Posts: 10
    Kent Cass said:

    Might take a few weeks, as the body is still in shock from being bombarded, and swellings are still there...but very soon the gradual "better" will begin and be noticed by you. Great to hear you made it okay, and your 2nd chance has begun. Us NPCs are a tough lot!


    i can swallow now, but the sticky greenish like mucus from the throat especially in the mornings bothers me alot.i have to cough it out almost once a day, smells bad too.Is it cause of dryness?..What the solutions, newbie here help..
  • Frederick Emil
    Frederick Emil Member Posts: 4

    NPC surviour
    i am chinese and 58 years old. my parents born in canton china, and i born in hong kong.
    i notice slight bleeding when i did my nasal potty. i did not think anything of it for about 9 months. then i started feeling water in my ears, and pressure in the ears. i was scared to go to ent, cause i was afraid of the worse. i had stage 3 npc, and stage 1 in my lymph nodes. started 35 days of radiation and chemo in july and aug my 2nd chemo. nov was my 3rd and last chemo. i had a feeding g-tube put in two weeks into my radiation and removed
    my tube in jan. when i wake up from my sleep my neck and shoulders hurt each day. i have schedule for eye and hearing exam next month. i was giving myself sometime to hopefully heal a little more before getting new glasses. i do not know if i need hearing aides. i do notice my hearing is not the same. i often hear ringings sounds in my ears. my biggest challenge is sleeping and eating. as you may know i have very dry mouth and i have not been able to eat much solid foods. i drink 3 or 4 ensure plus with 350 calories a day. i eat a table spoon of oatmeal with almond milk and slice of apple diced small with cinnamon for breakfast. i make a protein smoothie for lunch and dinner stir fry few slices of zucchini,and 2 mushrooms. i usually get about 11/2 hour of sleep and awaken with very dry throat. i would drink some water and rinse with biotene oral rinse and use biotene jel before trying to sleep again. i usually get up about 3 or 4 times a night before my alarm wakes me up for work.

    are you able to eat any solid foods? do you have problem swallowing? i am glad to have found this site, and know there are others who had the same kind of cancer as myself.

    Narrowing of esophagus
    I had rad therapy last august 2010. After 4 mos I was able to ingest food, check with your rad onco for possible putting of stent in your esophagus to prevent complete blockage of the esophagus like i have. I didnt know about this nut now, my problem is i cannot eat or ingest anything even my saliva due to complete blockage by radiation induced fibosis or scarring. For info.
  • lodie
    lodie Member Posts: 8
    nasalpharangheal carcinoma
    hi i finally made it back to this site after 3 months of bieng out of treatments...
    i did 39 rads and like 5 24 hour chemos for 5 days at a time then 2 months straight chemo once a week.... anyone else who has or had this cancer can write me for support if they's not often i find many people to talk to about what i went through..
    I am in remission right now and am doing fairly well for th most part.. my sense of taste has ot returned albeit i can taste some things like syrup and mostly anythng sweet, i crave foods alot but eating them is a whole new ballgame... i can eat also mussells and oysters and clams and calamari.. and tons of milk since my salivary glands were hair is growing back curly which is funny since normally it's straight..
    my nose runs and my eyes drip and burn...i still have a peg tube in me which i only use not to flush and i am anticipating the day when it gets pulled out...*ouch.
    my feet are still numb around the toe areas but my fingers are starting to feel ok again.. the numbness in my face around the eyes went away.. which i don't remember when it just so happened i was like touching my eyes and i realized i could feel sensatons again... things are a slow progress but each new one is great...
    I am also on face book... so i'm here if anyone needs a friend.<3 Elizabeth
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    lodie said:

    nasalpharangheal carcinoma
    hi i finally made it back to this site after 3 months of bieng out of treatments...
    i did 39 rads and like 5 24 hour chemos for 5 days at a time then 2 months straight chemo once a week.... anyone else who has or had this cancer can write me for support if they's not often i find many people to talk to about what i went through..
    I am in remission right now and am doing fairly well for th most part.. my sense of taste has ot returned albeit i can taste some things like syrup and mostly anythng sweet, i crave foods alot but eating them is a whole new ballgame... i can eat also mussells and oysters and clams and calamari.. and tons of milk since my salivary glands were hair is growing back curly which is funny since normally it's straight..
    my nose runs and my eyes drip and burn...i still have a peg tube in me which i only use not to flush and i am anticipating the day when it gets pulled out...*ouch.
    my feet are still numb around the toe areas but my fingers are starting to feel ok again.. the numbness in my face around the eyes went away.. which i don't remember when it just so happened i was like touching my eyes and i realized i could feel sensatons again... things are a slow progress but each new one is great...
    I am also on face book... so i'm here if anyone needs a friend.<3 Elizabeth</p>

    Hi Elizabeth

    Sounds like you are doing very well recovering from all the side effects of treatment. Something you might want to ask your doctor about and that is your Jaw, there are things you need to do to keep it open and working right. Also suggest using NeiMed Sinus Rinse once a day to keep things in the nasal area clean.

    Take care
  • lodie
    lodie Member Posts: 8
    Hondo said:

    Hi Elizabeth

    Sounds like you are doing very well recovering from all the side effects of treatment. Something you might want to ask your doctor about and that is your Jaw, there are things you need to do to keep it open and working right. Also suggest using NeiMed Sinus Rinse once a day to keep things in the nasal area clean.

    Take care

    interesting about the jaw..
    interesting about the jaw.. i can open it but really wide feels rusty...but once i start loosening it up it seems ok.. i think about 42% of my taste has come back... my smell also..
  • Beekeeper
    Beekeeper Member Posts: 2
    Hey there fellow adenocarcinoma member

     I know the feeling… a cancer as rare as ours… You would think you won the lottery right? And the whole notion of it being for the wood workers... I do not sidle wood... lol. At my 44 years young I was dealing with headaches, sinus issues, allergies...  then after 15 months of having this I was finally diagnosed.  Yes, completely sucks when everybody misses it… cancer… But the good side is that they caught it! And hopefully you are outside of your radiation treatment and are doing well. I am three weeks out from my radiation treatment… I have a PET scan in April and I'm looking forward to hearing those words... you know the words the words... that say hey it's all gone!  I may sound extremely Bubbley in this thread...Please be forewarned that you're catching me at a good moment… I have decided to go seek treatment for the emotional whirlwind that the entire cancer treatment and diagnosis has spun around me much like a tornado.  I can attest that staying positive is very very good for you… but the gloominess of cancer happens almost daily... please feel free to contact me in anyway shape or form to say hello.

    the beekeeper

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Beekeeper said:

    Hey there fellow adenocarcinoma member

     I know the feeling… a cancer as rare as ours… You would think you won the lottery right? And the whole notion of it being for the wood workers... I do not sidle wood... lol. At my 44 years young I was dealing with headaches, sinus issues, allergies...  then after 15 months of having this I was finally diagnosed.  Yes, completely sucks when everybody misses it… cancer… But the good side is that they caught it! And hopefully you are outside of your radiation treatment and are doing well. I am three weeks out from my radiation treatment… I have a PET scan in April and I'm looking forward to hearing those words... you know the words the words... that say hey it's all gone!  I may sound extremely Bubbley in this thread...Please be forewarned that you're catching me at a good moment… I have decided to go seek treatment for the emotional whirlwind that the entire cancer treatment and diagnosis has spun around me much like a tornado.  I can attest that staying positive is very very good for you… but the gloominess of cancer happens almost daily... please feel free to contact me in anyway shape or form to say hello.

    the beekeeper


    Beekeeper (that is neat),

    Welcome to the H&N forum, it is nice that you are post and look forward to hearing those special words.  I hope you have many good moments moving forward.

    You have responded to an older NPC thread, which may or may not generate any interest from others, many of the members in this thread have not been on in years (some are regulars).  It is often better to start a new thread and introduce yourself if you want a response from others.

    Your statements (lottery, finally diagnosed, good moment, staying positive, gloominess) are typical to the feelings most of us have shared with you during our journey.

    I wish you the best of luck.


  • Ferg61
    Ferg61 Member Posts: 12
    Beekeeper said:

    Hey there fellow adenocarcinoma member

     I know the feeling… a cancer as rare as ours… You would think you won the lottery right? And the whole notion of it being for the wood workers... I do not sidle wood... lol. At my 44 years young I was dealing with headaches, sinus issues, allergies...  then after 15 months of having this I was finally diagnosed.  Yes, completely sucks when everybody misses it… cancer… But the good side is that they caught it! And hopefully you are outside of your radiation treatment and are doing well. I am three weeks out from my radiation treatment… I have a PET scan in April and I'm looking forward to hearing those words... you know the words the words... that say hey it's all gone!  I may sound extremely Bubbley in this thread...Please be forewarned that you're catching me at a good moment… I have decided to go seek treatment for the emotional whirlwind that the entire cancer treatment and diagnosis has spun around me much like a tornado.  I can attest that staying positive is very very good for you… but the gloominess of cancer happens almost daily... please feel free to contact me in anyway shape or form to say hello.

    the beekeeper

    Nasophargeal cancer Stage III

    Beekeeper,  I  had Stage III went through 65 rounds of Radiation (2 times a day) with Erbitux chemotherapy once a week.  I've been cancer free for six years now.  Count my blessings daily.  As a result of radiation I have no saliva and it has caused eating issues.  I just look at it as this is my new normal.  

    Starting last year I started having issues with my teeth.  It took six months working with TRICARE in order for the dental work needed to be covered under medical.  It's called Adjunctive Dental.  With the help of case manger she has helped me through this nightmare. I went through 20 dives Hyperbaric before surgeon pulled all my teeth in Oct 2016 and 30 dives later.  All covered by TRICARE medical.  I go this week to surgeon to see if im ready for implants. Then 4-6 month healing then new teeth. Hang in there and stay positive....this journey continues.

  • Ferg61
    Ferg61 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2017 #50
    Beekeeper said:

    Hey there fellow adenocarcinoma member

     I know the feeling… a cancer as rare as ours… You would think you won the lottery right? And the whole notion of it being for the wood workers... I do not sidle wood... lol. At my 44 years young I was dealing with headaches, sinus issues, allergies...  then after 15 months of having this I was finally diagnosed.  Yes, completely sucks when everybody misses it… cancer… But the good side is that they caught it! And hopefully you are outside of your radiation treatment and are doing well. I am three weeks out from my radiation treatment… I have a PET scan in April and I'm looking forward to hearing those words... you know the words the words... that say hey it's all gone!  I may sound extremely Bubbley in this thread...Please be forewarned that you're catching me at a good moment… I have decided to go seek treatment for the emotional whirlwind that the entire cancer treatment and diagnosis has spun around me much like a tornado.  I can attest that staying positive is very very good for you… but the gloominess of cancer happens almost daily... please feel free to contact me in anyway shape or form to say hello.

    the beekeeper

    Nasophargeal cancer Stage III

    Beekeeper,  I  had Stage III went through 65 rounds of Radiation (2 times a day) with Erbitux chemotherapy once a week.  I've been cancer free for six years now.  Count my blessings daily.  As a result of radiation I have no saliva and it has caused eating issues.  I just look at it as this is my new normal.  

    Starting last year I started having issues with my teeth.  It took six months working with TRICARE in order for the dental work needed to be covered under medical.  It's called Adjunctive Dental.  With the help of case manger she has helped me through this nightmare. I went through 20 dives Hyperbaric before surgeon pulled all my teeth in Oct 2016 and 30 dives later.  All covered by TRICARE medical.  I go this week to surgeon to see if im ready for implants. Then 4-6 month healing then new teeth. Hang in there and stay positive....this journey continues.

  • janymac
    janymac Member Posts: 35
    nasopharyngeal late complications



    I am 16 years post treatment for NCP and have had numerous late complications from treatment (ch

    emo and radio) Lately I have had a lot of bleeding from nasopharynx. DRs say that they can see where it is bleeding and have also got some ulceration of the area- only found out yesterday and am rather concerned? Has anyone else had this happen to them?

  • Kenny-
    Kenny- Member Posts: 99 Member

    Ive had bleeding quite often. Maybe once or twice a week. But its small, not heavy. Most of the time it is blood streaked mucus. I havent had large episodes of bleeding unless the weather is too dry. I also get anxious but doc says its part of the dry crusting Post treatment.

    How long aince your past treatment? you did the right thing to bring it to your doctors attention. Are there any other indicators? Maybe you can ask for an EBV DNA PCR test too - assuming yours was EBV+


  • ywhiteside
    ywhiteside Member Posts: 6
    anet48 said:

    hi.. one of my family member has nasal pharyngeal cancer.. jus wondering if u know someone that has this kind of cancer b4... please email me back..thanx :)

    Nasal cancer

    I had nasal cancer about 25 years ago.

  • ywhiteside
    ywhiteside Member Posts: 6
    janymac said:

    nasopharyngeal late complications



    I am 16 years post treatment for NCP and have had numerous late complications from treatment (ch

    emo and radio) Lately I have had a lot of bleeding from nasopharynx. DRs say that they can see where it is bleeding and have also got some ulceration of the area- only found out yesterday and am rather concerned? Has anyone else had this happen to them?

    Nasal cancer


    I had nasal cancer 25 years ago.

  • Edsel balingit
    Edsel balingit Member Posts: 3
    Hondo said:

    Hi Karri
    Sorry you are having to go through this and I hope things turn around for you very soon. Sometimes just talking to others who like you have been there helps a lot; CSN is one great place for that but you might also try other support net worth where you can meet others in your area. I am a NPC survivor, my cancer came back three times and with the help of God and a lot of prayers from my friends I beat it all three times. I am always willing to talk if you need, just click on my name and it will bring you to my profile and e-mail address.

    God bless
    Tim Hondo

    Hi my brother has stage 2

    Hi my brother has stage 2 nasopharengeal cancer is he gonna be cure?

  • Edsel balingit
    Edsel balingit Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2017 #56
    Hello guys im new here my

    Hello guys im new here my brother got diagnosed with stage 2 he gonna get cure?he starts his chemo next montth.m


  • Oakland ca
    Oakland ca Member Posts: 2

    NPC surviour
    i am chinese and 58 years old. my parents born in canton china, and i born in hong kong.
    i notice slight bleeding when i did my nasal potty. i did not think anything of it for about 9 months. then i started feeling water in my ears, and pressure in the ears. i was scared to go to ent, cause i was afraid of the worse. i had stage 3 npc, and stage 1 in my lymph nodes. started 35 days of radiation and chemo in july and aug my 2nd chemo. nov was my 3rd and last chemo. i had a feeding g-tube put in two weeks into my radiation and removed
    my tube in jan. when i wake up from my sleep my neck and shoulders hurt each day. i have schedule for eye and hearing exam next month. i was giving myself sometime to hopefully heal a little more before getting new glasses. i do not know if i need hearing aides. i do notice my hearing is not the same. i often hear ringings sounds in my ears. my biggest challenge is sleeping and eating. as you may know i have very dry mouth and i have not been able to eat much solid foods. i drink 3 or 4 ensure plus with 350 calories a day. i eat a table spoon of oatmeal with almond milk and slice of apple diced small with cinnamon for breakfast. i make a protein smoothie for lunch and dinner stir fry few slices of zucchini,and 2 mushrooms. i usually get about 11/2 hour of sleep and awaken with very dry throat. i would drink some water and rinse with biotene oral rinse and use biotene jel before trying to sleep again. i usually get up about 3 or 4 times a night before my alarm wakes me up for work.

    are you able to eat any solid foods? do you have problem swallowing? i am glad to have found this site, and know there are others who had the same kind of cancer as myself.


    Hi there i recently am going through everything you are if you beed to talk more please send me back a response.

  • Oakland ca
    Oakland ca Member Posts: 2
    lodie said:

    interesting about the jaw..
    interesting about the jaw.. i can open it but really wide feels rusty...but once i start loosening it up it seems ok.. i think about 42% of my taste has come back... my smell also..


    Hi just wondering if you did anything specific to regain so much of your taste back.

  • Ferg61
    Ferg61 Member Posts: 12

    Hi my brother has stage 2

    Hi my brother has stage 2 nasopharengeal cancer is he gonna be cure?


    I'm a stage 3 NPC survivor.  It's coming up on 8 years.  The journey is hard but it can be beat. Fight, fight, fight.  Prayers of strength and healing.

  • Erous1
    Erous1 Member Posts: 1
    Nasopharyngeal cancer stage 4... 82 years old...

    Hi, I have been looking at the threads and i cannot find anyone as old as my mother with NTC (she is 82 years old). Reading through all of this, the side effects of treatment seen horrendous. I have no idea if my mother will agree to get it done. She is seeing the specilaist tomorrow. I would love to be able to chat to someone who is elderly or who has had an elderly relative/friend go through the treatment. My mother says she just wants to curl up and die. I wonder, if I should encourage her to have the treatment - is it worth it? or not? Sorry for being so negative, I am a happy person, but seeing my mother go from an active independend happy person to a tired, no longer hungry, eyesight in one eye going, hearing going, balance going, wanting to sleep all day, no taste or smell in the space of just 10 days is rather depressing. However, I am putting on a brave face, and I am supporting her. Everything has happened so quickly - 10 days from normal to what she is now. Thank you to all who post and share their stories. This is much appreciated.


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