Acinic Cell Carcinoma

ACCme Member Posts: 2
edited November 2022 in Military Cancer Survivors #1
I was diagnosed with ACC (acinic cell carcinoma) about 9 months ago.I had surgery and as of a week ago ct scan shows no cancer.I was a Marine at camp Lejuene 1980-82.Many Marines and civilians have been diagnosed with several rare cancers that were stationed or worked,or lived on Camp Lejuene.ACC is rare and is similar to breast cancer but is usually found in the Parotid gland.Does anyone else know of any persons that have this type of cancer that was stationed at Lejuene?


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    File a claim

    If you haven't done so already, locate a local Veteran's Organization (VFW,DAV, American Legion,etc) that has a Veteran's Service Officer (VSO) with them. The VSO knows what paperwork to file with the VA on your behalf.

    You may already know that Camp Lejuene has had many issues with the water there and if my memory is correct, it was on TV either on 20/20 or 60 minutes about a month or so ago. I was only there for ITR many years ago and fall short of the amount of time that is required to file a claim. You on the other hand do fall into the required time frame.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
    NLMCEM Member Posts: 50
    MarineE5 said:

    File a claim

    If you haven't done so already, locate a local Veteran's Organization (VFW,DAV, American Legion,etc) that has a Veteran's Service Officer (VSO) with them. The VSO knows what paperwork to file with the VA on your behalf.

    You may already know that Camp Lejuene has had many issues with the water there and if my memory is correct, it was on TV either on 20/20 or 60 minutes about a month or so ago. I was only there for ITR many years ago and fall short of the amount of time that is required to file a claim. You on the other hand do fall into the required time frame.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

    what about asbestos exposure
    what about asbestos exposure you may have had in the old buildings, if you worked on any equipment??? that is also linked now to the ec with the va. also they read my husbands old dental records of all things where it documented his gerd.
  • Wifeofacc
    Wifeofacc Member Posts: 1
    Acinic cell

    I hope you are recovering well. My husband was also stationed at camp lejeune and had acinic cell carcinoma was stage four (due to the size) and thankfully he is 11 years cancer free.  Please share any information you found. Thank you!

  • Gerry6601
    Gerry6601 Member Posts: 1 *

    I was stationed on Camp Johnson in 1985, and have been diagnosed with and had removal surgery for acinic cell cancer in mouth. Is that covered in the toxic water issues?