Pet scan in the morning

I am scheduled for a pet scan in the a.m. With high hopes it will come back clean. Dr says that even though he expects a clean scan he wants to continue with my last three cycles. I am wondering if I will have this anxiety for the rest of my life wondering if the cancer is still there or if it has come back??? I am definetly not the kind of person that can sit around n wonder and wait. I am a planner and everything in my life is as planned out as I can get it. I realize that this is something that can't be planned but I just want my life back to the way it was before :(


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    The new normal can be better than the old
    Consider that, in desiring your former life, you place yourself in a position in which you are looking forward to cancer. Embrace life as it is and enjoy each moment - yes, even the lousy ones; the lousy for the lessons they teach and for the hope of relief that lies within them. The good times will take care of themselves.

    You are experiencing "scanxiety", a common ailment among us cancer patients. Why not turn it into "scanticipation" of good news and the life that remains yours to be lived? The way I see it, the drug addicted have clean scans, yet I would not trade life with them for even one moment.

    Let a clean scan be your comfort. Let a less than clean scan rouse your ability and desire to face the challenge anew.
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Good luck!
    Hey TA,

    Sending you big hugs and positive thoughts for your scan tomorrow.
    "Scanxiety" is normal. Please keep us updated.

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hi Ta,
    What your feeling is perfectly normal. After my 3rd round of chemo I also had a scan and it showed the cancer tumors had shrunk 60%. Then I had another scan after the 6th round was finished and it showed all of the tumors had completely shrunk except for one spot under my clavical bone. I've had 2 more scans and everything is still stable. Scans make us anxious and probably will for the rest of our lives, but the fears get less over time. My prayers are with you for good clean scan results. Love...Sue
  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237
    allmost60 said:

    Hi Ta,
    What your feeling is perfectly normal. After my 3rd round of chemo I also had a scan and it showed the cancer tumors had shrunk 60%. Then I had another scan after the 6th round was finished and it showed all of the tumors had completely shrunk except for one spot under my clavical bone. I've had 2 more scans and everything is still stable. Scans make us anxious and probably will for the rest of our lives, but the fears get less over time. My prayers are with you for good clean scan results. Love...Sue

    Hi ta, I sure hope your scan comes back clean then 3 more treatments and done. Everyone on here says that anxiety always comes with the scans it just lessens as time carries on. I'm looking at a few months until my midway scan but I can physically feel a big differance under my armpit ( for the better ) so my hopes are high for a clean scan as well. I hope you've been feeling as well as possible and your young ones are taking it easy on you. Let us know the result as soon as you can, I'll be looking foreward to hearing the good news. Aaron
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    So hard
    Hi, I know how hard it is. If you read some of my past posts, you will see how
    afraid I was right before my CT Pet Scan. Our lives will never be the same. Still,
    there is good days ahead. I hope the good days out number the bad days.

    By the way, the scan showed I am still in remission. Have faith. Love Maggie
  • KatMat
    KatMat Member Posts: 62

    So hard
    Hi, I know how hard it is. If you read some of my past posts, you will see how
    afraid I was right before my CT Pet Scan. Our lives will never be the same. Still,
    there is good days ahead. I hope the good days out number the bad days.

    By the way, the scan showed I am still in remission. Have faith. Love Maggie

    Good luck with your scan
    I hope everything will go well. Everyone has those "what if" thoughts. Unfortunately it is part of going through this process.
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    We all start out as organized people on a mission. Then, reality gets in the way. I know only my own experience (well, plus reading a whole lot of blogs), and I would in all honesty say that, very likely, this will haunt you for years to come. I like to think of the many, many folks who never go into remission. I pray that you have no sign of disease, but, it seems to me, we have to give thanks for the good news that comes our way.

    Update us when you get the results. The remaining cycles are very critical to get, to ensure that any few remaining cells do not live.

    I know where you are coming from. We are pulling for you !

  • ta8631
    ta8631 Member Posts: 40


    We all start out as organized people on a mission. Then, reality gets in the way. I know only my own experience (well, plus reading a whole lot of blogs), and I would in all honesty say that, very likely, this will haunt you for years to come. I like to think of the many, many folks who never go into remission. I pray that you have no sign of disease, but, it seems to me, we have to give thanks for the good news that comes our way.

    Update us when you get the results. The remaining cycles are very critical to get, to ensure that any few remaining cells do not live.

    I know where you are coming from. We are pulling for you !


    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!

    Soooo Cool !

    I am WAY happy for you, girl. Understand that there will still be chemo issues, but you can see the finish line !

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!

    Congratulations Ta!!!!
    I have been following your story!
    This is truly awesome news... Thank God that you are (may I dare say this) in Remission!!! Congrats again and you should difinetly do something nice for yourself...take care (((hugs)))

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!

    Hi Ta,
    Thats wonderful and I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your good news! Hang in there...Love...Sue
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!

    Love to hear that ....word, CLEAN!!!!!! Awesome news .... Vinny
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!


    Nuff said ;).


  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!

    Just great
    I am so completely happy for your news. It sounds like your doctor has a good plan.

    Love Maggie
  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237

    Just great
    I am so completely happy for your news. It sounds like your doctor has a good plan.

    Love Maggie

    That is great news, nothing like hearing the words clean and scan together to put some pep in your step. I just enjoyed infusion #3 yesterday so your news is just the tonic i need to get through th weekend. Be well my friend Aaron
  • veedub
    veedub Member Posts: 42
    Aaron said:

    That is great news, nothing like hearing the words clean and scan together to put some pep in your step. I just enjoyed infusion #3 yesterday so your news is just the tonic i need to get through th weekend. Be well my friend Aaron

    what everyone ^ said. great
    what everyone ^ said. great news. and i am beginning to realize that life will never be the way it was, but maybe that's not such a bad could be even better. ;D
  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    ta8631 said:

    Scan results
    My scan came back clean!!!!! Does that make me a survivor already lol i had my fourth treatment today and will finish the last two just in case the scan didn't pick up microscoptic cancer cells but my onogoloist has high hopes it's gone :) thanks for all ur continued support and help through this process u are all truly amazing!!


    I am so happy for you!!! This is great news!


  • ta8631
    ta8631 Member Posts: 40
    Aaron said:

    That is great news, nothing like hearing the words clean and scan together to put some pep in your step. I just enjoyed infusion #3 yesterday so your news is just the tonic i need to get through th weekend. Be well my friend Aaron

    How r u handling cycle 3? I found it to be th hardest :( hope u r handling it better than I did.... Keep us posted
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    veedub said:

    what everyone ^ said. great
    what everyone ^ said. great news. and i am beginning to realize that life will never be the way it was, but maybe that's not such a bad could be even better. ;D

    Hey Veedub
    Love the pic and commented on your expressions page photo.

    Big hugs,

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237
    ta8631 said:

    How r u handling cycle 3? I found it to be th hardest :( hope u r handling it better than I did.... Keep us posted

    I'm doing fine, a little
    I'm doing fine, a little tired but not too bad. They have finally decided to let me have some neuprogen so hopefully my counts will stay up and I can remain on schedule. My first scan will be in about 3 weeks so I'm hoping to enjoy some good news as well. I'm so happy for your clean scan Ta, be well. Aaron