testing starts

testing starts next week monday and tuesday, then i see the onc again on september6 and the next day i have the cathater placed and admitted to the hospital to start the transplant i will have chemo for 4 days rest a couple of days and then get the new stem cells i havent found out yet what will be done about the platelets been so low, well anyway the onc said i will feel better after i recover from the transplant i won't feel like i used to but i will feel better and thats enough for me because i stay so tired, especially the last week. remember me in your prayers blessings denise


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Prayers ascending
    On your behalf. The best we can do is to place our trust in the Author of life, and in the physicians He has placed over you.
  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey Denise, sending some positive vibes your way! Vinny
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Denise, you're in my thoughts and big
    hugs and positive energy coming your way.

  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Dear Denise,

    Always remembering you. Do you know what kind of testing will be done?? Your
    doctor's are moving ahead full speed now. Until September 6 rest if you are
    tired. If you feel like it, see if you can do something special that brings
    you joy. That's if you are able.

    Sweetie, it's been a long journey. I am with you all the way. Love and hugs Maggie
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Bless you, Scuttlebug,

    The treatment you need to get rid of this mess is finally at hand.

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi Denise
    Hi Denise,
    I will be praying that everything goes well for you, and you finally reach remission!!!
    Take care, sending positive thoughts your way. (((Hugs)))

  • jump
    jump Member Posts: 7
    I'm with you all the way. I was diagnosed with aggresive non hodgkins lymphoma and had 4 years of intense treatment. I've had so much chemo pumped into me and underwent 2 stem cell transplants. I am now 3 years out and doing pretty good. Hold your head up....you will make it
  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hang in there...
    Hi Denise,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you friend. Hopefully when all is done, you will feel so much better with more energy. We are here for you...Love....Sue
  • scuttlebug11
    scuttlebug11 Member Posts: 175
    jump said:

    I'm with you all the way. I was diagnosed with aggresive non hodgkins lymphoma and had 4 years of intense treatment. I've had so much chemo pumped into me and underwent 2 stem cell transplants. I am now 3 years out and doing pretty good. Hold your head up....you will make it

    dear jump
    did you have an akko or auto transplant