Need to gain weight..any good tips?

MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
Hi Pink Sisters.....

I have lost over 30 pounds now and can't afford to lose any more! This started in March....shortly after I finished 10 brain rads and started Avastin+ Carboplatin...I had thrush on and off for almost 3 months...and my taste buds aren't what they should be nor is my sense of smell...going to talk to my oncologist on Tuesday, before chemo......all this has contributed to the weight loss....not allowed to drink Boost while on chemo, so that's out...I practically live on wonton

Any weight GAINING tips would be appreciated...
Hugs, Nancy


  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Have high calorie snacks to just graze on in between meals. Even adding a few bites at a time will help put on weight eventually. Add the number of times you graze. Find your comfort food, that will make it easier to eat. (another one besides wonton soup) One thing I saw was to add powdered milk to the milk you drink. It will add protein and calories with out more to eat.
    Other than that, it's hard because most people want to loose weight!

  • peanutcat
    peanutcat Member Posts: 104
    Eat bread and hi calorie cake, penutbutter, nutella, if your appetite is off drink Boost, the powder kind is best. Eat what apeels to you. If you feel like eating ice cream for breakfast eat it,or eggs for supper do that. You'll gain. That is what I did. Please let me know if this sounds good to you. It works. GOOD LUCK
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Ice cream every night before
    Ice cream every night before bed...get the rich fatty expensive kinds...
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    peanutcat said:

    Eat bread and hi calorie cake, penutbutter, nutella, if your appetite is off drink Boost, the powder kind is best. Eat what apeels to you. If you feel like eating ice cream for breakfast eat it,or eggs for supper do that. You'll gain. That is what I did. Please let me know if this sounds good to you. It works. GOOD LUCK

    Nancy I lost only 8 pounds while I was 125 lb
    I understand I could not afford continuing loosing weigh because it was very scary
    My receipy is very different from others - high protein diet ( came from radiation oncologist) including protein shake
    Making at home from powder, eating 6 time a day, two diffierent soups twice a day, including pea or beans puree soup, chiken, grains reach in protein. Because recent studies have indicated a change of mIcroflora in digestion system of cancer treatment I use alive cultures to improve it in form of Bio-K+ dairy culture and yogurt with live cultures. Nuts are great too,
    My system is helping me, I hope you can use some elements from it
    On the other hand I had to shop for new clothes, making fun out of crazy situation
    Wishing you the best
  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    ((( Nancy )))
    Oh girl ... when does the insanity stop. I am sorry you are having all these issues with weight loss. If you were well, I would prolly slap you upside the head and be very jealous. SIGH

    I am keeping my prayers going for you. I only want you to feel better.

    Sending love and hugs too.

  • rallendorfer
    rallendorfer Member Posts: 244
    This is a hard one because your taste buds are off.
    Do you like peanut butter? I am trying to think of good quality food too that won't hurt your sugar levels or spike the salt in your system...not an easy task. Are potatoes something that you can tolerate? I make a mean garlic mashed potato with canned Carnation milk and leave the skins on the potato (red or yukon gold thin skinned) How about yams made like a baked potato in the microwave and eaten skin and all, with butter (or sour cream)

    Do you like shakes? Add a heaping spoon of frozen orange juice and little carnation milk and blend, then add frozen yogurt and blend. You get the benefit of yogurt, rich milk, and fruit all in one.

    Dang, this is making me hungry.....
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Hi Nancy:-) I had that
    Hi Nancy:-) I had that problem when my cancer first spread to my bones. I lost over 35 pounds and only needed to lose about 10-15. My appetite was very poor, chemo mouth, nausea and much more. Everyone recommended the boost and ensure, that made me feel like I had to be in a nursing home to be drinking it, it tasted horrible. Here's what I found and I really like it, it doesn't have as many things in it as ensure etc. but I enjoy the taste. Carnation Instant Breakfast, they come in packets of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. Mix with milk and I like all three, it did help me put some weight back on :)
    Miles of Love