Keep fighting! Make my mom proud!

I know we are all here at all different stages of EC. You and us, we're all a statistic of one. Remember that. This is a place of comfort, information, and peace for those experiencing EC.

Tonight my beautiful mother has left her cancerous body behind to feast on a turkey buffet in heaven (she looooves turkey, but you know how tough it is to eat during EC). Although she has passed away, I know she must feel such relief to leave her exhausted body behind. It was peaceful and an experience I wouldn't trade for the world. She has taught me so much, especially during her 12 month battle. She is to date, the bravest woman I know and I know she is cheering all of you on to overcome this disease. You all have helped me so much over the past year, in result helping her. It is a bitter sweet experience and I can share details another time.

For now, just know my mom is no longer struggling with this disease and you have her cheering you all on in winning the battle. You can do it! Don't ever give up!


  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    I am so sorry!
    Loss is difficult, at best. There aren't words to express my sorrow for your pain.

    I'm glad her passing was peaceful. That, thank God, is one thing EC can't take away from us - the dignity of passing with grace in peace.

    Hold close to your memories of the good days. You will need the strength you get from those memories.

    with Love & Hugs,

    PROUD wife to Nick, age 49
    lost battle to FEC, 06/19/12
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • ryckej1
    ryckej1 Member Posts: 28
    Thinking you and your Mom
    I will be thinking of you and your mom today.
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    I am so sorry
    I am so sorry to hear that your Mother has left us. I am sure she is now in a better place beyond the pain and suffering of cancer.

    May you and your family be blessed with strength and peace during this difficult time.

    With my condolences,

    Paul Adams,
    Grand Blanc, Michigan
  • stephikindred
    stephikindred Member Posts: 140
    I,m so sorry
    I want to offer you my deepest sympathy for the loss of your beautiful mother. She is surely smiling down on you now after that turkey feast!
  • Amjosmom
    Amjosmom Member Posts: 212
    I'm so sorry.
    I'm sorry for the loss of your mom. I know she is at peace now. She fought hard and she will be with you forever!


  • Lina71912
    Lina71912 Member Posts: 15
    I am so sorry about your loss.
    May God strengthen you and your family in this difficult time.
  • ShellyMac
    ShellyMac Member Posts: 16
    I am so sorry for your
    I am so sorry for your loss.......but I am relieved for you that her passing was peaceful. Your mother was a warrior and I do take solace in knowing that she is looking down on all of us and giving us her strength. I hope you will continue to post on this site (I am fairly new here!). As I have taken great comfort in your updates.

    Peace and love be with you!

    Xoxo Shelly
  • Bermudagirl
    Bermudagirl Member Posts: 114
    ShellyMac said:

    I am so sorry for your
    I am so sorry for your loss.......but I am relieved for you that her passing was peaceful. Your mother was a warrior and I do take solace in knowing that she is looking down on all of us and giving us her strength. I hope you will continue to post on this site (I am fairly new here!). As I have taken great comfort in your updates.

    Peace and love be with you!

    Xoxo Shelly

    My heartfelt condolences
    on the loss of your mother. Your sentiments about her watching over all the other EC patients on this forum is lovely. Thank you.

  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182
    I am so sorry that you have
    I am so sorry that you have lost your Mom, but glad that she is at peace.

    Your beautiful post is a wonderful tribute to your Mom. Your caring and compassion for others shines through your words and your Mom must have been an amazing lady to raise such a wonderful and compassionate daughter.

    Freida xx
    Wife of Bill, diagnosed 11/8/2011 T3N2Mx, not a candidate for surgery due to other comorbidities, 2 months induction chemo (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and 5FU by continuous 48 hour pump) followed by 6 weeks chemo/radiation (bi weekly carboplatin and taxol by infusion and weekly 5FU by continuous 5 day pump concurrent with radiation). 1st 3 month check up August 2012 good. Living life until 2nd 3 month check up in November.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I
    Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I know exactly the experience having lost mom while I was holding her this past March. They were brave women to be sure. My heart aches for your broken heart.
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    So sorry to hear your news.
    So sorry to hear your news. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    no words can take pain away---
    no words can take the pain away, so we just offer love & understanding.... lost my dad this year to EC---so glad you were able to be with her, love & hold her and that she is free of the struggle ....
  • Ucsf_smile
    Ucsf_smile Member Posts: 79
    Thanks friends. I am sad,
    Thanks friends. I am sad, but also happy that all those fighting EC have an extra angel cheering them on. It's always better to see an NED announcement on here, rather than a RIP. Keep your chin up, buttercup! That's what my mom would say.
  • tb7
    tb7 Member Posts: 52
    So saddened by your news . . .
    I was so sad to sign on just now and read your news. May you take much comfort in memories of your mom's happy and laughing times! Her picture always made me smile!! She will, I am sure spread happiness above and, hopefully, shower all of us with the help we need to come through this difficult time in our lives. Please take some time for yourself to remember and reflect on happier times.


  • mrsbotch
    mrsbotch Member Posts: 349
    You both fought a big battle
    You both fought a big battle and now mom is no longer suffering. I am so very sorry.

    My heart is with you

  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428

    Thanks friends. I am sad,
    Thanks friends. I am sad, but also happy that all those fighting EC have an extra angel cheering them on. It's always better to see an NED announcement on here, rather than a RIP. Keep your chin up, buttercup! That's what my mom would say.

    So sorry
    So sad to read this news and I am pleased at the way you are looking at this. Your mom has raised you well. Another angel to look over us is absolutely correct. May you find comfort and strength in the days and weeks and months ahead of you.

    Hugs, Judy
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428

    Thanks friends. I am sad,
    Thanks friends. I am sad, but also happy that all those fighting EC have an extra angel cheering them on. It's always better to see an NED announcement on here, rather than a RIP. Keep your chin up, buttercup! That's what my mom would say.

    So sorry
    Duplicate post
  • tmcjay
    tmcjay Member Posts: 35
    So sorry to hear
    Very sorry to hear about your Mom, but you're right, she is no longer suffering and is at peace . Her love will be with you , always. My sincere condolances.
  • captdave
    captdave Member Posts: 153
    I'm so sorry to hear about
    I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. My thoughts and prayers go out to and your family. Keep the great attitude it is a wonderful gift.
