anyone speak radiology talk

I got my radiology report for my insurance last week - can anyone tell me what this section means?

"the small nodule previously seen anterior to the duodenum, medial to the right lobe of the liver is visualized today on image #32, has diminished in size measuring approximately 8 to 9 mm in greatest length previously 1.4 cm. The lymph node seen on the previous examination, which measured 2.2 x 0.6 cm in size seen on image 33 today not significantly changed. Lymph node seen on image 35 measures 1.6 cm in size previously measured similar in size. Overall, i believe the visualized enlarged lymph nodes are relatively stable in size and number, not significantly changed. The haziness and misty appearance along the root of the mesentery and along the retroperitoneum is stable. No significantly new or enlarging lymph nodes are present."

It goes on to say, "nodule right upper quandrant does appear to be slightly diminished in size. The remainder of the scattered lymph nodes within the mesentery and the changes along the root of the mesentery and retroperitoneum are relatively stable. No new or enlarging lymph nodes.

So do I have nodes on my liver or just near my liver and do I need to worry, (more than I already do anyway)

Thank Yall!


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    There appears to be a shrinkage in one of the tumors - while the other lymph nodes remained stable.

    I would be reticent to comment about the physiology of the liver - better for the onc to explain that one:)

    It's always hard not to worry about all of this...but if we're drawing straws, you didn't get the short one:)

  • Luckygirl2
    Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308
    Sundanceh said:

    There appears to be a shrinkage in one of the tumors - while the other lymph nodes remained stable.

    I would be reticent to comment about the physiology of the liver - better for the onc to explain that one:)

    It's always hard not to worry about all of this...but if we're drawing straws, you didn't get the short one:)


    Thank you
    Thanks for making me feel better! Hope you have a great day
  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member

    Thank you
    Thanks for making me feel better! Hope you have a great day

    I agree with Craigs
    I agree with Craigs hypothesis..
    every onc will interpret the results slightly different I have found.
    Let us know what your Onc say and how they interpret this.
    To me you still have a node in the liver but the lynph nodes are appearing enlarged.. could be imune system breaking down slightly from treatments.
    Good Luck .. let us know how the professionals interpret this..
  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member
    dmj101 said:

    I agree with Craigs
    I agree with Craigs hypothesis..
    every onc will interpret the results slightly different I have found.
    Let us know what your Onc say and how they interpret this.
    To me you still have a node in the liver but the lynph nodes are appearing enlarged.. could be imune system breaking down slightly from treatments.
    Good Luck .. let us know how the professionals interpret this..

    Best to let the docs
    Best to let the docs explain. Some of the terminology gets misinterpreted and some terms cannot be used interchangeably, which many times does.....and that creates confusion.