Birthdays & Milestones

osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
Today is my 59th birthday, it's hard to believe a year ago today I was having lunch with my daughter and granddaughter who at the time was 6 , and this angel of my heart askes "grammie your going to loose your hair right", and I said yes, she then gets a bit more serious and wants to know if people are going to stare at me because if they did that wouldn't be nice..I explained that there might be some who stare only because they wouldn't understand what was going on and then there would be people who would already know just by me not having hair. She asked if I was going to miss not having any hair and I said probably not, and if it bothered me on some days I could always wear a ball cap (I have plenty), she smiles and then says can you send me pictures of you with no hair, at that point , I thought my daughter's iced tea would come thru her nose , I'm a thinkin to my self.."self your pictures are going to first grade show and tell at Hartford Day School" What I learned about hair in the days, weeks and months to come was that my 19 year old niece shaved all of hers on the same day I did mine and kept it shaved until she returned to PA in Jan of this year, that my 68 year old neighbor, who had the most beautiful gray hair, shaved hers off to support my niece and I in this journey ,I learned that people didn't stare and those that saw me did understand...a year later on my 59th birthday I have hair, short, but you know I kinda like it, I like the bald look toooo. Now for my milestone, 2 days from now, Aug 8th it's the anniversary of the first all day chemo treatment. What I remember so clearly about that was being scared , who isn't of the unknown, my daughter and granddaughter going with me, watching the onco nurse access and flush the port , hook up the first bag which was hydration, my kiddos left at that point, then the tears came , the nurse bent down and hugged me (I will for ever love you San, you will always have a special place in my heart) said she will be there with me every step of the way and handed me a tissue for the tears. The tears stopped and the journey I am a year later, going to dinner for my birthday with the same neice who changed her life to spend 5 months with me to go to every chemo and rad treatment , and her mom my youngest sister who took a 12 week un-paid leave of abscence to be with me thru treatments. While I didn't experience any of the many side effects, it was a comfort to have these 2 around. What a year..I guess my purpose in writing all of this is to let others know who are either in current treatment or just starting , that your life does go on, maybe not as it once was , change sometimes can be a struggle, but someday, some where there is that light at the end of the tunnel and before you know it , just like I found out a year goes by, even though it seems just like yesterday.

Love, Blessings, and Light



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Happy B-day!
    Happy birthday and thanks for the inspiring story of your journey over the last year. Have a great year ahead!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    My Light
    and tunnel were over three years ago...though I still see my favorite nurse every time I'm there for a visit.

    She is as ornery as I am....

    My first day there she introduced herself... "Hi, I'm Lane, the worse nurse here"....

    LOL, her name is Lane Worse....

    Congrats on your milestone, and I hope we share many more over the years.

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Happy Birthday! Your story
    Happy Birthday! Your story brought tears to my eyes but that happens alot these days. Don't you just love the things grandchildren say! I have an 11 year old granddaughter who thinks like someone 40 some days. She has been my worrier thru my treatment, always coming up with questions that no 11 year old should. When we thought I might lose my hair, she told me about her mom's friend who lost her hair during treatment for breast cancer. She said that the friend had to shave her head because her hair started coming out in clumps. She said " so grandma, don't shave your head until your hair starts coming out in clumps", I promised her I wouldn't and so far so good, Just loss a strip in the back where radiation hit. My grandchildren were my inspiration for fighting this, to see all the little milestones in their lives
  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Happy Birthday! Your story
    Happy Birthday! Your story brought tears to my eyes but that happens alot these days. Don't you just love the things grandchildren say! I have an 11 year old granddaughter who thinks like someone 40 some days. She has been my worrier thru my treatment, always coming up with questions that no 11 year old should. When we thought I might lose my hair, she told me about her mom's friend who lost her hair during treatment for breast cancer. She said that the friend had to shave her head because her hair started coming out in clumps. She said " so grandma, don't shave your head until your hair starts coming out in clumps", I promised her I wouldn't and so far so good, Just loss a strip in the back where radiation hit. My grandchildren were my inspiration for fighting this, to see all the little milestones in their lives
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Big hugs on your anniversary date....
    I need some inspiration tonight, and you fullfilled that need. Now I'm will take me nine months to get where you are...not even a full year...I've just got to get thru this month and next...and then I'll finally be able to start healing full bore.

    Thanks for the post :).

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    I remember

    I have to hurry and wish Happy Birthday while it is still today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The one year mile stone was a nice story (thought I’d make it through the day without getting emotional, no such luck). All my nurses were great, but most of all the radiation technician that often came to get me was really special. At my three month post visit when I saw her I started crying, I didn’t realize how much pent up emotions I had inside of me. Cancer sure is a weird way to make friends.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    A little late
    Happy Birthday, your story brought tears to my eyes,family is so important all the time, but especially when going on our journeys
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Grandmax4 said:

    A little late
    Happy Birthday, your story brought tears to my eyes,family is so important all the time, but especially when going on our journeys

    Many,many more.
    Have a wonderful Birthday, sounds like you have a
    thoughtful and caring family by your side. May you
    spend many, many more birthdays with them.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Happy B Day Linda
    I remember when you came on the board last year. I was about a year ahead of you and we are close to the same age. I'm happy to see you doing so well. I connected with you because my daughter lives in Avondale, near you. Wishing you many, many, more B-days.
    All the best,
  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    hawk711 said:

    Happy B Day Linda
    I remember when you came on the board last year. I was about a year ahead of you and we are close to the same age. I'm happy to see you doing so well. I connected with you because my daughter lives in Avondale, near you. Wishing you many, many, more B-days.
    All the best,

    That must be a typo......
    No way are you 59. Congrats Linda - lookin' great! And just when I thought I was not being so emotional anymore, you catch me with your story. Great post!

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Greg53 said:

    That must be a typo......
    No way are you 59. Congrats Linda - lookin' great! And just when I thought I was not being so emotional anymore, you catch me with your story. Great post!


    Thank you Greg , 59 I am , I am green eggs and ham. My onco doc told me the other day I looked rather chic , I said to her that if all the chemo and 7.5 weeks of rads made me look chic I should have done this years ago, she laughed, hugged me and said I never know whats going to come out of your mouth.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    osmotar said:

    Thank you Greg , 59 I am , I am green eggs and ham. My onco doc told me the other day I looked rather chic , I said to her that if all the chemo and 7.5 weeks of rads made me look chic I should have done this years ago, she laughed, hugged me and said I never know whats going to come out of your mouth.


    Where do I
    send the bill for the Kleenex. Linda Im like Matt, hard to say being a man but I too shed a tear reading your story. Maybe there is something about fighting for life and knowing so many who are doing the same it gives us a new perspective of life and family. I have the sweetest little 18 month old granddaughter Lily, she just loves taking care of her PAPA and she brightens my day. She was there with me her mom and Diane when I came out of my last RAD treatment and watched as we rang the Bell. So enjoy your year out and many more to come. And again its folks like you that give us hope and remind us what is so important. And you were there from the beginning for Diane and I and we appreciate you.
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    hawk711 said:

    Happy B Day Linda
    I remember when you came on the board last year. I was about a year ahead of you and we are close to the same age. I'm happy to see you doing so well. I connected with you because my daughter lives in Avondale, near you. Wishing you many, many, more B-days.
    All the best,

    Avondale just right up the street...small world.
  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    YOU ROCK!!
    Linda, thanks for sharing your story, it will inspire anyone at any point in their journey. Happy Birthday, and I wish you, oh so many happy returns!!

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    patricke said:

    YOU ROCK!!
    Linda, thanks for sharing your story, it will inspire anyone at any point in their journey. Happy Birthday, and I wish you, oh so many happy returns!!


    Thank You
    Thanks for the B-day wishes.....

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    osmotar said:

    Thank You
    Thanks for the B-day wishes.....


    Happy Belated Birthday
    I'm rather new to this site and I dont think we've talked much before but your story really touched me and yes brought tears to my eyes too. I'm so happy for you and wish you many many more Birthdays!
    Stay well
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Billie67 said:

    Happy Belated Birthday
    I'm rather new to this site and I dont think we've talked much before but your story really touched me and yes brought tears to my eyes too. I'm so happy for you and wish you many many more Birthdays!
    Stay well

    Hi Billie, thank you for the b-day wishes. We all have a common thread , while we didn't ask to be here, it's a comfort to know that regardless of our past before the beast entered out lives, we have found others who understand.
