Hi, I'm new here. . .



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    A 10 year survivor chiming in!
    Hello everyone,

    I stumbled upon this site while unfortunately spending alot of time over at the Esophageal cancer forum. My boyfriend was recently diagnosed with Stage III EC. While Hodgkins is tough, its small potatoes compared to esophogeal! I know that is small comfort, but Hodgkins has such a great cure rate, and I'm living proof of that.

    I was dx in October of 2002, went through 4 rounds of ABVD, had a month of radiation, and haven't had an issue since. Well that's not quite true, since I was radiated in a Y formation in my chest I do have to be very on top of mammograms and the potential for breast cancer down the road. (I'm 53 now). I alternate between a breast MRI and mammogram every 6 months. I had a benign papilloma removed in April, but other than that I am fine.

    So to the newbies, take comfort in the fact that for the most part Hodgkins disease is a very treatable form of cancer, and once you get through treatment life will return to normal. Good luck to you all!



    Even Esophagal treatment is much better that it used to be. My uncle got it in around 1973. Essentially, the just cut everything out. Before this, he received "radiation." He smelled like roasted pork chop on the way home after each session. His incision was from his chin to his pelvic area, and he died shortly thereafter.

    The funeral director came up to us and said, "I have never seen anyone cut up the way this poor man was cut up."

    Yes, all forms of cancer have advanced past 1973...

    But, you are correct, lymphoma is one of the easier forms to receive treatment for, nonetheless. I did 12 cycles of r-abvd, the med which you received.
