
Samsungtech1 Member Posts: 351
I have a Ipad which might be apprent by all my spelling errors. Anyhow Apple just told all of us we had to go to the cloud. I went to the cloud but all my music disappeared. Now they want $30.00 to talk to them and maybe fix it. What's weird is that I did everything they told me and then when they told me to upload I did, but it said I had successfully done this, but all my music, including what I bought from Apple is gone. I have my songs on my IPOD and am afraid that if I synch it I will lose this as well. Anyone dealt with this?


  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Not the same but similar problem
    I have an iPod (old 3rd gen video), iPad (1st gen) and iPhone 4. I acquired them in that order over time.

    FYI, I don't have a Mac and have only used PCs for my home/laptop computer needs since the origin of personal computers around 30 years ago (my 1st computer was a "Kaypro") and I never plan to convert because I "know" how PCs work and because of the software incompatibilities between Macs & PCs (NOT all software is available on both platforms) and also because no one at any Apple Store has yet been able to show me that any of their dual processor machines actually works with PC software.

    I was able to transfer the music from my iPod to iPad when I 1st got my iPad but I think I did it directly from disc (it was not synched). Most of my iPod music is from CDs (not iTunes) and I have not bought any music or tried to synch any further music into my iPad since.

    I've downloaded a lot of iPad only apps onto my iPad since I bought it (both before and after I bought my iPhone) and when I got my iPhone a lot of "universal" apps that I downloaded to my iPhone were "automatically" downloaded to my iPad via the "cloud."

    When I upgraded to OS5 in the iPhone and iPad, I lost ALL of the apps that were on the iPad and could not get them to synch back in. Fortunately, I hadn't had the iPad for very long and I was able to MANUALLY download them back into the iPad.

    I don't pay for any apps (only download free ones) but, even so, when I re-downloaded the apps, iTunes recognized them as previously "installed" and "purchased" apps. So, there is "some" connection there.

    There's been another OS upgrade and I've refused to download the upgrade to my iPad or iPhone for fear of losing all of my iPad apps again. Sometimes it's better to just leave things alone.

    That said, the only thing I use my iPad for now is as a Comcast controller, which is the most useful app that I've found for it. So, if I lost all of the apps again, it wouldn't be any loss at all, since it would be easy enough to re-install the Comcast app. I rely on my iPhone for everything else.

    Haven't heard anything about Apple telling "us" that we "have" to use the "cloud." Maybe that's because I almost never synch any of my devices.

    Since when did the use of the "cloud" become mandatory?
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    Completely Appelized
    I am completely in the Apple camp and haven't had any of the issues discussed but not sure this is appropriate for this forum. Maybe an Apple forum. What does this have to do with prostate cancer?
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Kongo said:

    Completely Appelized
    I am completely in the Apple camp and haven't had any of the issues discussed but not sure this is appropriate for this forum. Maybe an Apple forum. What does this have to do with prostate cancer?

    What does this have to do with prostate cancer?
    Nothing but sometimes it's refreshing to simply discuss something else, as long as we don't dwell on it too much.

    It's not the 1st time an off-topic discussion has occurred. I recently saw a lot of military talk among old Vietnam vets in another thread. So, I don't know why this line of discussion is offensive, unless it's the fact that a separate thread was created for it.

    Most online forums have an "other" sub-forum where unrelated topics can be discussed. No so here. Perhaps that's something the administrators should consider setting up.
  • Samsungtech1
    Samsungtech1 Member Posts: 351
    Kongo said:

    Completely Appelized
    I am completely in the Apple camp and haven't had any of the issues discussed but not sure this is appropriate for this forum. Maybe an Apple forum. What does this have to do with prostate cancer?

    Off topic
    Not sure what your problem is but sorry if it offended you. I figured everyone up here uses different OS so why not ask.

    I have Melanoma as well. So if I mention that along with a PCa issue will that offend you? Is this suppose to be a pure site? Dedicated to just people with prostate cancer and there treatments? I thought it was suppose to be for all of us to interact and help eachother.
    You want to post your eules for posting so we can all get along and not offend you, please do so.

    I respect your knowledge and your answers, but do not tell me what to post! I sure do not do that to anyone.

  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member

    Off topic
    Not sure what your problem is but sorry if it offended you. I figured everyone up here uses different OS so why not ask.

    I have Melanoma as well. So if I mention that along with a PCa issue will that offend you? Is this suppose to be a pure site? Dedicated to just people with prostate cancer and there treatments? I thought it was suppose to be for all of us to interact and help eachother.
    You want to post your eules for posting so we can all get along and not offend you, please do so.

    I respect your knowledge and your answers, but do not tell me what to post! I sure do not do that to anyone.


    No Worries

    This is a forum about peer to peer interaction about prostate cancer. It is not an Apple help desk. If you want to talk Apple do it on an appropriate web site.
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member

    Off topic
    Not sure what your problem is but sorry if it offended you. I figured everyone up here uses different OS so why not ask.

    I have Melanoma as well. So if I mention that along with a PCa issue will that offend you? Is this suppose to be a pure site? Dedicated to just people with prostate cancer and there treatments? I thought it was suppose to be for all of us to interact and help eachother.
    You want to post your eules for posting so we can all get along and not offend you, please do so.

    I respect your knowledge and your answers, but do not tell me what to post! I sure do not do that to anyone.


  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member

    What does this have to do with prostate cancer?
    Nothing but sometimes it's refreshing to simply discuss something else, as long as we don't dwell on it too much.

    It's not the 1st time an off-topic discussion has occurred. I recently saw a lot of military talk among old Vietnam vets in another thread. So, I don't know why this line of discussion is offensive, unless it's the fact that a separate thread was created for it.

    Most online forums have an "other" sub-forum where unrelated topics can be discussed. No so here. Perhaps that's something the administrators should consider setting up.

    I hear you
    As I am also a Vietnam vet, albiet offshore on an aircraft carrier, I wonder about the divergence of the thread you refer to as well. To me that particular thread seems to be a bonding thing between those who were on the ground in Vietnam and are suffering from the effects of Agent Orange. This particular thread has nohing at all to do with any of that and, in my opinion, is not appropriate for this forum. I am sure others will weigh in an I am not planning to push it further but I would like to point out that if this forum becomes a social media for anything anyone want to discuss, it's usefulness as a vehicle to exchange informaiton about prostate cancer will be diminished.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Kongo said:

    No Worries

    This is a forum about peer to peer interaction about prostate cancer. It is not an Apple help desk. If you want to talk Apple do it on an appropriate web site.

    Apples are great to keep the doctor away
    Kongo, Congratulations on a reaching a thousand,,,,thanks for all the great posts.

    All, focus on enjoying the positive moments of life.......that's what it's really about.
  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    Kongo said:

    I hear you
    As I am also a Vietnam vet, albiet offshore on an aircraft carrier, I wonder about the divergence of the thread you refer to as well. To me that particular thread seems to be a bonding thing between those who were on the ground in Vietnam and are suffering from the effects of Agent Orange. This particular thread has nohing at all to do with any of that and, in my opinion, is not appropriate for this forum. I am sure others will weigh in an I am not planning to push it further but I would like to point out that if this forum becomes a social media for anything anyone want to discuss, it's usefulness as a vehicle to exchange informaiton about prostate cancer will be diminished.

    Forum content
    I use other forums as social media. I would like to see this forum stay focused on PCa .... it has proven to be of use to guys seeking PCa help.

    By the way, I use an IPad because it turns on quicker than a PC .... also I have a 1957 Chevy I'd like to sell.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member

    Off topic
    Not sure what your problem is but sorry if it offended you. I figured everyone up here uses different OS so why not ask.

    I have Melanoma as well. So if I mention that along with a PCa issue will that offend you? Is this suppose to be a pure site? Dedicated to just people with prostate cancer and there treatments? I thought it was suppose to be for all of us to interact and help eachother.
    You want to post your eules for posting so we can all get along and not offend you, please do so.

    I respect your knowledge and your answers, but do not tell me what to post! I sure do not do that to anyone.


    '57 Chevy**

    You’ve made some very good points. I am quite confident that the PCa forum will not morph into an online Apple help desk or some other type of media blog just because a few threads occasionally diverge from the stress & seriousness of cancer. Forum threads and conversations that may be unrelated to cancer are a way for patients, survivors, family members, men and women who have ties in common to specific cancers to find some relief, form bonds and establish a virtual camaraderie. That’s a good thing.

    Most members who post here are sincere, courteous, tolerant and want to share info to help others, whether about cancer or other topics. Unfortunately, now and then there are a few posters who seem to want to restrict what can be said, how it's said or by whom, even going so far as to question if certain members should be posting on this forum, either because of their gender, their cancer “status” or their relationship to the cancer patient--hogwash and nonsense, especially on a public social media cancer forum!

    According to CSN's own description of this site as stated on their home page: "Cancer Survivors Network is a vibrant community established by people just like you whose lives have been touched by cancer. We hope you'll find strength and inspiration from our personal stories, discussions and expressions of caring." As long as we abide by the terms and conditions of CSN membership that we agreed to when we registered with CSN, then we're good to go (and post)!

    Be well,

    mrs pjd

    **Beau, how much you ask'n for that '57 Chevy? ;)
  • crhoads
    crhoads Member Posts: 7 Member

    Off topic
    Not sure what your problem is but sorry if it offended you. I figured everyone up here uses different OS so why not ask.

    I have Melanoma as well. So if I mention that along with a PCa issue will that offend you? Is this suppose to be a pure site? Dedicated to just people with prostate cancer and there treatments? I thought it was suppose to be for all of us to interact and help eachother.
    You want to post your eules for posting so we can all get along and not offend you, please do so.

    I respect your knowledge and your answers, but do not tell me what to post! I sure do not do that to anyone.


    I agree with Kongo.
    This is not an Apple help desk. How about if I start posting complete descriptions of all my bowel movements everyday?

    Samsungtech1, obviously someone does need to tell you what to post.
  • ralph.townsend1
    ralph.townsend1 Member Posts: 359 Member
    mrspjd said:

    '57 Chevy**

    You’ve made some very good points. I am quite confident that the PCa forum will not morph into an online Apple help desk or some other type of media blog just because a few threads occasionally diverge from the stress & seriousness of cancer. Forum threads and conversations that may be unrelated to cancer are a way for patients, survivors, family members, men and women who have ties in common to specific cancers to find some relief, form bonds and establish a virtual camaraderie. That’s a good thing.

    Most members who post here are sincere, courteous, tolerant and want to share info to help others, whether about cancer or other topics. Unfortunately, now and then there are a few posters who seem to want to restrict what can be said, how it's said or by whom, even going so far as to question if certain members should be posting on this forum, either because of their gender, their cancer “status” or their relationship to the cancer patient--hogwash and nonsense, especially on a public social media cancer forum!

    According to CSN's own description of this site as stated on their home page: "Cancer Survivors Network is a vibrant community established by people just like you whose lives have been touched by cancer. We hope you'll find strength and inspiration from our personal stories, discussions and expressions of caring." As long as we abide by the terms and conditions of CSN membership that we agreed to when we registered with CSN, then we're good to go (and post)!

    Be well,

    mrs pjd

    **Beau, how much you ask'n for that '57 Chevy? ;)

    I agree with Kongo, But
    Mrspjd, I tryed to write something, but you said it the Best! I was thinking of getting a Ipad!
  • Samsungtech1
    Samsungtech1 Member Posts: 351
    crhoads said:

    I agree with Kongo.
    This is not an Apple help desk. How about if I start posting complete descriptions of all my bowel movements everyday?

    Samsungtech1, obviously someone does need to tell you what to post.

    Bowel movements
    You seem like you are full of it so a couple of movements should just about end your posts. Please enlighten us.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member

    I agree with Kongo, But
    Mrspjd, I tryed to write something, but you said it the Best! I was thinking of getting a Ipad!

    Lighten up
    Perhaps we all need to be more tolerant, allow one another some space, and lighten up a little (this may or may not include a few extra visits to the throne for some).

    Mike, aka Samsungtech, and others here have contributed and shared helpful info about PCa in many other threads on this PCa forum.  Perhaps "crtoads" might consider doing the same and sharing how PCa has touched his life.  Or, he might get more feedback if he starts a new thread--it wouldn't be the first time that BM was discussed on the PCa forum.

    Hey, if a Beagle & a bird can find a way to get along, theoretically there's hope for us two-legged primates!
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    crhoads said:

    I agree with Kongo.
    This is not an Apple help desk. How about if I start posting complete descriptions of all my bowel movements everyday?

    Samsungtech1, obviously someone does need to tell you what to post.

    Lighten up
    Perhaps we all need to be more tolerant, allow one another some space, and lighten up a little (this may or may not include a few extra visits to the throne for some).

    Mike, aka Samsungtech, and others here have contributed and shared helpful info about PCa in many other threads on this PCa forum.  Perhaps "crtoads" might consider doing the same and sharing how PCa has touched his life.  Or, he might get more feedback if he starts a new thread--it wouldn't be the first time that BM was discussed on the PCa forum.

    Hey, if a Beagle & a bird can find a way to get along, theoretically there's hope for us two-legged primates!
  • laserlight
    laserlight Member Posts: 165
    mrspjd said:

    Lighten up
    Perhaps we all need to be more tolerant, allow one another some space, and lighten up a little (this may or may not include a few extra visits to the throne for some).

    Mike, aka Samsungtech, and others here have contributed and shared helpful info about PCa in many other threads on this PCa forum.  Perhaps "crtoads" might consider doing the same and sharing how PCa has touched his life.  Or, he might get more feedback if he starts a new thread--it wouldn't be the first time that BM was discussed on the PCa forum.

    Hey, if a Beagle & a bird can find a way to get along, theoretically there's hope for us two-legged primates!

    I have found this site to be very informative, it has answered a lot of questions in my mind. When I post i donot try to offend anybody. PC was a major kick in the gut for me. I have spent the last year dealing with this. The training manager where i work has been a great support in this area, her Father has PC. She feels it is very good to communicate with other people that have this cancer. It is also not good to be so focused on this that we put other life related issues aside. I have tried to follow what I call a full circle approach to treatment, my wife has been very good in this area. I read all of the posts and have respect for the input. This is not the first diag of cancer for me, back about 7 years ago I was diagnosed with skin cancer. Now as far as technology goes, it is hard to keep up on all of the latest gadgets. I have spent close to 40 years working in the HIGH TECH industry, and am still learning. I have designed electronic testing circuits that that the Japanese said could not be done. I am very focused on PC and this site helps me, my doctor has informed me that he does not guarantee a cure and at some point in time this cancer will most likely come back. As far as my military service goes I am a Viet nam vet and it is good to connect up with other vets, I consider all vets Brothers. We are all linked by life events. All of the differant treatment methods are helpful for me, because if I have to follow another I want to know all the information avail first before walking down that path. Pc is bad news for everyone here. We are all trying to deal with this the best way possible. Becomming active on this site has been a great moral booster for myself. A lot of the social media sites can be problems and I myself try and stay away from. It took me over a year to get connected with this site. I am sorry if I went on to long. Ralph and Mike, I left my email addresse for you. And Kongo you are a Brother
  • Samsungtech1
    Samsungtech1 Member Posts: 351
    mrspjd said:

    Lighten up
    Perhaps we all need to be more tolerant, allow one another some space, and lighten up a little (this may or may not include a few extra visits to the throne for some).

    Mike, aka Samsungtech, and others here have contributed and shared helpful info about PCa in many other threads on this PCa forum.  Perhaps "crtoads" might consider doing the same and sharing how PCa has touched his life.  Or, he might get more feedback if he starts a new thread--it wouldn't be the first time that BM was discussed on the PCa forum.

    Hey, if a Beagle & a bird can find a way to get along, theoretically there's hope for us two-legged primates!

    Thank you
    Sorry if I got off line. Thank you for your thoughtful and appropriate input.

  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member

    I agree with Kongo, But
    Mrspjd, I tryed to write something, but you said it the Best! I was thinking of getting a Ipad!

    Thanks Ralph

    I rarely use my iPad but use my iPhone for just about everything else when I don't have access to my laptop/PC :)

    BTW, re your question on another thread about if you should talk about Zytiga and heart conditions on this Prostate Cancer site:  OF COURSE you should, especially if it's important to you! Only CSN admin can determine if post content, subject matter, or posters are appropriate or not. While other members may offer their opinions & try to dictate or censor what is or isn't appropriate, what should or shouldn't be said, how it's said or by whom it's said--it's just that--only an opinion!  As members, we can flag posts/content that may be offensive or inappropriate but, currently, only CSN admin has the ability & sole discretion to make that official judgement call.

    I hope you continue posting & sharing info about your PCa journey. Best.