can we kick and scream just for one minute?

I have moments throughout every day where i experience a whole raft of emotions/thoughts/feelings!

I am so sick of this consuming me and my families every thought..... At times i am happy cause i am positive in knowing mum has beat this into remission once and she can do it again, at other times i feel mad knowing that my sweet mum is dealing with this AGAIN, other times i want to cry my eyes out, knowing our lives have changed, another feeling is pure anxiety for the unknown...

as you can imagine, and may have experienced many thoughts run through my head every day, some good, some not so good....How do you get through these thoughts???!!!

Please help!


  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    know how you feel
    This is the craziest ride any one can take. We are up one minute the boom we're down the next. I know there are other illnesses that are bad but this cancer is all consuming most of the times. I go for the appreciation of the good days and the blessings of my family and friends. Battle through the bad days but enjoys the good ones. I pray you and your families do well. Jeff
  • jjaj133
    jjaj133 Member Posts: 867 Member
    Glad you came here to kick
    Glad you came here to kick and scream. i know how you feel. When i was first diagnosed, I had no idea that for the rest of my life I would be in some kind of battle with cancer. I hate that we always seem to be waiting for the other shoe to drop.
    So, i pray a lot, stay busy and "work" at really living in the moment. I chase the scary thoughts away as soon as i can.
    I have 4 daughters and so can relate to both you and your mom. We try to stay up beat for each other. When you feel like kicking and screaming, just go do it. Release it and then move on. This "rollercancer" ride is not easy. But, I for one am going to stay on the ride for as long as i can. Your mom will too.
    Hugs and prayers, your mom is lucky to have you.
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    Ice cream!
    No. Don't do that. I took a trip away. Even a break for 3 days allows me to rest and them I come back to the same problems woth restful clarity.

    Go some place and let someone take care of you.


    PS My dad had bladder cancer in 2007. He has had the bladder removed and has a bag now. my mom was diagnosed with in May 2010 and finished treatment in december 2010. Both are in remission. My mom had her scans and got her results 2 weeks ago. My dad goes in for his this week. If you didn't miss my venting posts, I did vent to the board and it helps. We can't get a break from CANCER! You never truly get over the panic. At every cough, every illness, it seems as though your mind goes back to "CANCER". You can take breaks from it and it helps you deal.

    Feel free to PM me.
  • scareddaughter24
    scareddaughter24 Member Posts: 68
    jjaj133 said:

    Glad you came here to kick
    Glad you came here to kick and scream. i know how you feel. When i was first diagnosed, I had no idea that for the rest of my life I would be in some kind of battle with cancer. I hate that we always seem to be waiting for the other shoe to drop.
    So, i pray a lot, stay busy and "work" at really living in the moment. I chase the scary thoughts away as soon as i can.
    I have 4 daughters and so can relate to both you and your mom. We try to stay up beat for each other. When you feel like kicking and screaming, just go do it. Release it and then move on. This "rollercancer" ride is not easy. But, I for one am going to stay on the ride for as long as i can. Your mom will too.
    Hugs and prayers, your mom is lucky to have you.

    Thanks Judy, Your story
    Thanks Judy, Your story gives me hope, u have been here and fighting and i bet will be continuing for a long time yet!!! rollercoasters are meant to be fun!! I am meant to be heading to the states.. from New Zealand in about 9 weeks for a month but feel too scared to leave... I am a teacher and taking a group of kids so i hope she will be ok... im thankful my dad and my brother will be here though.

    Thanks again for your support
  • golf_gal
    golf_gal Member Posts: 69
    I've given this advice before. Beat the chap out of a pillow or bed. Just pound it. U will feel worked for me. Now I've passed my bat on to someone else. Try it. It's cheap. Toy section at wal mart or dollar store sometimes. Let me know if you try it and how it turns out for you. Best regards, Jamie
  • golf_gal
    golf_gal Member Posts: 69
    Double entry deleted.
    Double entry deleted. Sorry.
  • JayhawkDan
    JayhawkDan Member Posts: 205
    golf_gal said:

    I've given this advice before. Beat the chap out of a pillow or bed. Just pound it. U will feel worked for me. Now I've passed my bat on to someone else. Try it. It's cheap. Toy section at wal mart or dollar store sometimes. Let me know if you try it and how it turns out for you. Best regards, Jamie

    I remember your "bat" post
    and I was walking through the garage and noticed a plastic bat that we've had for years. I grabbed it and started beating the hell out of a plastic trash bin. Well, it was kind of noisy and I scared the crap out of my family. So, beating on a pillow, or something soft, is definitely recommended. ;-)
  • golf_gal
    golf_gal Member Posts: 69

    I remember your "bat" post
    and I was walking through the garage and noticed a plastic bat that we've had for years. I grabbed it and started beating the hell out of a plastic trash bin. Well, it was kind of noisy and I scared the crap out of my family. So, beating on a pillow, or something soft, is definitely recommended. ;-)

    good for u
    Hopefully you got a release. I can hear that garbage can in my head! :-)