MOJO ~ Tribute

I'm changing my avatar to a photo of my beloved Ebony whom we lost a few years ago.
A dog with attitude, she was one of the best, she was my buddy, my girl and my best friend.
Even though it's been a few years now, she is still in my heart and I often think of her daily.
Though she is gone in body, her spirit, her attitude and the great times we had are with me forever.
Won't those of you that have lost their best buds, be it dog, cat, horse, bird...etc...join me for a week in tribute to MOJO.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Phrannie for her loss and for healing.
I'm sitting here balling like a baby, John
I am so touched. Ebony was a special girl...I know all our pups are special, but in the course of a lifetime of dogs, some are stand outs...and Ebony was one....MoJo was one. All the years I had him I never quite had a handle on him....something in him he kept within in reserve...I respected that part of him.
The last four years have been intensive caretaking, in order for him to have some quality of life...because we were velcro'd together for such a long time, and my life pretty much revolved around him and his care....there is a void right will fill, but today it has an echo.
I appreciate so much that you can empathize with how this dog was one of the standout ones.
p0 -
MOJO Avatar ~ Awesome Good Looking Guyphrannie51 said:I'm sitting here balling like a baby, John
I am so touched. Ebony was a special girl...I know all our pups are special, but in the course of a lifetime of dogs, some are stand outs...and Ebony was one....MoJo was one. All the years I had him I never quite had a handle on him....something in him he kept within in reserve...I respected that part of him.
The last four years have been intensive caretaking, in order for him to have some quality of life...because we were velcro'd together for such a long time, and my life pretty much revolved around him and his care....there is a void right will fill, but today it has an echo.
I appreciate so much that you can empathize with how this dog was one of the standout ones.
I can completely understand.....
I think the feelings we had with Ebony passing was about as intense as first discovering I had throat cancer....
It was a slug in the gut..., couldn't eat, hated to go home to an empty house, nothing was the same.
Eventually little by litte you get through..., not sure if you ever get over it. Everytime you have something like this happen, it takes a little piece of your heart.
You are right, Ebony like Mojo was special...she had attitude. She was on Ebony time...LOL. She wasn't doing anything she didn't want to do. You might make her do something, but she would grumble about it while walking away...she let you know she wasn't happy.
If I torked her off about something, she'd go to another was me that had to eventually go suck up to her for forgiveness, LOL....
She hated a leash... when we went for walks or jaunts in the woods. I'd take her leash off, she would trot a head a little, never out of sight of me. She'd stop and wait for me to catch up, then trot a head a little further.
We did eventually get two choclate lab sisters, Kali and Jasmine (Jazzy).
They are crazy in their own personalities... I see a lot of Ebby within Kali. Shelley and I always comment about Kali being on Island Time.... Kali is not in a hurry to do anything.
No matter how much you try to rush her, she is going to take her own time. And attitude, she has got an attitude twice her size.
I totally understand and can feel for your pain..., unfortuantely it's another one of those things that just takes time to lessen the pain.
With you,
John0 -
Mojo, for Phrannie.Skiffin16 said:MOJO Avatar ~ Awesome Good Looking Guy
I can completely understand.....
I think the feelings we had with Ebony passing was about as intense as first discovering I had throat cancer....
It was a slug in the gut..., couldn't eat, hated to go home to an empty house, nothing was the same.
Eventually little by litte you get through..., not sure if you ever get over it. Everytime you have something like this happen, it takes a little piece of your heart.
You are right, Ebony like Mojo was special...she had attitude. She was on Ebony time...LOL. She wasn't doing anything she didn't want to do. You might make her do something, but she would grumble about it while walking away...she let you know she wasn't happy.
If I torked her off about something, she'd go to another was me that had to eventually go suck up to her for forgiveness, LOL....
She hated a leash... when we went for walks or jaunts in the woods. I'd take her leash off, she would trot a head a little, never out of sight of me. She'd stop and wait for me to catch up, then trot a head a little further.
We did eventually get two choclate lab sisters, Kali and Jasmine (Jazzy).
They are crazy in their own personalities... I see a lot of Ebby within Kali. Shelley and I always comment about Kali being on Island Time.... Kali is not in a hurry to do anything.
No matter how much you try to rush her, she is going to take her own time. And attitude, she has got an attitude twice her size.
I totally understand and can feel for your pain..., unfortuantely it's another one of those things that just takes time to lessen the pain.
With you,
My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head was in my hands
The doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms,
Were of his younger, puppy years,
And OH....his many charms.
Today, there was no gentle nudge,
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart thats filled with tears,
Remembering are joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said "You should cry no more",
GOD also loves are canine friends,
He's installed a 'Doggie Door'!
Jan Cooper '95
God bless Mojo.
Tonsil dad,
Dan.0 -
Thank you for your TributeSkiffin16 said:MOJO Avatar ~ Awesome Good Looking Guy
I can completely understand.....
I think the feelings we had with Ebony passing was about as intense as first discovering I had throat cancer....
It was a slug in the gut..., couldn't eat, hated to go home to an empty house, nothing was the same.
Eventually little by litte you get through..., not sure if you ever get over it. Everytime you have something like this happen, it takes a little piece of your heart.
You are right, Ebony like Mojo was special...she had attitude. She was on Ebony time...LOL. She wasn't doing anything she didn't want to do. You might make her do something, but she would grumble about it while walking away...she let you know she wasn't happy.
If I torked her off about something, she'd go to another was me that had to eventually go suck up to her for forgiveness, LOL....
She hated a leash... when we went for walks or jaunts in the woods. I'd take her leash off, she would trot a head a little, never out of sight of me. She'd stop and wait for me to catch up, then trot a head a little further.
We did eventually get two choclate lab sisters, Kali and Jasmine (Jazzy).
They are crazy in their own personalities... I see a lot of Ebby within Kali. Shelley and I always comment about Kali being on Island Time.... Kali is not in a hurry to do anything.
No matter how much you try to rush her, she is going to take her own time. And attitude, she has got an attitude twice her size.
I totally understand and can feel for your pain..., unfortuantely it's another one of those things that just takes time to lessen the pain.
With you,
It is very special. I still dream about my favorite cat, Fido, otherwise known as Baby Fido, Great Furry wonder ruler of all. She was a tiny mean Siamese that my mother and I loved. She was only nice to me, and pretty much rotten to everyone else, except for people with cat phobias, whom she stalked incessantly, trying to get on their laps.
I dream about her sometimes, and in those dream she can talk, sounding exactly like Joan Rivers.
Hugs to you!
Stacey (and Fido)0 -
a very nice tribute !phrannie51 said:I'm sitting here balling like a baby, John
I am so touched. Ebony was a special girl...I know all our pups are special, but in the course of a lifetime of dogs, some are stand outs...and Ebony was one....MoJo was one. All the years I had him I never quite had a handle on him....something in him he kept within in reserve...I respected that part of him.
The last four years have been intensive caretaking, in order for him to have some quality of life...because we were velcro'd together for such a long time, and my life pretty much revolved around him and his care....there is a void right will fill, but today it has an echo.
I appreciate so much that you can empathize with how this dog was one of the standout ones.
John, what a great idea !!
Phrannie, I saw your post with Mojo's pic on facebook last night...just lovely. Like others, we have been there done that. Lost our GSD, Heidi and our Siberian Husky, Buddy in the same year-that was you said John, it was just as tough on us as the cancer diagnosis...sometimes I think more so because the cancer was survivable.
I have to dig out some old pics to post in honor of Mojo this week.
You are in my thoughts Phrannie and Greg.0 -
Dan that poem made be smile
and cry at the same the idea of a doggie door in heaven.
Stace, I had a Siamese cat named David, who really took a piece of me too when he passed at 16...and I'm not a cat person per se, but that cat had wormed his way into my heart big time.
Ingrid...I know you are a dog lover also...I felt your hugs last night.
p0 -
May I expand on Toby.phrannie51 said:Dan that poem made be smile
and cry at the same the idea of a doggie door in heaven.
Stace, I had a Siamese cat named David, who really took a piece of me too when he passed at 16...and I'm not a cat person per se, but that cat had wormed his way into my heart big time.
Ingrid...I know you are a dog lover also...I felt your hugs last night.
Now that we are sharing about our pets, may I share a little bit more about Toby. Toby had something all pets have but his was just special it was a giving heart, yes he could not wait to love and be loved. Diane found him on a shelter website and although we had just built a home where you could not have fences and although I have never shared this before I use crutches and wheelchair from polio so I had no idea what we would do with a dog. But I love dogs and I guess God knew Toby would work for us. To keep a long story short, after Toby arrived and got used to me on my crutches we took him out, at first off he went in to a vacant lot next door, but I called him back, and for the next 4 years we had Toby he never left the yard we could let him out and he never strayed. When he was able to travel with us he would stay right by me when rolling around in my wheelchair. So thats why I say Toby was God sent. It was not perfect, he gave our Kirby Shampooer a run for its money but he was worth it. I cried more for Toby than any other pet I have owned he was just that precious. We had him cremated and he sits in my book shelf next to Dianes Emily Kitty. Sadly we will likely not have another dog due to the fence issue but maybe Toby was just a gift for a period of our lives and I can just enjoy his memories. Thanks for let me offer a Tribute to one of my dearest buddies.0 -
Yes....these are the kind of tributes I love to hear.....ditto1 said:May I expand on Toby.
Now that we are sharing about our pets, may I share a little bit more about Toby. Toby had something all pets have but his was just special it was a giving heart, yes he could not wait to love and be loved. Diane found him on a shelter website and although we had just built a home where you could not have fences and although I have never shared this before I use crutches and wheelchair from polio so I had no idea what we would do with a dog. But I love dogs and I guess God knew Toby would work for us. To keep a long story short, after Toby arrived and got used to me on my crutches we took him out, at first off he went in to a vacant lot next door, but I called him back, and for the next 4 years we had Toby he never left the yard we could let him out and he never strayed. When he was able to travel with us he would stay right by me when rolling around in my wheelchair. So thats why I say Toby was God sent. It was not perfect, he gave our Kirby Shampooer a run for its money but he was worth it. I cried more for Toby than any other pet I have owned he was just that precious. We had him cremated and he sits in my book shelf next to Dianes Emily Kitty. Sadly we will likely not have another dog due to the fence issue but maybe Toby was just a gift for a period of our lives and I can just enjoy his memories. Thanks for let me offer a Tribute to one of my dearest buddies.
Everybody has their once in the lifetime get a oncer cat, a oncer dog, a oncer horse...the ones where people say how did you get him/her to do that!
I've looked at all my pups over the years as siblings, even tho most never knew one another...some there was an over lap in their lives...but they all had their special things to offer me. Tosha was my sister, back in the 70's she was allowed to come into the bars and drink beer and eat peanuts...I never went anywhere without her. Nook was my genius, could problem solve anything, and I could take her to a skid row bar, or to the governor's mansion, and she would have figured out how to blend in. Ike was my lover boy...never had a dog so devoted to JUST me...he really didn't like many other people, but he loved other furry critters and he loved his mama. RubyAnne (Rottie/Pitbull)...the happy girl...never had a bad day...happy morning till night. Molly (Westie) I inherited from my mom, was a shadow to me the house and outside. A delightful, brave, and devoted little terrier....and then I said I never quite got a handle on the "who" of him even after many years. He was very obedient, but there was alwaya something in him that could not be touched by a human being. He didn't like being petted or even having someone in his space (he tolerate it, but that was all)...yet, he padded that huge body wherever I went and was always within 3 feet of me. He'd defend his dad (which he proved during a playful guy time wrestling match...never seen this dog so upset...and he had the bulk to push his way around...he was not fat, he was 130 lbs of muscle and bone....yet, never in his life did he ever think of biting anyone...he made up to strangers in 5 minutes. He was a myriad of contradictions.
p0 -
We had a wonderful cat named Romeo that died of cancer a year ago. When I was in my heavy napping stage during and after treatments he would curl up next to me and keep me company for hours at a time--as if he knew I was hurting and in need of some companionship. He's now resting for good himself in our back yard, under a funky yard-art cement cat statue that we turned to face the house--so he can look in on us at all times.
Pets are always great, but sometimes they are even greater than normal.
Mike0 -
Lovin It....IKIngrid K said:a very nice tribute !
John, what a great idea !!
Phrannie, I saw your post with Mojo's pic on facebook last night...just lovely. Like others, we have been there done that. Lost our GSD, Heidi and our Siberian Husky, Buddy in the same year-that was you said John, it was just as tough on us as the cancer diagnosis...sometimes I think more so because the cancer was survivable.
I have to dig out some old pics to post in honor of Mojo this week.
You are in my thoughts Phrannie and Greg.
Nice photo tribute you have going on there....
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