Confused about Ultrasound

Smarty99 Member Posts: 13
Let me start by saying I have not been diagnosed with cancer, however, there is a possibility.
So, if I really shouldn't be here, please forgive me but I don't know where else to go.
If anybody can help ease my concerns, I'd be very grateful.
Here's my ultrasound report and my questions to follow. I just skipped to the important part:

Normal in position and size, measuring 10.7 cm in legth, No dilation or thickening of the collecting system is present. A complex (containing both solid and cystic elements) predominately cystic 1.2cm x 1.1cm x 1.2 c. mass is present in the lateral aspect at the junction of the interpolar region and the inferior pole of the right kidney, in the location where the hypodense mass was seen on CE. It demonstrates slight wall irregularity and an echogenic focus posteriorly, which measures approximately 4mm. I do not see an associated peripheral mass. Corticomedullary junctions are definable and renal cortical echogenicity is normal.

In the exam room that day, he noticed for the first time I had swollen neck glands, more so on the right but got distracted as we were interupted to go get chest xrays done. Could there be a connection? And, further in the report he categorizes this as a Bosniak 2 lesion and to follow up in 3 months with another Ultra Sound. Why so soon if these things grow so slowly?
This was two months ago. Glands still swollen. Maybe slight increase. Can't tell for sure.



  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    A little about what i know
    Sometimes your lymph nodes might swell in order to produce more white blood cells in order to fight infection,that mass you have is small so try to relax be vigilant in follow ups and do not push any panic buttons at this time this all could end up being nothing.One more thing ,try not feeling your throat to often you could be irratating it by touching it to much and also keep us posted as i myself wish you the best.
  • Texas_wedge
    Texas_wedge Member Posts: 2,798
    US report
    No CT scan? Any reason why not? What was the reason for the ultra-sound investigation?
  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    Marble sized...

    What they found is very small, about the size of a marble, and could very well be just a cyst. Like Tex I'm curious about why a CT was not ordered, it likely has to do with the small size, but I would ask the question to be sure. The swollen glands are almost certainly not related, you may have or have had an infection of some sort which triggered the reaction, it can take several weeks for things to settle back down, give it a bit more time and if nothing changes call your doc. Good luck and keep us posted as things progress.

    Hang in there,

  • Smarty99
    Smarty99 Member Posts: 13

    US report
    No CT scan? Any reason why not? What was the reason for the ultra-sound investigation?

    US Report
    Okay, here's the background story.
    There was a CT scan. However, it was done to check for colon cancer. Back in March, I got sick, dropped 20 lbs in 2 months. I went from 145 to 124. So in May when I went to see him, he ordered a bunch of tests because he wanted to treat this thing as colon cancer since my mother died of colon cancer.
    In March, I lost my appetite, got weak (probably from not eating). Colon is fine. Still not the appetite I once had. I don't mind being a size 2. Kinda like it. Anyway, back on point, ct scan showed something that might be a cyst. They followed up with a US. Which is what I posted above. In May it was recommended to do a 3 month follow up, so in August it will be 3 months. I hope this clears thing up a little bit. Sorry for jumping back and forth.
  • Smarty99
    Smarty99 Member Posts: 13
    garym said:

    Marble sized...

    What they found is very small, about the size of a marble, and could very well be just a cyst. Like Tex I'm curious about why a CT was not ordered, it likely has to do with the small size, but I would ask the question to be sure. The swollen glands are almost certainly not related, you may have or have had an infection of some sort which triggered the reaction, it can take several weeks for things to settle back down, give it a bit more time and if nothing changes call your doc. Good luck and keep us posted as things progress.

    Hang in there,


    US Report
    Thanks Guys for all your help. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm not crazy about waiting another month to find out what's going on, but what can you do? Trying to make sense of all this stuff can drive you batty. ;-)

    Take care and have a wonderful day!!
  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,053 Member
    Smarty99 said:

    US Report
    Thanks Guys for all your help. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm not crazy about waiting another month to find out what's going on, but what can you do? Trying to make sense of all this stuff can drive you batty. ;-)

    Take care and have a wonderful day!!

    Any Labs done?
    Did you have CBC and BMP's done at the times of those CT's and US's? (alphabet soup!) You are entitled to copies of your labs. Just looking at the White cell counts can tell you if you had any kind of infection under way.
    Let's hope you just a bacteria or virus you're fighting off.
    Luck to ya. And try to relax.
  • Smarty99
    Smarty99 Member Posts: 13
    donna_lee said:

    Any Labs done?
    Did you have CBC and BMP's done at the times of those CT's and US's? (alphabet soup!) You are entitled to copies of your labs. Just looking at the White cell counts can tell you if you had any kind of infection under way.
    Let's hope you just a bacteria or virus you're fighting off.
    Luck to ya. And try to relax.

    Any Labs Done
    Thanks Donna,

    Back when I went in originally(the end of Feb.)he did my blood tests. He said everything looked normal. However, my report that was sent to me said that my alkaline phospates, AST and ALT all were low and out of the normal ranges, but he said all that was fine. I don't know what a BMP is. I haven't had a urine test. I don't know if that is necessary. Probably not, since no one has mentioned it. I really am out of my comfort zone.
