Chemo Today



  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member

    Hodkins Lymphoma Bendamustine.
    Hello there

    I have just signed up with Cancer Survivor Network today. I ironically have just received Bendamustine or Treanda yesterday. I have another dose to do today. I have had 5 cycles of this chemo. It is a strong chemo and the only chemo that has made me thrown up. I have received 3 other forms of chemo. I have been battling Hodgkins since March 2011. The good news is this chemo has put me into complete remission (CR). I had to do this cycle to prep me up for Stem Cell transplant. Thank Goodness we are not on a Chemo named Eshap. It was by far the strongest most painstaking recovery I have ever had to go through with cancer. 5 days straight of chemo bags in hospital facility. And 4 nights of a 24/7 drip bag that is in a fanny pack. Brutal chemo.

    Any way all chemo I have been through has involved a truck slamming into me.

    I wish you a good recovery.

    God bless you and your family my friend.

    Thanks Everyone
    This journey is just so hard sometimes! I feel so helpless concerning my brother. Last time he had cancer I was able to fly down and help him. This time is going to be different. But the first chance I get I'll go. I know what it means when someone goes out of their way for you- it just makes you feel better that you're loved that much. I am confident he understands my predicament- I just wish I could help him.

    My body is playing tricks on me. Yesterday the pains were practically gone- but they woke me up today. Guess that"s just the drug working it's way through my system. I also have to keep the positive attitude going. It really makes a difference.

    Thanks everyone for your support.

    And welcome Rory- sorry you have to be here but glad you found us. Great group here. Did your doctor give you Zochor or Emend for the nauseasness? (sp) I felt very sick when we used Zochor but not as much with Emend. Glad to here you got to Remission!!!Is your transplant scheduled after you're done with the Bendamustine? My doc is adding Ofatumumab if I can tolerate it after a trial in the hospital- thinks it will make my eventual Remission longer. Sounds good to me!! God bless you - hope the rest of the treatments are easier!!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    onlytoday said:

    Thanks Everyone
    This journey is just so hard sometimes! I feel so helpless concerning my brother. Last time he had cancer I was able to fly down and help him. This time is going to be different. But the first chance I get I'll go. I know what it means when someone goes out of their way for you- it just makes you feel better that you're loved that much. I am confident he understands my predicament- I just wish I could help him.

    My body is playing tricks on me. Yesterday the pains were practically gone- but they woke me up today. Guess that"s just the drug working it's way through my system. I also have to keep the positive attitude going. It really makes a difference.

    Thanks everyone for your support.

    And welcome Rory- sorry you have to be here but glad you found us. Great group here. Did your doctor give you Zochor or Emend for the nauseasness? (sp) I felt very sick when we used Zochor but not as much with Emend. Glad to here you got to Remission!!!Is your transplant scheduled after you're done with the Bendamustine? My doc is adding Ofatumumab if I can tolerate it after a trial in the hospital- thinks it will make my eventual Remission longer. Sounds good to me!! God bless you - hope the rest of the treatments are easier!!


    Something for pain?
    Good morning, Donna :).

    If you don't already have something prescribed, maybe you can get something for
    pain so you can sleep better. For me, over the counter stuff was not
    very effective for the "bone aches" I got from neulasta - which woke me up
    and/or prevented me from sleeping.

    I had Hydrocodone combined with Acetamenophen (same as Vicodin I think) that was prescribed for me during my surgery. I only used that once after my surgery and had leftovers. I got the okay to take those for the pain I got from the neulasta
    and they made a big difference. I'm very careful with pain medications as I've had relatives and friends develope abuse problems.

    I'm sure you're brother understands your situation.

    Hugs and hope you're feeling better soon,

  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    onlytoday said:

    Hi everyone,

    Feeling better today. Eating a bit- pain easing. Energy coming back. I'm monitoring myself though- you know the drill. Easy to over-do it at this stage.

    I'm very shaken - got the news that my brother ( we are very close) has lung cancer. Geez. What a shocker.
    It is a small tumor and he has opted for no surgery just radiation. He's in Florida and i'm in Jersey so it makes it hard. Praying that it'll all be okay. I just want to fly down and be with him and my family has put there foot down and said no way.

    So - another day of this mess. I truly believe that God does not give us more than we can handle. I don't feel that way right now - but I believe it. So I'm taking this one hour at a time. I'm sure the deep pain of it will ease.

    Thanks for listening, caring and just being the great support that you all are.


    P.S. I hate cancer.

    Never Ends
    Dear Donna,

    I am glad you are feeling better today. I am glad your appetite is back. Eating is so important for our strength.

    I am so very sorry about your brother in Florida. News like this is everyone's
    nightmare, especially when having our issues.

    Donna I will continue to pray for you. What is your brother's name?

    love and hugs Love Maggie