Update on Bill

deb824 Member Posts: 21
Hi Deb here again to update on Bill's progress. It is now 2 weeks that he has been in the ICU. He is still on the ventilator and very slowly progressing in a good way every day. They operated again on him yesterday in the OR. His vent settings are down to 40% and a peep of 8 (down from 100%, 20 Peep)So they felt he was stable enough to go to the OR. So after being given a time line of about 2 hours for the surgery(which was to close up his open stomach wound) it actually took about 5 hours, the last 2 of which I do not know how I survived let only Bill. He had an abcess that was carefully removed from his colon, and a mesh screen was put in for support. They closed him up inside but left the outside skin to heal on its own. They are still saying his colon and intestines is paper thin. Does anyone know what that means and if that gets better over time? How will he be able to eat? I wish I could talk directly to the Dr. but by the time I get there after work there is no one around but nurses. And somehow info gets distorted when I get it from his Mom. Just spoke with his Mom who is at the ICU with him. He is alert this morning and they have turned off the vent for awhile to see how he does. They will turn it back on if he gets tired and will be doing this for the next couple of days. I can't wait to go see him and have him know I am there and respond to me. IT has been 2 weeks from hell. As I watched him go from totally swollen with fluids to sunken in cheeks and still swollen hands and feet. He was very thin to begin with I can't imagine what he weighs now.
Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. I do not think he is out of the woods yet and has a very long road ahead. He has another colostomy on the other side now, and the Dr won't even condider reversing it for at least a year. He hated having a bag and couldn't wait until the reversal. I wonder how he will deal with this news. Hopefully he will realize how ill he was from the blockage that came from doing the reversal and the subsequent rupturing of his colon. Only time will tell. Keep the prayers coming as I will keep all of you in my prayers as well.


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Will Do!
    Deb, I'm so sorry for this...it sounds like it has been more than you both bargained for. I don't have anything profound to say...

    I saw your post and just wanted to bump this up for the group in case someone has some direct experience with this...just wanted you to know that we saw this and responded.

    I wish I had more experience with this, but I can't really offer any suggestions...I'm glad he is off the ventilator...blood gases and levels are always something to keep an eye on.

    Wishing you the best and hope to hear some more news from you:)

  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    Sundanceh said:

    Will Do!
    Deb, I'm so sorry for this...it sounds like it has been more than you both bargained for. I don't have anything profound to say...

    I saw your post and just wanted to bump this up for the group in case someone has some direct experience with this...just wanted you to know that we saw this and responded.

    I wish I had more experience with this, but I can't really offer any suggestions...I'm glad he is off the ventilator...blood gases and levels are always something to keep an eye on.

    Wishing you the best and hope to hear some more news from you:)


    Prayers are all that I can offer, Deb. I wish that I could offer some sort of insight, but this is far outside of my experience. I will include you as well as Bill in prayers for hope and strength.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sometimes having a reversal of an ostomy isn't always beneficial and in this case, it had dire consequences. I'm glad that he is doing better but still sounds like he has a long road ahead of him. Try to encourage him with the replacement of the ostomy even though he is profoundly not in favor of it. It will and has saved his life and that is the most important aspect of this situation. It sounds like you are a loving supporter of him and that is something to be cherished. Also, put a call into his doctor and find out what is going on so you are more in the loop or ask his nurse. Hope that he responds well to what is next.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    One thing

    The one thing I would tell you is that perhaps you should request that the doctor call you, so you can speak directly with him about Bill's case. That way you can ask him the questions and get answers straight from the source!

  • omrhill
    omrhill Member Posts: 125
    You have been through ( are going through) quite the ordeal. Thete is really nothing i can say to help other than to let you know I am pulling for both of you and am optimistic that you will get through this.
    hugs to both of you,
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    you are fighters
    I'm thinking and praying for you and bill all the time. You have really been through so much. Its encouraging that he is making progress. Keep up the battle...i will be praying for continued progress. Jeff