Ice cream cake and chemo. Not the best idea for me.

Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
Hi all, thanks for all of the help over the last months. I started xeloda this week and 5FU infusion was Monday. Aside from some serious heartburn that actually made me cry until I got some Maloxx in me (in addition to the 12 hour zantac that I took 3 times that day) and today when I stupidly tried to eat ice cream cake (it was good, just not very wise, won't do that again), it's been a tolerable week. I missed two days of work because I just generally didn't feel way day 4 and 5. So glad to have the week off from taking this stuff. Last dose is tonight. I hope that means I'll feel okay all week especially since we're in the beginning. Also I'm getting a port as day one with the infusion was not so peachy. I wouldn't do that to myself for six whole months. Only side effects from that were sensitivity in my right arm to cold and plum face. I literally looked like a red plum for two days. Hugs to all. Hope everyone had a good week. I needed to take a break from the boards to get my thoughts in order.


  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Helen
    I start my chemo next week - I get my port changed out July 17 th. I'm very nervous. When do you get your port? I will be taking Folfox - Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin, and 5FU. Hopefully we won't get all the side effects. I'm trying to get my fill of all cold things now since I won't be tolerating them on chemo. Hope you have a good week.
  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    Helen and Sandy
    sending big hugs your way. It is horrible not going to say it isn't (my experience), but you do find a medium along the way, and then you hopefully get to the end of it, and it seems like it wasn't real. Helen you will find what is right for you to eat and not, don't feel bad.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    i miss icecream also

    the links above, well i am nervous about weak stomach acid, as i have persistant thrush.
    barb is one of my naturoppaths, i like her naturalist approach.

    its good to take a break, i hope your feeling better.

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    i miss icecream also

    the links above, well i am nervous about weak stomach acid, as i have persistant thrush.
    barb is one of my naturoppaths, i like her naturalist approach.

    its good to take a break, i hope your feeling better.


    stomach acid
    "...weak stomach acid..."
    so what does your naturopath say about possible acid stimulation like bitters, or direct acidulation with something like betaine hydrochloride?
    (I've never run across true 10% HCl acid caps)