i am a freaking fried mess! Now I'm done! Yay.



  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I burned, too!
    Ouch. I 'air dried' as much as possible. Didn't wear restrictive clothing whenever possible. Used creams, and non-stick telfa pads under hubby's undershirts - those (wife-beater) kind - kept the telfa pads snug.

    Gentle hugs,

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Tux said:

    I had some pretty bad burns, too. I bought white flannel at the fabric store & cut the
    fabric into 9 inch squares. I put those in my bra & it helped a lot--I agree, those gauze
    pads are not helpful after a certain point. I gritted my teeth & made it through. Toward the end I had nausea, so I kept a Vicks inhaler & mint gum handy to keep myself going.
    As soon as the boosts were over, I started healing right away! Good luck!

    Trixy, are your rads done
    Trixy, are your rads done now? How are you?

    Hugs, Angie