From arimidex to fareston

pamcb3 Member Posts: 44
Hi all!
Hope your fourth of July celebrations were all fun! I have written before complaining about arimidex. I was on it for 4 months and I couldn't take it anymore. I tried everything in my power to make it work. I honestly hurt as bad as I did when I was going through chemo. So my oncologist gave me a month off of any drug. That was wonderful!! When I went in assuming I would be put on tamoxifen, I was told I didn't qualify for it. They had taken extra blood the month before to check certain I am taking with the arimidex I didn't look up side effects because I didn't want to put anything negative in my brain. Well, I haven't been on it a full week yet and I hurt all over, with the arimidex I thought my body would get used to it and calm down......any suggestions!!! I am so tired of being in pain.


  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    We had a fantastic 4th! Had
    We had a fantastic 4th! Had a barbeque with lots of friends and family and laughed and drank and ate, yes, ate too much. lol

    I am not on Arimedex and don't know anything about Fareston. Hopefully some of the pink sisters here are on it and can help you out.

    Hoping your pain goes away for you soon.

    Hugs, Angie
  • NancyJac
    NancyJac Member Posts: 91
    I will be starting on
    I will be starting on arimidex next week. Since I already have osteopenia and knee pain, my onc. referred me to an orthopedic doctor. I go to see him on Monday and hopefully between the two of them they will come up with what will work best for me. It could involve some additional meds and some rehab. Also, for most people, exercise helps a lot with the pain. Maybe something similar would be helpful for you.
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    I have been on Arimidex for only 3months. The pain for me hit after about 3wks but is hard for me to judge because at the same time I was weening off Oxycontin from treatment for Anal Cancer. (Diagnosed and treated for that 1yr prior to my Breast Cancer) That being said, the pain especially in the morning was awful, especially my back. I saw my PCP last month and she kept me on a low dose prn pain management program. I am trying to work through the pain without meds and the more active I am the better I feel. I started a yoga class, and even get up in the middle of the night to do some stretches and wake up with less pain in the am now. The motivation to get going is sometimes hard, but am thankful when I do. Everyone is different, but some say that in time your body adjusts to the arimidex and SE's are less. Good luck, hoping things improve soon.
  • debsweb18
    debsweb18 Member Posts: 191 Member
    I've had arthritis,
    I've had arthritis, especially in my fingers and neck, for many years. At first, I started taking Vioxx, which was wonderful, until they took it off the market. I found that arthritis hurts more when it's developing, then the pain subsides. I don't take anything for it. I'm also have oseopenia and take Fosamax. Some people have horrible pain with Fosamax alone. I've had no problems with it. Since starting Arimidex in October it's a different story. I didn't feel any pain at first. Then I started noticing that I'd wake up with all my joints stiff. Then once in a while one of my hips would bother me. I went to Tenn. in Feb. where my parents keep their house very cold. My hips hurt so bad, I finally took something for them. When it started to warm up in later March and saw my new Onc Doc, it was much better and told him it was manageable. Same as when I saw him last month. Now it seems to be getting worse. I can barely get up sometimes after sitting too long. My hips and or knees hurt. The only thing I take is liquid glucosamine. The doc suggested it, but I was already taking it. Having said all this, I don't know if the pain from Arimidex will subside like arthritis or will accumulate and get worse. I hope not, because I have to take it for 7-8 years. I do exercise a couple times a week (wish I had time for more like I use to). I know this may not help, but this is my experience with the drug. I hope you find something that doesn't give you so much pain.

    Anyone here on it for several years (or has it been out that long?)
