sunburn and a way to keep it cool

Gabe N Abby Mom
Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
Hi guys,

I took my daughter and her friend swimming. I had my daughter spray my head with sunscreen, but she missed a large spot just above my forehead. So of course I have a sunburn there.

Anyway, I found a really cool (forgive the pun) way to keep my scalp cool. My daughter's dance teacher gave all the backstage mom's a "chilly pad by frogg togg". I've been tying it on my head to keep the burn cool and it works really well.

It got me thinking it might also work for those of you going through rads. Seems to me it would be worth talking with your doc about it.

Might also be great for hot flashes...




  • NancyJac
    NancyJac Member Posts: 91
    Thanks for that tip, Linda
    I have 2 more rads to go and have gotten to the point where the burn is really uncomfortable and my skin is starting to peel. Haven't heard of chilly pad. Is it like a gel ice pack?
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    NancyJac said:

    Thanks for that tip, Linda
    I have 2 more rads to go and have gotten to the point where the burn is really uncomfortable and my skin is starting to peel. Haven't heard of chilly pad. Is it like a gel ice pack?

    It's a thin "foam" (I don't
    It's a thin "foam" (I don't really know how to describe it) "towel". It's about the size of a large hand towel, and can keep you cool for hours. I found some to give away a the local sporting goods store (Sports Authority for me), they were $15.

    Please be sure to check with your doc before trying one. You should be able to google it for info for your doc.


  • NancyJac
    NancyJac Member Posts: 91

    It's a thin "foam" (I don't
    It's a thin "foam" (I don't really know how to describe it) "towel". It's about the size of a large hand towel, and can keep you cool for hours. I found some to give away a the local sporting goods store (Sports Authority for me), they were $15.

    Please be sure to check with your doc before trying one. You should be able to google it for info for your doc.



    Hmmmm....ok, don't think
    Hmmmm....ok, don't think I've ever heard of those but will look into it and ask my RO when I go for my treatment tomorrow. Thanks again, Linda.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    NancyJac said:

    Hmmmm....ok, don't think
    Hmmmm....ok, don't think I've ever heard of those but will look into it and ask my RO when I go for my treatment tomorrow. Thanks again, Linda.

    Yikes ... !!!
    slather your sun burn with little aloe vera -- and a small bag of frozen peas to keep
    forehead cool ..

    Good luck .. Linda


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Yikes ... !!!
    slather your sun burn with little aloe vera -- and a small bag of frozen peas to keep
    forehead cool ..

    Good luck .. Linda



    Linda these things really work! My husband uses one when in the hot summer, like now, when he plays golf...We got it at Bed Bath & Beyond...$14.99
    He says it works great!

    Hugs, Nancy