Right Hip Surgery Tomorrow - 7/3/12

ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
edited July 2012 in Breast Cancer #1

Sorry that it has taken me sooooo long to tell y'all what's been going on with me lately. It all started back on June 13th......

June 18,2012
I went to see my oncologist this past Wendesday,June 13th, for my monthly Zometa infusion and check-up. The infusion went well,but the rest not so good. I told the doctor that I was still having pains in my hip,lower back and my right collor bone, sometimes bad, sometimes not. She sent me for some x-rays of the hip and clavicle. I had mentioned a couple of months back about my collor bone hurting then,but she got sidetracked with other things and I forgot about it because the pain went away. This time it felt bigger and was very sore in one spot. When the x-rays came back,she said there was a questionable spot on the hip and that the clavicle had been broken & healed. That I must have bruised it again in Chicago lifting Gurt's wheel-chair in & out of the house. I don't remember when or where I could have done anything that would have broken my clavicle in the first place?

My onc then set me up for another bone scan on Thursday,June14th, to get a better look at my right hip. She also set me up with an appointment to see my radiologist on June 20th about radiating my right hip. She also told me that my bone marrow was not producing enough to build up my bones,hence the Zometa. Dr. Goodwin told me back in the begining(Jan. 2011)when I was told I had bone mets that I can't be falling or I could break a bone, but how do I protect myself from breaking bones if they are so brittle that they break without me knowing about it? Are my bones that brittle? Well, I guess so!

June 22 2012
So, I saw my radiologist on Wed.,June20th, and he said,"between the x-ray and bone scan that my right femer/hip was so weakened that I could fracture that hip." He also said that if I fractured my hip,that hip replacement surgery would be the worst for me right now. He said that the femer had some "low spots"(I can't remember the medical term he used)in it and that he wanted to "stableize" the hip befor he radiates it because the radiation may make it weaker. He wants me to have surgery on my right hip to stablize the femer before radiation. I don't know what that intails,but I see the surgen on Wed.27th. They gave me cruches to keep the weight off my right leg & hip till the surgery.

July 2,2012
I saw the surgen,Dr. Bradley, on Wed. June 27th. He said that my right femer is 50% eroded up by the hip socket ball. He wants to put a Right Hip Trochanteric Femoral Nailing Rod in on July 3rd. He said that he would make an insision on my outer right hip and a small hole near the knee to screw the rod in. He said that I shouldn't be in the hospital more than a day or two and that I would be able to walk(putting wy weight on my right hip) right away. Very little or no phyical thepary,too. I suppose that means that I won't have to use cruches anymore.

Well Ladies, that's about all I have to tell you for now. Will be looking for the "Pink Buss" with a bunch of hungry,loud and "tipsy" Pinks making fools of themselves and others,who may or may not be getting arested, unless they have a good "get away driver" on board. LAUGHING OUT LOUDLY !!!!!!!

Love,Prayers and Healthy Thoughts to all my Pink Sisters.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Oh No!!!
    Robert, I hate hearing this news!!! I am so sorry....yes, cancer is the "gift that keeps on giving". ....why couldn't we just get a fruit of the month?...

    I am sending my best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery...please keep us posted...we care

    I have my pink bus outfit all ready to go...if I had hair, I'd make it pink... But since I don't my outlandish outfit will do...I also have all the noise makers...feel free to deny knowing us...lol

    Big (((((hugs))))
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Robert you have been through so much the last few months. It seems this is what happens so many times when we are dx with the beast.We need to check out every little pain(and you did).Might start out being minor but could turn out to be a major problem.Sounds like your doctors are on the right track and taking good care of you.Thinking of you and wishing you the best like all the other Pink Sisters.We want nothing but the best for you.

    We'll all be on the Pink Bus praying/thinking of you. Of course there will be the rowdy ones and the quiet ones.The quiet ones will keep the rowdy ones in order. We don't want them to get arrested. If we tell law enforement what it is for they will probably let them off the hook.LOL

    My sister has 4 biopsies tomorrow.2 tumors in each breast.I'm worried.Of course she acts strong. This will make 4 of us in our family if she is dx.

    Will be thinking of both of you tomorrow. Post when you can and I will have some news about my sister when she gets her final report.

    Lynn Smith
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Not AGAIN?!
    Oh Robert, I am SO sorry you are having such troubles. Breast cancer is indeed the gift that keeps on giving. You continue to inspire me with your upbeat attitude. I will, of course, be on board the Pink Bus. I am not sure I have a pink bus outfit like Nancy but I DO have a large pitcher of margaritas. I will be happy to share it with your wife if she will come outside the hospital to meet the bus.

    Good luck.

  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    Wishing you less pain and a speedy recovery.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Not AGAIN?!
    Oh Robert, I am SO sorry you are having such troubles. Breast cancer is indeed the gift that keeps on giving. You continue to inspire me with your upbeat attitude. I will, of course, be on board the Pink Bus. I am not sure I have a pink bus outfit like Nancy but I DO have a large pitcher of margaritas. I will be happy to share it with your wife if she will come outside the hospital to meet the bus.

    Good luck.


    Robert, I will be with you in prayer and spirit
    on that pink bus as well. I love the rowdiness of the pink bus--all that energy sent to you in a very positive way is going to help you get through this latest setback.

    Wishing you the easiest surgery and quickest recovery.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Boarding the Pink Bus
    Robert... sorry to hear about your hip and the need for surgery. I am glad you have excellent doctors working by your side who will guide you through this process. I pray God grant you an uneventful surgery and recovery. In the meanwhile, take care of yourself. Eat well, rest, and try and move when you can.

    Big hugs to you and yours.

    PS I will be riding the rowdy Pink Bus and will be bringing spicy mango Margaritas! Had one over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised by how Good it was! I am giving you fair warning. Hold onto your seat before you take a sip of this Margarita!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Wow Robert! That's a lot to
    Wow Robert! That's a lot to go through. I hope the surgery goes as expected, and that your recovery is swift and sure. You bet I'll be on the bus! I'll happily be the get away driver if hospital security kicks us out.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Wow Robert! That's a lot to
    Wow Robert! That's a lot to go through. I hope the surgery goes as expected, and that your recovery is swift and sure. You bet I'll be on the bus! I'll happily be the get away driver if hospital security kicks us out.



    Boarding the bus
    I am coming. Robert,
    Good luck with your surgery.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Positive Thoughts Sent Your Way for Tomorrow!
    "how do I protect myself from breaking bones if they are so brittle that they break without me knowing about it? "

    The answer to your question Robert is that you have to think of your body as the finest, thinnest piece of porcelain every made. You have to guard it in that manner. No lifting things that are heavy even when you think you can, you can't. It is very hard to do. You must look around you all the time to make certain your path is clear and you won't trip, not easy either. In time, believe it or not, one becomes use to it and it becomes a way of life.

    Best wishes for a uneventful surgery and quick recovery.


    PS: Watch out for those pink dames, they are a wild lot, as you know.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    sounds like quite a surgery. So glad that they can do this surgery, thou especially if it helps with the pain.

    Wouldn't miss being on the pink bus with the rest of the pinks to give support. Glad you won't have to use crutches anymore. I was able to get a power chair because of the hips and clavicle. It comes apart and fits in the trunk. It took a bit to admit that I couldn't walk long distances, but now it is a blessing for shopping, airports, and even just going for a 'walk'.

    Hope all goes well for you,
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member

    Boarding the bus
    I am coming. Robert,
    Good luck with your surgery.

    I will be on that BUS for
    I will be on that BUS for you Robert!


    So sorry to read this news. But you'll be in my prayers tonight. God bless you and may he help you recover smoothly and quickly.

    We'll be thinking of you. And please post when you can to let us know how you are.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Sorry to hear this Robert
    Sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    camul said:

    sounds like quite a surgery. So glad that they can do this surgery, thou especially if it helps with the pain.

    Wouldn't miss being on the pink bus with the rest of the pinks to give support. Glad you won't have to use crutches anymore. I was able to get a power chair because of the hips and clavicle. It comes apart and fits in the trunk. It took a bit to admit that I couldn't walk long distances, but now it is a blessing for shopping, airports, and even just going for a 'walk'.

    Hope all goes well for you,

    I'll be on that bus

    I'll be on that bus tomorrow. Hope the A/C is working well---sounds like the bus will be full.
    Praying for a successful surgery and speedy, uneventful healing.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Sorry to hear this Robert
    Sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.

    Robert .. Wow, what a wild ride --
    We will be with you in thoughts and prayers! I hope for a speedy recovery, very
    little pain -- and smooth sailing thru rehab for you.

    Strength, Courage and Hope for a CURE.

    Vicki Sam
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Robert .. Wow, what a wild ride --
    We will be with you in thoughts and prayers! I hope for a speedy recovery, very
    little pain -- and smooth sailing thru rehab for you.

    Strength, Courage and Hope for a CURE.

    Vicki Sam

    I'm on that bus!
    Take care, Robert! Hope to hear good news from you soon.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    aisling8 said:

    I'm on that bus!
    Take care, Robert! Hope to hear good news from you soon.


    Since I probably missed the bus
    I teleported myself to the hospital and got on board with the rowdys. My first thought was I hope all the noise doesn't wake you up!. By now, your surgery may be behind you. I hope it all went well and puts you on stable ground again.

  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    We're all there
    in spirit with You, Robert. Prayers coming your way for a speedy recovery..

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    Not AGAIN?!
    Oh Robert, I am SO sorry you are having such troubles. Breast cancer is indeed the gift that keeps on giving. You continue to inspire me with your upbeat attitude. I will, of course, be on board the Pink Bus. I am not sure I have a pink bus outfit like Nancy but I DO have a large pitcher of margaritas. I will be happy to share it with your wife if she will come outside the hospital to meet the bus.

    Good luck.


    I missed the bus Robert but
    I missed the bus Robert but am wishing you the best of luck with your surgery!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Hope you came through the
    Hope you came through the surgery with flying colors. Praying all is well. Please let us know. Big hugs and healing energy coming your way.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Wow Robert! That's a lot to
    Wow Robert! That's a lot to go through. I hope the surgery goes as expected, and that your recovery is swift and sure. You bet I'll be on the bus! I'll happily be the get away driver if hospital security kicks us out.



    Hoping that your surgery
    Hoping that your surgery went smoothly and that you are resting comfortably Robert.

    Hugs, Jan