Just Checking In...

dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
I am back from my mini vacation at friends house in GA for a long birthday weekend..
It was nice to catch up... It was very humid there and I brought it home to Jersey with me. The president delayed my flight home 3 times tuesday.. You could see the official planes and airforce 1 on the distant tarmac from the gates.. it was kind of neat..

I had my fourth infusion of Forfiri yesterday and 1/2 dose of Vectibix since we skipped last infussion of the vect as the first treatment brought some really nasty sided effects up immediately. It was a really long day yesterday.. felt worn out.. Today seems ok know that I am a wake.. my scalp is itching from the vectibix and the irenotekan trying to make my hair fall out.. I haven't really had an nausea.. a little queasy but not really bad..
some diarhea I expect to surface in a few days. I don't get it imediatly it comes about 3-5 days later and last for about 3-4 days.. I gave that is common from what I hae4 read regarding Folfiri..

My BP was rather low.. for me.. they said maybe I was dehydrated but I don't know.. 95/61 seemed rather low and i was concerned.. they told me to drink more.. I don't do well with drinking anything so I have been trying to force it for the last 2 weeks but I guess I am not doing so well. How do you push you liquids..


  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    Good to see ya back
    How was your vacation? Nothing like coming home from being away and having to hit treatment again right off the bat. Hope that it's easier on you than last time.
  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    Doc_Hawk said:

    Good to see ya back
    How was your vacation? Nothing like coming home from being away and having to hit treatment again right off the bat. Hope that it's easier on you than last time.

    Hope your feeling better
    Georgia is definitely hot! I'm in north ga and today is supposed to be 106! I try to drink a lot of fluids, especially since surgery. I keep water next to me all day and try to drink at least 16 oz every couple hours during the day. Good luck with the chemo, I start July 17th, not looking forward to it.
  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member

    Hope your feeling better
    Georgia is definitely hot! I'm in north ga and today is supposed to be 106! I try to drink a lot of fluids, especially since surgery. I keep water next to me all day and try to drink at least 16 oz every couple hours during the day. Good luck with the chemo, I start July 17th, not looking forward to it.

    Very cool you got to see
    Very cool you got to see airforce!! I would have been snapping photos out the window :) Wonder if they would have stopped you? I have no advice for you, putting down liquids or anything for that matter has never been an issue for me...I even go through three tall glasses of water at my bedside every night...must be my snoring makes me thirsty at night.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Outside of drinking normally...would be to go to infusion and get an IV to supplement your levels.

    Or you could drink liquids like you would for a prep....so many ounces per hour or two...

    Or you could pour shot glasses and down 'em like that.
  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Outside of drinking normally...would be to go to infusion and get an IV to supplement your levels.

    Or you could drink liquids like you would for a prep....so many ounces per hour or two...

    Or you could pour shot glasses and down 'em like that.

    Shot glasses!!!!
    Hmmm.. interesting idea...

    I try to drink more.. but it is hard for me.. since my gastric bypass.. as I can't mix food and liquids too much as then I bloat horribly.
  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member

    Hope your feeling better
    Georgia is definitely hot! I'm in north ga and today is supposed to be 106! I try to drink a lot of fluids, especially since surgery. I keep water next to me all day and try to drink at least 16 oz every couple hours during the day. Good luck with the chemo, I start July 17th, not looking forward to it.

    Watch the Heat
    Definitely watch the heat the week you do your chemo..
    I bundle up during the infusion and shed the layers before I leave the hospital.
    but the heat is surely an easy way to get dehydrated.. watch the caffiene.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Glad your back
    Glad your back and had a great time. It's always nice to get away especially when it is at a friend's house. Hope you are feeling better and drink lots of water as this weather has been so hot lately.

  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    dmj101 said:

    Shot glasses!!!!
    Hmmm.. interesting idea...

    I try to drink more.. but it is hard for me.. since my gastric bypass.. as I can't mix food and liquids too much as then I bloat horribly.

    Dehydration can cause many problems...
    Glad you had a nice visit. I gave up all caffeine and only drank decaf coffee in the am and orange spice tea and raspberry tea ...The Oxi prevented drinking anything that was not room temp. I also monitored my urine color ... I knew if it was not clear I was getting dehydrated. We share the same effect of low blood pressure if dehydrated so after a few times I knew keeping hydrated was the key to feeling better while on chemo. Keeping something with you and taking small sips is the key.