
kimberly sue 63
kimberly sue 63 Member Posts: 421 Member
Well this week will be my 9th week of chemo. It has been 10 weeks since starting, but had to skip one week due to blood counts. So far doing ok....no mouth sores, no neuropathy!!! Yea! I am terrible fatigued and sometimes and more so short of breath. I know when my red blood counts are low because any activity causes shortness of breath and heart racing. I continue to work as a nurse practitioner and see patients in the morning and come home in the afternoon and sleep. It was good for me to continue to work. It keeps some normacy in my life.
As many of you know that from the start of chemo, one of my biggest challenges was the hair loss.I ended up not losing all of my hair....but the remainder is thin and white with a little gray. I don't seem to be losing that!!! Funny how that gray hair is so resilient even to chemo therapy. I have had a wig special made with human hair, but trialed it the week I lost my hair and it was too traumatic. It has been sitting on my dresser for many weeks unused. I have gotten many scarfs and had many comments with how pretty I look. But, as we all know it doesn't feel normal. i ALSO THINK WITH 90 PLUS DEGREE WEATHER anything on your head is hot!!!
Today, I put on my wig and worked with styling it. I have had it on all evening and I actually feel normal for once!!! It is nice to look in the mirror and seem more normal. I think I might just wear it to work tomorrow!!
Thursday is my nithth chemo and it means 50% done!!


  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Hi Kim
    Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress. I remember that the overwhelming fatigue was the hardest side-effect to deal with, but once the chemo is done, you'll get your energy back faster than you expect. My chemo took place during winter which means that I wanted to keep my bald head covered with scarves and hats because it was so cold! So glad you're feeling good about your wig. So glad too that you're 50% done; before you know it, you'll be 3/4 done and then completely done!

    Take care,