starting fourth week of radiation and second cycle of chemo

Matt29 Member Posts: 62
hi everybody I'm starting my fourth week of radiation and my second chemo cycle my taste is pretty much gone nothing really taste that good anymore my neck a little burned throat a little sore and I'm taking muccinex for the mucous but I'm hanging in there tomorrow is chemo so we will see how that goes thank you for all the thoughts and prayers means a lot to me.


  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160
    Nearly there
    Hang on on there Matt, nearly there - you are doing great.

    All the best with finishing it off

  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    Seat Mates
    Matt -- you and Hubby are seat mates on this bus ride. He is in 4th week of 7 weeks of rads and just finished his 2nd of 3 cisplatin chemos.

    He is about the same as you as far as radiation side effects. This round of chemo really has him dragging. Just when he thought he couldn't get any more fatigued, WHAM!

    Chemo doc told us early on that 40% of cisplatin recepients are too weak for the last treatment. We asked her today how we determine if he can take the last treatment. She said we would know closer to the time but that a good indicator is if he makes it that far without being hospitalized.

    Yesterday, the radiation oncologist told Hubby he was doing great. We asked how they gauge "great" and he said if you have not been hospitalized. He also said Hubby was getting ready to start the hard part. I don't know what is first half was called, but the word easy does not come to mind.

    Prayers for all our bus mates.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    4th week

    Good job, almost half way (this week). Keep getting plenty of rest and nourishment. Don’t fight with taste, just drink your meals and worry about eating later (if you have to). Sounds like you are managing the discomforts, don’t forget to tell the nurses or doctors if new issues arise, they will more than likely have something to help.

    See you on the other side.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Matt....getting past that half way mark
    with radiation was wonderful for me...knowing I was on the downhill side of those seemed to give me that extra boost to get thru the rest of them. I don't know how many chemo's you have left...tomorrow's and one more?? But we get recoop time between them, and that's a good thing! The first few days can be rough, but you know they will pass.

    Deb and Onc told me today that radiation is a subtle go in for 20 minutes, and it's painless...yet no matter where a person is getting it...even if it's on the leg, the fatigue is tremendous. Just flow with it...sleep, rest...HYDRATE and eat/drink as much nutrician a day as you can take in. Learning how to care for self is hard to do...emotionally and physically.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    I have to say, once I passed
    I have to say, once I passed the halfway mark it went rather quickly. Either that or I gave in to the fatigue and slept thru the 2nd half :-)
    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your young family as you take this journey. Accept the fatigue when it comes and get lots of rest and stay hydrated.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    hwt said:

    I have to say, once I passed
    I have to say, once I passed the halfway mark it went rather quickly. Either that or I gave in to the fatigue and slept thru the 2nd half :-)
    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your young family as you take this journey. Accept the fatigue when it comes and get lots of rest and stay hydrated.

    Good to hear from you Matt...
    you are on my prayer list .....

    and I'm glad you are halfway there!!!

