One year anniversary

Ruffy7 Member Posts: 126
So one year ago today I was having surgery for what I thought initially was some benign mass at the base of the appendix (detected by my first colonoscopy). Coming out of surgery and anathesia (sp) I was told it was malignant and needed to see an oncologist. As everyone here knows, that discussion turns your world upside down. The journey has been interesting - some ways hard to believe it's only been a year, other times it seems like yesterday. The first few months were really hard mentally and but then things started to get back to normal until a scare in Feb/March with an ovarian mass. Had the ovary removed in April. Now I'm hoping to get back to normal again but have the one year recheck colonoscopy this Friday(kinda of scary since that's what started everything last time - no symptoms) but the journey has made me look at life differently. I was so lucky that it was caught early and did not need chemo or HIPEC. Here are some of the things I've learned over the past year about myself and things in general:

1. Don't sweat the small stuff - most things we worry about, in the long run, are trivial.
2. Hard to trust doctors (even though they did discover/remove the tumor).
3. The internet is good and bad - makes you feel like a doctor even though you're not :).
4. Talking (even online) to others with similar dx helps - you don't feel so alone.
5. So important to take things one day at a time as others here have said. You can make yourself crazy trying to deal with the what-ifs that never happen.
6. Life is good but there is a better place in eternity that I look forward to. This made me look at my own mortality - realizing that at some time we all will move on from here even if it isn't cancer that sends us to the pearly gates.

In an odd way, I'm grateful for this dx since it made me get my priorities straight on what really matters. Anyway, just being reflective today. Hope everyone is doing good. God bless, Ruffy


  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    Yes One year can make a difference
    First Happy for you that you were dx early. One question: Were you dx with Colon Cancer or Appendix Cancer?

    I went in one year early I thought for the recommended colonoscopy with my annual Pap and Mammo. That was soon two years ago. Thank goodness for HealthCareReform which assured cancer screening coverage for women. Had one at 50 and now two years ago had a colonoscopy at 59 and found tumors in both the appendix and the right colon as well as 5 of 20 nodes. I finished Folfox Chemo and had a scan on an enlarged right ovary July, 2011 that turned out to be OK and it resolved itself. Folfox side effects left me weak, poor balance, nueropathy in hands, feet, face, dry eyes, dry mouth, teeth and jaw pain.

    Now one year later, able to do 30 men push ups, pull ups, sit ups, ....nueropathy now better and tends to be temperature related. Life is good and I feel Lucky. But I too am anxious as I approach my 2nd Year Scans and Tests.

    Thinking of you with positive thoughts and prayers for your upcoming tests.
  • Luckygirl2
    Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308
    I was one year
    June 10th, like you mine was found during my colonoscopy, had surgery the 13th. And boy you are right it has been a year. Had my one year colonoscopy in April due to some issues and my CT, get to do it again in July. And boy does it help you put your priorities in order. I've had many blessings this past year.

    Hope your upcoming colonoscopy turns out great - enjoy the sleep afterwards! :)
  • Ruffy7
    Ruffy7 Member Posts: 126

    Yes One year can make a difference
    First Happy for you that you were dx early. One question: Were you dx with Colon Cancer or Appendix Cancer?

    I went in one year early I thought for the recommended colonoscopy with my annual Pap and Mammo. That was soon two years ago. Thank goodness for HealthCareReform which assured cancer screening coverage for women. Had one at 50 and now two years ago had a colonoscopy at 59 and found tumors in both the appendix and the right colon as well as 5 of 20 nodes. I finished Folfox Chemo and had a scan on an enlarged right ovary July, 2011 that turned out to be OK and it resolved itself. Folfox side effects left me weak, poor balance, nueropathy in hands, feet, face, dry eyes, dry mouth, teeth and jaw pain.

    Now one year later, able to do 30 men push ups, pull ups, sit ups, ....nueropathy now better and tends to be temperature related. Life is good and I feel Lucky. But I too am anxious as I approach my 2nd Year Scans and Tests.

    Thinking of you with positive thoughts and prayers for your upcoming tests.

    The dx was appendix cancer
    The dx was appendix cancer but since it's an orphan disease, and the rare cancer forum doesn't have much activity, thought I'd post here. Besides it being rare in and of itself, it's location was very lucky since it was in the base of the appendix, it was seen during the colonoscopy. The majority are in the tip and not seen, hence they usually aren't detected until appendicitis or rupture happens. However, they had to remove most of the cecum to make sure they got all of it. Thanks for all your thoughts and good luck with your tests/scans. Ruffy
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 543 Member
    Congrats on the anniversary,
    Congrats on the anniversary, I hope you have many many more. It a crazy trip that is for sure, it will be 4 years for me Dec 2. The first few months are a total mind f*ck, nobody mentions that, but man you go to such a dark place. I can't say I will every be able to say I am grateful for any part of that journey, not giving cancer any credit. But I raise my glass and say a toast to your good health.
  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Happy Anniversary!
    It is a big deal to make a Year! What a difference a year makes! Woooo Hooo. A friend of mine told me It is better to look down at the flowers then up at them, and Slay the Dragons in your life!

    Some of the best advice I have ever received.

    Best Always, mike
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Glad the Doctors caught it early (even if you don't trust them!)
    Often a scare, like cancer, gives people a wake up call and helps them appreciate the things we should ALWAYS appreciate but don't often do. I personally prefer to live and enjoy my life in the here and now (because it is both HERE and NOW) but we all have our ideas of what may happen when the curtain falls. I prefer to enjoy what I know...
    Stay well, enjoy life...