Cancer Recurrence



  • buzz99
    buzz99 Member Posts: 404

    So sorry

    So sorry to hear this news and will be praying for you and Buzz. When Charlie's came back it was with avegence. He too received I guess you would call it pallative chemo. He had erbitux and something else which was doing the job, but if you remember, he had a gi bleed and had lost a lot of weight, and blood counts went crazy and all. But, of course everybody is different and miracles do happen. It's not easy watching your spouse go thru that and we had been married for 35 years. It's still not easy but you do what you have to do and with God's help and the wonderful people here you make it thru. Treasure every moment and God Bless!

    Jan (Basketcase)

    To Jan
    I know you have been down the road which we will be taking and I am dreading this. We have been married 39 years and I cannot imagine a life without Buzz. But you have made it and I will too. Buzz is getting Erbutux and Carboplatin. It is too soon to see if this treatment is working. We have been seeing a Palliative Care doctor who has had some great ideas for symptom management. How long did Charlie survive after he started Palliative Chemo? The statistics are pretty dismal. My only hope is that Buzz has an easy time and minimal suffering. Thanks for your reply and yes, we are treasuring our time together. Karen
  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    buzz99 said:

    To Jan
    I know you have been down the road which we will be taking and I am dreading this. We have been married 39 years and I cannot imagine a life without Buzz. But you have made it and I will too. Buzz is getting Erbutux and Carboplatin. It is too soon to see if this treatment is working. We have been seeing a Palliative Care doctor who has had some great ideas for symptom management. How long did Charlie survive after he started Palliative Chemo? The statistics are pretty dismal. My only hope is that Buzz has an easy time and minimal suffering. Thanks for your reply and yes, we are treasuring our time together. Karen

    Hi Karen
    I'm sorry to hear of your situation. It is worth remembering, there is no predicting, even now, how things will go. Statistics are meaningless, as you know. There have recently been a couple of people who posted on the board that they were alive with metastatic disease 9 years after diagnosis. It is wise for all of us to be emotionally guarded, but no one knows these things for sure.

    best to both of you.

  • arndog64
    arndog64 Member Posts: 537
    Pumakitty said:

    So sorry

    I am so sorry to read this. I will prayer daily for you. I hope that the chemo gives him some relief.


    It just breaks my heart to
    It just breaks my heart to read this. I do not know what to say. I will praying for you.
    Take care my friend. GGGRRRRRRRR!!!!! I hate cancer!!!!
  • wifeforlife
    wifeforlife Member Posts: 189
    arndog64 said:

    It just breaks my heart to
    It just breaks my heart to read this. I do not know what to say. I will praying for you.
    Take care my friend. GGGRRRRRRRR!!!!! I hate cancer!!!!

    you are dealing with all of our fears. ...I have no answers... I want to tell you miracles happen... and I wnat to tell you to be brave and prepared for the worst. My heart hurts for you. Blessings and peace.
  • sun101
    sun101 Member Posts: 8 Member
    So sorry but remember god is always with you. I will add you to my prayer list.

  • alaskanjan
    alaskanjan Member Posts: 42
    buzz99 said:

    Get that lump checked pronto. Buzz had two CT Scans which gave us a false sense of security. 3 month later we found the lump and PET scan revealed two additional tumors. I don't want to scare you but this should be checked out. Karen

    Follow up
    Thank you Karen for your kind words of advice. Jack did see his ENT doc on the 12th and had it biopsied on the 14th. Thankfully the biopsy, along with one done on some tissue in the BOT tumor site that did not look just right to him, turned out ok. However, the ENT doc wants him to have a PET scan which we will travel to Anchorage and have done on Thursday. Sometimes it is hard to know what protocol is appropriate. Jack's cancer team at MD Anderson feel that PET scans show too many false positives after radiation, as does his medical oncologist here in Fairbanks. The ENT said no, he really wants one since he has seen cases that the PET scan showed additional tumors that don't show up on a CT scan. Guess we will just do it all and feel lucky that he is being well checked out. I am a bit concerned though that the ENT has seen something that he is not talking about...paranoia I guess on my part. God Bless you and Buzz.