ditto1 Member Posts: 660
getting his Mask, Dat ditto1, who ditto1, ya your right Dats who. Yes my dear friends nearly 2 months after finding out about the dreaded mask today was the day. It started with my Eribitux 1st one and then off to get the mask fitted. 1st I give thanks to Jesus for getting me thru the day, but after that I want to thank all of you who have showed me the way either thru your own journey or a family members journey. You have never failed to respond to my questions concerns or fears. I guess the old saying "There is nothing to Fear but Fear itself" When they put the mask on it felt like a warm towel being gentle pressed, in between my Jesus please keep me relaxed I pretended I was poolside in a warm tropical location. Then it was back to please just relax, sooner done sooner it would be over and it was. The techs were great and the OC doctor made it quick to get the markers. The Mask is down to my shoulders and he will allow eye cut outs. I know I have a long ways to go and will pray that the actual RAD days go as well, but for today I just wanted to share with all of you who know about the MASK and what you went thru and maybe to someone who has yet to get the MASK and needed to hear from another that it is doable.


  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    No biggie!!!!
    Glad you got through it with no problems, the next steps are even easier,
    remember next time the machine goes around you not you in the machine
    so its less claustaphobic and the sessions are are much shorter. Stay positive
    and it will be soon behind you.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member

    No biggie!!!!
    Glad you got through it with no problems, the next steps are even easier,
    remember next time the machine goes around you not you in the machine
    so its less claustaphobic and the sessions are are much shorter. Stay positive
    and it will be soon behind you.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    I didn't realize how lucky I
    I didn't realize how lucky I was until I started looking at other's pictures! My mask only went down to my neck, it did not cover my shoulders at all. All of you guys that have masks that are on yor shoulders are troopers for sure! Ditto, I'm so glad your mask fitting went well. I had to pray through mine as well, also prayed through my first few Rad sessions. I figured I had the quiet time, I might as welluse it for something productive:) you are going to do great! The mask will no longer be a big deal before you know it!!
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Hi ditto1,

    Wow, that was a heck of a ride wasn’t it? Warm towel kind of makes it not so bad. Until recently, I thought everyone’s mask went down to the shoulders. Not so, everyone’s is a little different. Mine had eye(s) and mouth holes, some do not.

    Dan is right, the machine moves around you, which is kind of cool, and it gives you something to watch. Good luck with the rad treatments, you’ll find your way (it is a well worn path). Feel free to ask us if you have any questions.

    Relax and regroup. Bless you.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Yeaaahhh, Mr. Ditto!!
    I'm so glad the fitting went well...I thought the same thing when they put it on my face, all warm and wet...almost nice :).

    Use your lorazapam, if you think that doing the rads (once the mask has hardened), is scary or uncomfortable for you. I had lorazapam in my system everyday for rads since I had to take it for the amifostine...and everyday, I'd get lost in the music and nearly drift off...and boom there'd they be to release me. Really, by the 3rd week, it wasn't the rads that was getting to me, it was my sick shot that would get my head in a dither.

    My mask came all the way down over my shoulders...they even had to cut out a place for my port...yet I'd still drift off with the music...

    Now you're REALLY on your way!! :)

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Ditto, So happy your fitting
    Ditto, So happy your fitting went well. I pray the treatments go as smoothly. Just imagine you are being held by Jesus.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    WaterBoard Torture...
    That's what mine was like initially, LOL....

    No holes cut out, full mask covering the shoulders.

    So tight, it left waffle marks on my forehead everyday, LOL...

    Thank goodness for Xanax my first few days...that worked like a charm. By week two, I no longer need the little helper and was OK with the daily grind.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    WaterBoard Torture...
    That's what mine was like initially, LOL....

    No holes cut out, full mask covering the shoulders.

    So tight, it left waffle marks on my forehead everyday, LOL...

    Thank goodness for Xanax my first few days...that worked like a charm. By week two, I no longer need the little helper and was OK with the daily grind.


    Good to hear...
    Good to hear all went well Ditto....hurray.

    Prayers are continuing for you and Mrs. Ditto...


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Mask fitting
    Sounds like it all went well..after they cut my eye holes out it was more relaxing to me. You thought of a wrm tropical location...I hummed you are my sunshine..I could hear my grandaughter when she was 5 years old singing it. Funny the trips and memories out minds take us.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Not too bad hey...
    Hello !
    This thread was very inspiring, yes really ! You guys are so much appreciated day in and out to make this trip an easier one. I remember too the imprints being left on my face for an hour after rads. LOL...glad all went well ditto 1, continued easy journey on your treatments. Warmest regards Katie
  • Mrs. Sarge
    Mrs. Sarge Member Posts: 206 Member

    Not too bad hey...
    Hello !
    This thread was very inspiring, yes really ! You guys are so much appreciated day in and out to make this trip an easier one. I remember too the imprints being left on my face for an hour after rads. LOL...glad all went well ditto 1, continued easy journey on your treatments. Warmest regards Katie

    Yeah Ditto
    Finally got it going......so happy for you. Gotta get going to get stopped!! Huh? I know you're gonna do great!!! Hang in there!!!