Surgery on Tuesday...

I just wanted to express many Thank you's to all of you that have helped calm my nerves over this last month. I know I can be a little on the paranoid side. I go in Tuesday morning at 6:30 and have surgery at 8:30am. I am still nervous about the surgery. I am hoping he will get good margins without having to take to much of my tongue and the nodes will be clear of any cancer. However I know I will be okay. I have been praying and have had LOTS of prayers over this last month and God has continued to show me he is going to take care of me and I have faith he will. You all have been such an amazing help to me. (Ingrid Thank you for calling me Friday..It meant so much to me) Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will let you all know how I am as soon as I can.


  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    You are taking that first step to ridding yourself of this disease. May God watch over you and bring you strength and courage.

    Hubby and I have adopted this mantra (adopted from a sign in a women's softball game dugout) which we say silently and out loud as we take this journey. It seems to sum it all up for us.

    Fight. Faith. Finish.

  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    NoDuck said:

    You are taking that first step to ridding yourself of this disease. May God watch over you and bring you strength and courage.

    Hubby and I have adopted this mantra (adopted from a sign in a women's softball game dugout) which we say silently and out loud as we take this journey. It seems to sum it all up for us.

    Fight. Faith. Finish.


    I pray.
    For clean margins, God will take care of you and keep you safe
    through your surgery. keeping your faith and staying positive will
    get you through the rest..

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Thinking of you from Ohio
    7 months and 16 days ago, I was getting prepped for surgery, will think and pray for you tomorrow
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Positive attitude !
    Hello !
    Warmest wishes for a very quick recovery from surgery, and prayers already in action. You sound like a very positive person, will be thinking of you on Tuesday all day. Katie
  • Sooner79
    Sooner79 Member Posts: 29

    Positive attitude !
    Hello !
    Warmest wishes for a very quick recovery from surgery, and prayers already in action. You sound like a very positive person, will be thinking of you on Tuesday all day. Katie

    You'll Do Fine!
    I am just about a year ahead of you. Today will be your longest day, but once you are at the hospital tomorrow, you will feel so relieved to have started your fight and every day you will be one day closer to being cured. A year from now, you'll look back and it will seem like forever ago and life will be grand! Looking forward to hearing from you soon I will be praying for you.
  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    Sooner79 said:

    You'll Do Fine!
    I am just about a year ahead of you. Today will be your longest day, but once you are at the hospital tomorrow, you will feel so relieved to have started your fight and every day you will be one day closer to being cured. A year from now, you'll look back and it will seem like forever ago and life will be grand! Looking forward to hearing from you soon I will be praying for you.

    My thoughts and


    My thoughts and prayers with you. A sooner79 mentioned, each day will pass quickly than you think and before you know, you are done :)

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Sam999 said:

    My thoughts and


    My thoughts and prayers with you. A sooner79 mentioned, each day will pass quickly than you think and before you know, you are done :)


    Prayers Nita ..
    This is such a hard road mentally....I know there is not much we can do but offer support via the forum and prayers know that prayers are with you. You are on my nightly prayer list and have been since you first came on the forum.

    My daughter actually joined me last night in prayer time...that was special to me since she is just 13.

    Keep us posted Nita!!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    prayers for you
    Hi Nita,

    Well little trooper, you are ready, ready for a smooth ride and good results. We are all on board with you and share in your comfort. Don’t hesitate to ask us (your fellow bus mates) anything.

    Bless you and smooth sailing,

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I wrote a note to myself a week ago
    that Tuesday was your big day, so that if you didn't say anything, I was going to :).

    Sending you big hugs...lots of prayers and positive thoughts for will march thru this like the trooper you are. Self-discovery is a marvelous thing...we have NO idea who we really are until we face something big...and amazingly, the great majority of us find out how truly strong we are...

    Will be tucking you into my prayer-pocket're on the road to recovery!!!

  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160

    I wrote a note to myself a week ago
    that Tuesday was your big day, so that if you didn't say anything, I was going to :).

    Sending you big hugs...lots of prayers and positive thoughts for will march thru this like the trooper you are. Self-discovery is a marvelous thing...we have NO idea who we really are until we face something big...and amazingly, the great majority of us find out how truly strong we are...

    Will be tucking you into my prayer-pocket're on the road to recovery!!!


    Good Luck Nita
    Will be thinking about you tomorrow Nita good luck.

    Remember this is the first step to recovery. You will be fine; I'm 6 weeks or so out from similar surgery and I went on a stag party for my best friend Saturday, and had another party for my little boy Harry's christening yesterday.

    The only pain I'm feeling is a wicked hangover! I've been on vacation abroad, am back playing football (soccer over there) life is normal. Yes the scar is still there but it looks more like a crease in my neck every day. It's no big deal.

    You will be in some pain for a few weeks, you may feel rough from the anaesthetic - but this isn't going to change your life for the worse, what they are doing is a plan to enable you to get back to living your life normally again like I am.

    Stay positive, and keep us posted.

    All the best

  • NitaNita
    NitaNita Member Posts: 56
    LeoS2323 said:

    Good Luck Nita
    Will be thinking about you tomorrow Nita good luck.

    Remember this is the first step to recovery. You will be fine; I'm 6 weeks or so out from similar surgery and I went on a stag party for my best friend Saturday, and had another party for my little boy Harry's christening yesterday.

    The only pain I'm feeling is a wicked hangover! I've been on vacation abroad, am back playing football (soccer over there) life is normal. Yes the scar is still there but it looks more like a crease in my neck every day. It's no big deal.

    You will be in some pain for a few weeks, you may feel rough from the anaesthetic - but this isn't going to change your life for the worse, what they are doing is a plan to enable you to get back to living your life normally again like I am.

    Stay positive, and keep us posted.

    All the best


    Thank you all...
    Thanks again for the sweet words. I am a little anxious but soooo ready to be on the road to recovery! I know God is good and everything will be okay. I will let you all know how it went when I get home :)
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    NitaNita said:

    Thank you all...
    Thanks again for the sweet words. I am a little anxious but soooo ready to be on the road to recovery! I know God is good and everything will be okay. I will let you all know how it went when I get home :)

    Just stopping in late to say...
    I finished my prayers late tonight and ask the Lord to eithe take the cancer awya before you sugery tommorro or to allow the doctors to get all the cancer in there the first time...

    YOu will be sore and tired, but be sure and post wehn you can.


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    NitaNita said:

    Thank you all...
    Thanks again for the sweet words. I am a little anxious but soooo ready to be on the road to recovery! I know God is good and everything will be okay. I will let you all know how it went when I get home :)

    Good Luck
    Hope the day goes well and you start on the road to getting better.
