Found some new PET scan buddies

CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

My PET scan was a success at least the mechanics of the procedure (scary part). In addition to taking 1.5 tablets of Lorazepam (which was plenty), I took a page out of the book of phannie51 and did a (virtual) tucking in of each of you in my pockets. It got a little crowded, but with everyone tucked in, I breezed through the procedure for the first time. Mater-of-fact I snored a little bit. I found out you can easily tuck in 12 -14 fellow club members and nobody around me was the wiser.

Now waiting for results, good, clear, NED, good, clear, NED



  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    way to go !
    Matt, what a great idea ! and it sounds like they all offered you comfort and made the scan more tolerable.

    I have a feeling everyone's pockets (including mine) are going to be a little crowded on scan day from now. But I think the snoring is a new must have been relaxed.

    Now we wait....try and keep yourself busy the next few days.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Pet scans
    Great job ! And yes NED definately ! Best regards and will remember for my next scan to carry you all in my pocket. Katie
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    You didn't have me in the same pocket as Kent did you.... Someone kept smacking me on the back of the head.....!!!

    Maybe it was NED...

  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    Fingers Crossed
    And lots of prayers for great results!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Wonderful Matt!!
    A little pill, and a dozen friends in your pockets...can't go wrong with that!! We truly do get strength from one has been true for me from the first day I got here. This is the first place I come every morning....get inspried, get a touch of Kent's "BELIEVE"...get a warm fuzzy from Ingrid, grab the hands of my bus mates...and know this day will be ... if not will be doable...and comfortable in the knowledge that the day is only 24 hours long.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Wonderful Matt!!
    A little pill, and a dozen friends in your pockets...can't go wrong with that!! We truly do get strength from one has been true for me from the first day I got here. This is the first place I come every morning....get inspried, get a touch of Kent's "BELIEVE"...get a warm fuzzy from Ingrid, grab the hands of my bus mates...and know this day will be ... if not will be doable...and comfortable in the knowledge that the day is only 24 hours long.


    Figure it to be NED, John, as he's with Matt on the PS/CT. Then aqain, it mighta been a phantom PEG slapping you in the head as you quietly ponder, "I coulda had a PEG...I shoulda had a PEG...I coulda had a PEG..."

    Waiting is never easy, Matt. Remember, though, that this one is typically just to establish a baseline for future scans to be compared to. You'll be okay.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Is everyone alright, did everyone get out of my pocket safely?

    Thanks for the support.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:


    Is everyone alright, did everyone get out of my pocket safely?

    Thanks for the support.


    Hi Matt.
    That's great news!!! So glad to hear you got through it. I have not been on the board for a few days due to work (really getting ramped up for July 4th. In the Hotel biz that is our D-Day) living in a resort town July - August and most of September is CRAZY busy.

    You I feel bad. I did not know (guess I misread) that Phrannie literally tucks our names in her pocket. I sure hope I was in there!! I will have to start that!!

    Thanks Matt / Phrannie for making me aware of it correctly...jeez...I need to slow down and read.

    Matt...your scan it going to be great!!

