Need some advice desparately

I dont know where to start, but I have pain in the throat. And it went down a bit. It also bothers me when I breathe .
Have some hacky cough. So went to my primary care dr. They sent me to my gastroentologist
and had a EGD done. And that was a big deal because I had to get off the blood thinners and take shots in the belly to keep my blood from clotting while off the blood thinners.
Well he said I am ok there. I keep wondering if it is bronchial but then why would my throat hurt. I had a chest x ray also. I have been in remission since December 09.
I still have pain and do not know what to do next. I have my cat scan scheduled in July 20th. I wonder if I should call my Oncology nurse to see what she says. I had surgery in 04
and 22 radiation treatment. Then 09 did 8 rounds of chemo and Zevalin in December of 09.
I just dont know where to go next.
Any advice would be appreciated. I hope you all are doing well. Hilde


  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    Hopefully your symptoms are
    Hopefully your symptoms are for something that is relatively harmless. I too had a sore throat with a hacking cough that ended up to be acid reflux. The acid caused a vocal cord granuloma that caused pain and coughing.
    I hope its the same for you, a temporary condition. Try not to worry but press your doctors for answers and peace of mind.
    All the best,
  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Sore throat...
    Hi Hilde,
    I have a lot of sinus drainage..year round, not just seasonal... could this be something you may also be experiencing? Some days are better and then other days, when it's real windy, my throat will get tight and swollen. I also get a hacky little cough from the drainage. Mine can flare up from dust, grass mowing, certain perfumes, scented candles..etc. Isn't it crazy how when sore throats, headaches or breathing issues pop up, we immediately think "oh the cancer back?" I think that way all of the time! It sounds like you really have a good doctor...maybe he will agree to move your CT scan up instead of waiting until July least for peace of mind. I gargle with warm salt water which helps, but I can't say I experience pain as you are talking about. I don't know what to say sweetie...just hope you can get the scan sooner. Sorry you are going through this adding stress to your day.Please let us know what you find out, and I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Much love Hilde ...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Dear Hilde,

    I orginally was scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I went for the colonscopy, everything fine. I put off the endoscopy until I had a strange feeling in my throat, and
    some acid reflux. I finally had the endoscopy May 18. After the procedure, I was told
    I did well. But, 5 samples were removed for biopsy. Very scary, wouldn't you agree? Anyway, everything came back negative. I didn't have a chest Xray. I am scheduled for a
    pet, ct scan in July. I might push this up a few weeks????

    Hilde, if the doctor says you're ok, I would celebrate. Oh yes, I really understand your fear. If you are having the same symtoms, please try and get your CT scan sooner than
    July 20. Maybe you should insist on it. Let us know what your doctor says????

    I am doing well. Love and hugs to you. Maggie
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Sinus Issues/Allergies?
    Hi Hilde :),

    I agree with the others and hopefully it's something temporary
    or allergies, etc.

    I know sinus drainage can make you cough and your throat hurt as well.
    You might consider claritin or zirtec (available over the counter) to
    see if that provides relief and assuming you can take it. You might
    want to check with your doctor/nurse first. Hot tea (herbal or regular)
    with lemon and honey might help soothe things as well.

    I hope you feel better and get to the root of this.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Breathing Difficulty


    It cannot hurt to call your oncology nurse. If it were me, I suppose I most likely would.

    Several people have mentioned reflux and cough. I have had severed reflux for years, and it routinely causes me a severe cough. Also, one of my chemo drugs was bleomycin (from the drugs you listed, you have never taken bleomycin), which caused me lung damage It causes serious lung damage in about 11% of all users, and death from fibrosis in about 2%-3% of all users.

    My doc initially had me get a chest CT and ruled out the fibrosis, but it was an agony. I would cough for 5-ten minutes, and could not stop until vomiting. This was because the chemicals from my stomach gases were being inhaled, and after vomiting, the concentration was so lowered that I could then breath without the cough. But, I could not walk more than about 100 feet, and frequently panted like a dog. This lasted over three months (I did chemo for six months). My lung volume is still reduced today, but has come back significantly toward normal.

    I guess the point is that many things can cause your symptoms, as the others here have noted. Superfically, a cough and sore throat do not scream "Lymphoma!", and I am sure your other doctors will refer you as necessary in a timely manner.

    I hope all proves negative on your tests,


  • roimer72
    roimer72 Member Posts: 3
    Acid Reflux
    Hi Hilde

    I agree with others and specially with Cathy I had something similar that it took me to ER, but ended up to be acid reflux.
