ldpettit Member Posts: 128
So, this morning was my last chemo treatment. No fan fair from my husband or my girls... nada. I headed to the hospital for my blood draw and chemo. Only to find out my ANC dumped from 1.5 down to .9. Quite a shock since my counts had been climbing up each chemo. I asked if it was the Effexor that may have tanked it, since I started it almost two weeks ago. They said NO it shouldn't effect it at all. I have had headaches lately, but attributed it to allergies... now not so sure (but then when you have cancer your mind does wander to the "what if's".

The MO gave the ok for my last chemo and to add a blood boost shot today, tomorrow and Wednesday. For now I am glad that the chemo is done... now to find out why the counts tanked.

On to the next phase of this journey



  • pamcb3
    pamcb3 Member Posts: 44
    Last chemo
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! you deserve a fanfare!!! Retail therapy helps me!!! Good luck to you!!!!:)
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    pamcb3 said:

    Last chemo
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! you deserve a fanfare!!! Retail therapy helps me!!! Good luck to you!!!!:)

    That's a huge milestone! So sorry you didn't get a " hooray" from your husband and daughters....:( even though they've seen you go through this, they just don't get make your own "hooray"! Rest up, drink, drink, drink and get the last of the chemo out of your as needed and then hit the stores or what ever you want to celebrate...You deserve it! I'm proud of you! Chemo sucks, I'm on my third round in 3 years so I can certainly relate...I'll probably be on it til it no longer works as I am stage IV...

    Again, congrats on. HUGE milestone...
    Big hugs, Nancy
  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202
    I'm so glad for you! It's wonderful to have it in the rear view mirrow, isn't it? I hope you can feel better and yes, retail therapy is what I opted to do. I also hope that your counts respond sooner rather than later!

    Enjoy being done - it's momentous!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    MAJW said:

    That's a huge milestone! So sorry you didn't get a " hooray" from your husband and daughters....:( even though they've seen you go through this, they just don't get make your own "hooray"! Rest up, drink, drink, drink and get the last of the chemo out of your as needed and then hit the stores or what ever you want to celebrate...You deserve it! I'm proud of you! Chemo sucks, I'm on my third round in 3 years so I can certainly relate...I'll probably be on it til it no longer works as I am stage IV...

    Again, congrats on. HUGE milestone...
    Big hugs, Nancy

    Congratulations Lisa! You
    Congratulations Lisa! You just finished a huge milestone and we are all so proud of you!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • salls41
    salls41 Member Posts: 340
    Hooray! YOU did it!
    So glad you got that behind you! Feels great doesn't it! Congrats to you! On the other note of your counts, try not to worry.. sometimes we never find out why, just that they did drop. Hang in there!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    salls41 said:

    Hooray! YOU did it!
    So glad you got that behind you! Feels great doesn't it! Congrats to you! On the other note of your counts, try not to worry.. sometimes we never find out why, just that they did drop. Hang in there!

    Great job, Lisa--we knew you could do it!
    Take a good rest from all your body's been through these past few months. Then, when you're feeling better, do something really nice for yourself and enjoy!

    Hugs, Renee
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    salls41 said:

    Hooray! YOU did it!
    So glad you got that behind you! Feels great doesn't it! Congrats to you! On the other note of your counts, try not to worry.. sometimes we never find out why, just that they did drop. Hang in there!

    Woohoo! The biggest of
    Woohoo! The biggest of congrats to you Lisa!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    That's a huge milestone!
    That's a huge milestone! Congratulations! Keep taking care of yourself.


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    That's a huge milestone!
    That's a huge milestone! Congratulations! Keep taking care of yourself.



    Fantastic! Congrats!
    Fantastic! Congrats! How are you feeling?
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    First of all, congrats on
    First of all, congrats on last chemo!!! Yippee!!! No mo chemo. Isn't that an awesome feeling? Give yourself time to heal now, but you will get a little stronger every day.

    My WBC's and ANC tanked after chemo. The ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is a measure of your neutrophils which are one type of white blood cells. White blood cells and neutrophils are very important in fighting infection. BTW, it took a months for both to slowly improve.

    "Things you can do to reduce your risk of infection when you have low white blood count:
    •Frequent hand washing of both you and those coming in contact with you.
    •Avoid contact with anyone who is sick. If someone in the home is sick limit contact and consult your doctor or nurse.
    •Do not have dental work done while your white blood cell count is low.
    When your white blood cell count is low you may NOT have the usual signs and symptoms when developing an infection such as:
    •Pus formation (at the site of an injury or incision)
    •Nasal drainage (from a sinus or respiratory infection)

    Therefore, it is extremely important to be alert to any change in how you feel and report and discuss what you are feeling with your doctor or nurse.

    When to call your doctor or health care provider about low blood count:

    Call immediately if you have:
    •A temperature greater than or equal to 100.5°F. (Check with your health care provider, you may be instructed to call for temperature greater than or equal to 100°F)
    •Chills (rigors) or shakes
    •Sudden onset of a new unexplained pain.

    Call within 24 hours if you experience the following:
    •Sore throat
    •Sores in your mouth
    •A white coating in your mouth, especially your tongue
    •Signs of a bladder infection ◦Burning with urination
    ◦Blood in your urine
    ◦Needing to urinate more frequently than normal
    ◦Having to urinate in hurry and possibly not making it to the bathroom in time."

    Low Blood Counts

    I am a closet hand-sanitizer user. If I shake a hand, touch another person, touch anything germy, I use the hand sanitizer in my purse. Not a germaphobe, just realistic. We are immunocompromised and we have to be careful.

    Hope this helps and congratulations again! What a happy day!
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    ksf56 said:

    I'm so glad for you! It's wonderful to have it in the rear view mirrow, isn't it? I hope you can feel better and yes, retail therapy is what I opted to do. I also hope that your counts respond sooner rather than later!

    Enjoy being done - it's momentous!


    I hope your headaches get
    I hope your headaches get better and sending big congrats!

  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    Hooray!! Congrats! Doing the happy dance for you!

    Hugs, Debi
  • ldpettit
    ldpettit Member Posts: 128
    Thank you SO MUCh everyone for your cheers.... and encouraging words. Thank you also for the tips...

    Retail therapy... I haven't done that in SO long. My husband lost his job in December and is still looking. This month we realized we have spent our savings and so we are just getting by on unemployment and prayer. Since my chemo is now done, I am looking to get back to work. Honestly... the thought is daunting especially with my brain not feeling so johnny on the spot any more... GAH!

    Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Still slight headache... stiff neck and a little discomfort behind my left shoulder blade. Going to see the MO Wednesday next week to talk about that and my low ANC and White Counts. I have a feeling it was the Effexor that changed it, but waht to discuss with her. They have been low through all the chemo and yes, even on the Herceptin. So, I'm hoping once a few months have passed my counts start to go back up.

    Upward and onward - right??? I admit I try not to think about the "what if's"... but some days... it's hard not to.

    Again thank you everyone!! Your encouragement and messages truly made my day!! :)

  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    ldpettit said:

    Thank you SO MUCh everyone for your cheers.... and encouraging words. Thank you also for the tips...

    Retail therapy... I haven't done that in SO long. My husband lost his job in December and is still looking. This month we realized we have spent our savings and so we are just getting by on unemployment and prayer. Since my chemo is now done, I am looking to get back to work. Honestly... the thought is daunting especially with my brain not feeling so johnny on the spot any more... GAH!

    Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Still slight headache... stiff neck and a little discomfort behind my left shoulder blade. Going to see the MO Wednesday next week to talk about that and my low ANC and White Counts. I have a feeling it was the Effexor that changed it, but waht to discuss with her. They have been low through all the chemo and yes, even on the Herceptin. So, I'm hoping once a few months have passed my counts start to go back up.

    Upward and onward - right??? I admit I try not to think about the "what if's"... but some days... it's hard not to.

    Again thank you everyone!! Your encouragement and messages truly made my day!! :)


    Congrats on your last
    Congrats on your last chemo..talking from experiences It's a stepping stone to your new norm...
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    ldpettit said:

    Thank you SO MUCh everyone for your cheers.... and encouraging words. Thank you also for the tips...

    Retail therapy... I haven't done that in SO long. My husband lost his job in December and is still looking. This month we realized we have spent our savings and so we are just getting by on unemployment and prayer. Since my chemo is now done, I am looking to get back to work. Honestly... the thought is daunting especially with my brain not feeling so johnny on the spot any more... GAH!

    Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Still slight headache... stiff neck and a little discomfort behind my left shoulder blade. Going to see the MO Wednesday next week to talk about that and my low ANC and White Counts. I have a feeling it was the Effexor that changed it, but waht to discuss with her. They have been low through all the chemo and yes, even on the Herceptin. So, I'm hoping once a few months have passed my counts start to go back up.

    Upward and onward - right??? I admit I try not to think about the "what if's"... but some days... it's hard not to.

    Again thank you everyone!! Your encouragement and messages truly made my day!! :)


    Glad you're feeling pretty
    Glad you're feeling pretty good Lisa! I hope that you will feel even better with each passing day.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Glad you're feeling pretty
    Glad you're feeling pretty good Lisa! I hope that you will feel even better with each passing day.

    Hugs, Jan

    Congrats Lisa! I am
    Congrats Lisa! I am thrilled that you are finished with your chemo!
  • rallendorfer
    rallendorfer Member Posts: 244
    ldpettit said:

    Thank you SO MUCh everyone for your cheers.... and encouraging words. Thank you also for the tips...

    Retail therapy... I haven't done that in SO long. My husband lost his job in December and is still looking. This month we realized we have spent our savings and so we are just getting by on unemployment and prayer. Since my chemo is now done, I am looking to get back to work. Honestly... the thought is daunting especially with my brain not feeling so johnny on the spot any more... GAH!

    Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Still slight headache... stiff neck and a little discomfort behind my left shoulder blade. Going to see the MO Wednesday next week to talk about that and my low ANC and White Counts. I have a feeling it was the Effexor that changed it, but waht to discuss with her. They have been low through all the chemo and yes, even on the Herceptin. So, I'm hoping once a few months have passed my counts start to go back up.

    Upward and onward - right??? I admit I try not to think about the "what if's"... but some days... it's hard not to.

    Again thank you everyone!! Your encouragement and messages truly made my day!! :)


    So happy for you
    I've heard its great to have that chemo dragon behind you. You made it! We all understand how difficult it was for you. Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's job. That was an added problem on top of all your other worries right when you needed peace! So glad that you are feeling well enough to step out into the job market again too. Lets hope for a job that is not stressful and where you won't be on your feet for too much so that it is do-able. I work part time and am going through chemo, and I can sit where I work. It actually feels better to make myself get up, dressed, and face the day with something to take my mind off of myself. (and the money doesn't hurt either) We have been broke before and it teaches you another of life's lessons on how to make things stretch and how to do without and you make it through with prayer to the One who cares for even the little sparrows.

    [[[This is me hugging you!]]]
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    So happy for you
    I've heard its great to have that chemo dragon behind you. You made it! We all understand how difficult it was for you. Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's job. That was an added problem on top of all your other worries right when you needed peace! So glad that you are feeling well enough to step out into the job market again too. Lets hope for a job that is not stressful and where you won't be on your feet for too much so that it is do-able. I work part time and am going through chemo, and I can sit where I work. It actually feels better to make myself get up, dressed, and face the day with something to take my mind off of myself. (and the money doesn't hurt either) We have been broke before and it teaches you another of life's lessons on how to make things stretch and how to do without and you make it through with prayer to the One who cares for even the little sparrows.

    [[[This is me hugging you!]]]

    Congratulations! The end of
    Congratulations! The end of chemo is a huge milestone.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Your kindred spirits know what a HUGE milestone this is. We are all proud of you!
    I remember my last one. On the one hand I was so happy and on the other hand a little scared and lost. After 15 months my routine was now gone! Now what? My life had been on a holding pattern and I wasn't sure what to do. For awhile I was paranoid about every little ache or pain that would come up. But with time I have gotten over that. :)
    Give yourself some time to get over the effects of chemo. A good rule of thumb is it will take twice the amount of time you were doing chemo to get over the effects. For me that was 30 months! To be honest it has taken around 16 months for me to say I am starting to feel normal again.
    Praying that your number tanked was just a fluke and you are on the road to recovery!
  • ldpettit
    ldpettit Member Posts: 128
    Thank you
    Thank you guys... I finished the blood boost shots. My white count went from 2.1 on Monday to 14.1 on Wednesday (Thank God for those shots)... so instead of low, which I have been for months (but not this low), I am now in the HIGH range. lol The ANC went from 900 to 1.25... not as high as I though the boost shots would puch it, but at least it is over 1.0 - right? We shall see how it goes. Praying too it is only a fluke.. however, wondering if it is the Effexor addition to my system that is effecting it. I see the MO Wednesday next week and will ask.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!