Lumpectomey w/ Radiation or nipple sparing mastectomy? and questions for drs.

juneaubugg Member Posts: 1
Recently diagnosed with IDC 1.4cm, Stage I, Grade I, ER+/HR+, HER2-. 44 yrs old

I'm afraid if I get a lumpectomy with radiation that if there is a recurrence my reconstruction options will be limited. Right now I can have a nipple sparing mastectomy and hopefully be done. Of course, if my margins are bad, I need the mastectomy anyway, right? I am a solid B on my left and a large A on my right side (the side with the tumor). You can already see a greater size difference from all the biopsies (although only one was cancerous). So I will need some type of reconstruction in my right breast to bring it back to some comparable size. I can't just leave it significantly smaller. I go to the oncologist tomorrow and then the reconstructive surgeon. I'm trying to make sure I have all the questions I might need answered to make an informed decision. I know the recovery from flap surgery is significantly longer then a basic lumpectomy, but I can't help but feel it might be the best choice for me.

Here is what I have come up with so far... Any thoughts on additional information I need? I'm so scattered right now.

• Based on my specific histology what are the chances of recurrence with the following?
1. Lumpectomy
2. Mastectomy
3. If BRCA I? II?
• What are the risks and side effects of radiation?
• Does radiation therapy make me radioactive?
• What should I avoid during treatment?
• Does radiation therapy affect having breast reconstruction?


  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    One thing to keep in mind,
    One thing to keep in mind, if you have radiation, reconstruction may be better if you wait till after the rads. Radiation can significantly alter the look of the skin.
    When you meet with the plastics guy, see if you can see samples of his work. There is a vast difference in the quality of plastic surgeons.
    I am meeting with my second plastics guy because I didn't feel like the first one knew what I wanted.
    I had the mastectomy last year so waiting on recon isn't effecting treatment.

    All the best,