Finally saw dermatologist today about the hair thing

Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
For those who are new, my last chemo was September 23, 2010. I still have very little hair on my head (maybe 25% of what I used to have). This is consistent with the rest of my body hair. I have some, just not very much.

Today I learned pretty much what I already knew, but it's still unknown whether it's possible that I will get more hair or not. I think it was agreed that the culprit is the Taxotere, but they all act like they've never seen this or heard of it before. So today I had a biopsy to determine whether or not I have any hair follicles where I don't have hair. No follicles = no hair and I can just close this chapter of my life. It is what it is. I saw 3 dermatologists today. The senior dermatologist said he had never seen such a response to chemotherapy before, but that usually most chemo patients don't end up with as much hair as they started with. Really? I didn't know that. Of course, Arimidex could be contributing. If the biopsy shows alive follicles, they may produce hair after Arimidex, but if no follicles, then I'm not going to grow any hair regardless of stopping Arimidex (which I'm not about to do).

I just want to bring in the verdict on this hair thing. I don't understand all these supposedly bright minds acting like they've never seen this before! I know it's rare, but you know, even if they personally haven't seen it, they should know about it, shouldn't they? Actually, only my primary care physician has acted like she knows what probably happened - heck she's even drawn a picture for me!

Anyway, my friends, I'll get my results late next week. Then I can move on.



  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    I will be praying for alive hair follicles. I know this has bothered you for a while now and i wish i could somehow make those follicles wake up. please let us know as soon as you get the results.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    I will be praying for alive hair follicles. I know this has bothered you for a while now and i wish i could somehow make those follicles wake up. please let us know as soon as you get the results.



    Off topic...
    I certainly hope the biopsy shows active hair follicles! Did they mention alopeca? .(sp?)....I have to say I don't know one woman who's hair hasn't grown back after Taxotere....and sadly I know quite a few...I do think it's got to be pretty rare....I'm bald again due to 10 rads to the started falling out so I had my hair dresser buzz it to the scalp....that was 9 weeks ago....I keep checking for stubble where I had the rads..nothing...the chemo I'm on Avastin and Carboplatin is supposed to cause " thinning" ...I honestly don't know if I'll ever have hair again, so I can certainly sympathize with you...

    Now the OT... when our son was 6 he starting running a high fever.. And had a slight rash..took him to the doctor...the doctor had no idea what was
    Wrong with him...I took him back the next day as he was covered with this"rash" ...The doctor, who was young, called in another doctor to look at older doctor...he took one look at Matt and said "he has measles!"..even though he had the vaccine...the young doctor had never seen I wouldn't doubt that the dermatologist are being honest with you....

    Keep us posted...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I'm glad you took


    I'm glad you took this step. I firmly believe that knowing is better than wondering. Of course, I'll be hoping for lots of follicles that will produce lots of hair!


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Suzanne I too am joining the praying for alive follicles brigade! I agree it is better to get the answer out in the open rather than waiting and wondering. Hope you get the news you want next week!


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    RE said:

    Suzanne I too am joining the praying for alive follicles brigade! I agree it is better to get the answer out in the open rather than waiting and wondering. Hope you get the news you want next week!



    More hugs
    as Rena I hope that your follicles are still alive just dreaming and waiting a better time. I am confident that Arimidex plays an additional role and surprised that everyone medical professional who examined your deny Taxotere and Arimidex side effects. I have been fortunate to have hair, however I have completely lost my eye lashes while on Arimidex and Tamoxifen. In my case, whatever Taxotere did not do, estrogen blocker have accomplished.
    Wishing you a quick healing after biopsy
    New Flower
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    More hugs
    as Rena I hope that your follicles are still alive just dreaming and waiting a better time. I am confident that Arimidex plays an additional role and surprised that everyone medical professional who examined your deny Taxotere and Arimidex side effects. I have been fortunate to have hair, however I have completely lost my eye lashes while on Arimidex and Tamoxifen. In my case, whatever Taxotere did not do, estrogen blocker have accomplished.
    Wishing you a quick healing after biopsy
    New Flower

    It is amazing what chemo
    It is amazing what chemo does to our bodies. I have hair but it is still curly, 2 1/2 years later. weird. for a person with stick straight uncurlable hair to have this. i am hoping they are just being stubborn and your hair follicles start to behave. youare really lovely so with or without you are a winner.
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    carkris said:

    It is amazing what chemo
    It is amazing what chemo does to our bodies. I have hair but it is still curly, 2 1/2 years later. weird. for a person with stick straight uncurlable hair to have this. i am hoping they are just being stubborn and your hair follicles start to behave. youare really lovely so with or without you are a winner.

    Suzanne, I also have had issues with my hair, and I finished treatment in October 2008 (TAC and 40 radiation treatments). I started Femara in August 2008, and my body just wouldn't let me take this med, so I was changed to Tamoxifen in December 2008. Today, my hair is still thin, and I continue to lose more and more each week. The beautician said you lose 10-18 hairs a day normally, so a little loss is expected. However, I, like you,don't see any new growth. I just keep it short, and it seems to cover the bald spots better that way. Scalp massage will help to "rejuvenate" the hair folicles, so maybe you can try massaging your scalp at night while reading or watching TV. The more massaging, the more awakening, according to my hair beautician. I have also started using Tea Tree Oil once a week, and do see some improvement.

    Overall, I am just happy to be alive to deal with this hair issue. If I wind up bald, then the wig goes back on. At least I am breathing, and enjoying a "hairless life". I hope you get some answers next week on your test for folicles. Hugs, Judy
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Suzanne, I also have had issues with my hair, and I finished treatment in October 2008 (TAC and 40 radiation treatments). I started Femara in August 2008, and my body just wouldn't let me take this med, so I was changed to Tamoxifen in December 2008. Today, my hair is still thin, and I continue to lose more and more each week. The beautician said you lose 10-18 hairs a day normally, so a little loss is expected. However, I, like you,don't see any new growth. I just keep it short, and it seems to cover the bald spots better that way. Scalp massage will help to "rejuvenate" the hair folicles, so maybe you can try massaging your scalp at night while reading or watching TV. The more massaging, the more awakening, according to my hair beautician. I have also started using Tea Tree Oil once a week, and do see some improvement.

    Overall, I am just happy to be alive to deal with this hair issue. If I wind up bald, then the wig goes back on. At least I am breathing, and enjoying a "hairless life". I hope you get some answers next week on your test for folicles. Hugs, Judy

    bumping up ...
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    VickiSam said:

    bumping up ...

    Suzanne... You're in my prayers
    You're in my prayers. I had Taxotere and Carboplatin chemo treatments and Thank GOD no problems with my hair. The texture is for sure different than before. Oddly enough it's thicker and curlier. Once you've gone through the hair loss and thinning, we realize how important hair really is. I'm praying for you!!! And... good move to go to the dermatologist to determine what's going on.

    Sending positive vibes your way!!!

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Mitzi333 said:

    Suzanne... You're in my prayers
    You're in my prayers. I had Taxotere and Carboplatin chemo treatments and Thank GOD no problems with my hair. The texture is for sure different than before. Oddly enough it's thicker and curlier. Once you've gone through the hair loss and thinning, we realize how important hair really is. I'm praying for you!!! And... good move to go to the dermatologist to determine what's going on.

    Sending positive vibes your way!!!


    While at the hair

    While at the hair dressers last week we were talking about chemo curl and hair loss. Mine is still quite curly 3 years later. She mentioned a friend who's hair never came back. I asked what kind of cancer and she did say brain so I figure the radiation to the head was the cause.
    I hope for you what you want which is hair, but honestly, hair is over-rated.
    Best of luck.