Four days in ICU after chemo

wiveliscombe Member Posts: 50
I started my treatment on May 7th. after the first week I was having really bad problem with mouth sores. Continued to get worse daily and finally ended up in ICU knocking at deaths door. Luckily it didn't open and I made it back. I am at home now have decided not to have the second week of chemo and am trying to get strong enough to resume radiation next week. As some of you may remember I was very concerned about the chemo after going through my husbands reaction to it but was assured by everyone that was not a common reaction? I had septic shock like he had. He lost his colon because of it fortunately I kept all my parts but am losing my hair at an alarming rate will probably be all gone in a few days but thats the least of my worries I'm just happy to be alive.


  • Cheyenne
    Cheyenne Member Posts: 77
    Glad you are back!
    I'm so sorry for all your problems but so happy to see you here! I think about you every day and have been wondering about you. Good to know you made it through without losing more than your hair!
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hi Louise--
    I'm so sorry you had such a terrible time and ended up in the ICU. I'm glad you are home now and hope you can continue on with treatment without anymore setbacks. I hope you'll keep us posted. You're in my prayers.
  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    Glad to hear you are recoving from your issues with chemo. Your hair will come back. Mine is now curly and everyone loves it! I'm praying for you. Please keep us posted.
  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    Everyone is different
    So sorry to hear you had this bad run with the side affects of the chemo and radiation treatments. It sounds like you and your husband are a lot alike. That happens. The doctors say they can't tell us what our reaction to this treatment will be since everyone is different. I am glad you were treated successfully and hope you don't suffer the same way next time around.
    Since the doctors know you react in this way, they will perhaps be able to treat you for these side affects more aggressively. They reduced my dosage the second time around by 20%.
    Please try to keep your spirits up. This difficult time is passing. I went biking with my husband today. I am 8.5 months post treatment. We did about ten miles and I feel fabulous. I could not even sit in a chair when I was diagnosed. It took me a long time to get as sick as I got but I am getting well much faster. I pray the same will be true for you.
    All the best
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    Glad to hear from you....
    I was just thinking about you the other day and worried something may be up since had not heard from you since the mouth sores. So sorry about your lousy luck! Hopefully things will be turning around now. Several weeks into my treatment I had some serious problems also and after 3wks in the hospital was admitted to a local nursing home for 2months. That was all a year ago and today I am a new person as you will be too. Please keep us posted as to how you are doing. As always, all in my prayers.
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    I'm so sorry you had such a
    I'm so sorry you had such a rough time. Like eihtak I was hospitalized for two months with TTP, a very rare side effect of the mitomycin C. I guess there are some of us that just don't do well with chemo (not that anyone does WELL, but some seem to be affected worse than others). But, like eihtak again (yay!), I'm well and healthy now. I pray you will do well for the rest of your treatment.

    Congratulations Sandy on the bike trip - that must've been just plain ole wonderful!

    My thoughts and prayers to all.
  • torrance
    torrance Member Posts: 118
    Stinks, huh?

    Wow, you really have been through it, key word, THROUGH! Keep up efforts and you will get through this. What an inspiration you are for overcoming your concerns and pressing on. Keep that fight with you and you'll make it.
