defeated and not feeling well

since they made me a stage 3 with lymph node involvement I have felt so defeated. My surgery was done with a laproscopy. I wonder if I would have done the other surgery if things would be better now?
All I know is if one more person tells me to "stay strong" I am going to blow a gasket. It makes me feel like I am letting everyone down as I slide slowly backward. So scared


  • Sara2011
    Sara2011 Member Posts: 78 Member
    Be encouraged!
    "Then will you call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I." Isaiah 58:9

    This was a Bible verse my niece gave me when I was still in the hospital after cancer surgery. Being diagnosed with any kind of cancer is a scary thing, but I have found in my life that by placing my trust in God, He has been my strength through this. I know I am not alone and He has given me such peace through this. If you don't have that, He's only one "call" away. If you have a Bible, read Psalms 86 (or you can go to and look it up there) for encouragement. I'm not telling you to "stay strong"...I'm telling you to let God be your strength. Praying for you now.
  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Sara2011 said:

    Be encouraged!
    "Then will you call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I." Isaiah 58:9

    This was a Bible verse my niece gave me when I was still in the hospital after cancer surgery. Being diagnosed with any kind of cancer is a scary thing, but I have found in my life that by placing my trust in God, He has been my strength through this. I know I am not alone and He has given me such peace through this. If you don't have that, He's only one "call" away. If you have a Bible, read Psalms 86 (or you can go to and look it up there) for encouragement. I'm not telling you to "stay strong"...I'm telling you to let God be your strength. Praying for you now.

    It's okay to feel scared.
    Then you'll pick yourself up, and do what you need to do to kick cancer's butt! Many women are living productive and fullfilling lives as stage 3 survivors. You can do it!

    Love and hugs,
  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Take a deep breath, Darlin'!
    Take a deep breath, Darlin'! Scream and throw things if you want. You have the RIGHT to NOT be strong, at least for right now. You are not letting any one down, you have had your world turned upside down. Hind sight is 20/20...we all would have changed things if we had KNOWN, but we didn't, so we do the best we can. Life, at best, sucks! But it's the only one we have. Slam a door, it'll make you feel better! Best Debrajo
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I especially agree with Sara. Without the Lord, I could easily have given up during my diagnosis and recurrance. And not just cancer, but many things in our lives that come against us.

    So, allow yourself your feelings of fear, anxiety and frustration. Realizing that you cannot muster up the strength to deal with this will move you to the point of knowing that only God can be your strength. He is all in all in us!

    One of my favorite scriptures, also in Isiah: 'He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind'. You will have your ups and downs, but you can always come back 'home' and know that He will get you through this.

    Luv, Hugs and Prayers,
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Stage 3
    I won't say "it"! Just wanted to say that this month is my 6th year anniversary from my stage 3C diagnosis. I still wish that if I'd known differently, I would have... I think we all have those thoughts.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • 2timothy1 7
    2timothy1 7 Member Posts: 345
    Hi there. I was also dx
    Hi there. I was also dx stage 3c. Just finished my last round of chemo May 22. I had the major debulking surgery. However 2 of the lymph nodes involved could not be removed due to how close they were to my ureters. However one had shrunk until it wasn't visible on ct scan by my 4th round. The other had shrunk as well but I've had 2 more rounds of chemo since that scan and I am hoping it will not be visible by my next scan in June. Ive had many emotional ups and downs. I've prayed so hard for the Lord to help me. I know He has even when I didnt feel like He was there. Thankful he is bigger than our emotions. Chemo nurse gave me this verse that I love:" You shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord." Psalms 118:17.