radiation destroyed my hip

z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member
Hi all- Well I had hip replacement surgery two days ago.Im writing from the hospital and am still a little loopy..so i apologize up front for any grammatical and or spelling mistakes.Surgery went well and i just started walking today...30 steps..not as good as you martha.LOL but maybe on my way.the doctor said my hip had collapsed and was fractured..What a mess..Now i am the bionic woman.They say here that i am a healthy woman except for my former hip..I have been told its very common for this to happen to anal c patients.Oh well..onward and forward!!!Hugs to all my friends...alyse


  • torrance
    torrance Member Posts: 118
    speedy recovery

    I wish you the most speedy recovery with no complications or setbacks. The gift that keeps giving, what can you do?!

  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    Hi Alyse
    So glad to hear from you. 30 steps two days after surgery sounds like a miracle to me. Please take care of yourself - thank you so much for letting us know how you're doing. Hugs to you too.
  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 493 Member
    Wishing You The Best Recovery
    Here is wishing you the best in your recovery. So glad your surgery went well. Prayers going up that you will have no more medical issues.
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    I was just thinking about you. I know how radiation for Anal Cancer can destroy our bones and now that I am recovering from Breast Cancer also I am on meds that weaken my bones even more so have added the worry of a break or fracture to my list. I am amazed at you walking so soon, that is great. I pray we all have the strength of Martha throughout our lives!!!! I just read an article on the "goodness of prunes" and their ability to not only prevent but reverse bone loss. We all know they help in other ways if needed so worth eating a couple everyday I think! Take care, feel well soon!
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hi alyse!
    I am VERY impressed that you have taken 30 steps just two days after surgery! You will be dancing soon and running faster than me with that new hip! I hope you are being kept comfortable with meds and getting lots of TLC. It sounds like your hip was in bad shape--no wonder you were in such pain! I'm glad you are "fixed" now and yes, you ARE the Bionic Woman! Here's wishing you a swift and complete recovery! Hugs!
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162
    So glad your surgery is over .2 days and your all ready walking .I think your doing really good.My prays will be with you .Shirley
  • z810840b
    z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member

    So glad your surgery is over .2 days and your all ready walking .I think your doing really good.My prays will be with you .Shirley

    hi all- Im doing well 6 days after surgery.Im using a cane...and i snuck and took a shower today.I had to..lol..I see improvement everyday..Thanks for all your good wishes,...hugs ...alyse
    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi all- Im doing well 6 days after surgery.Im using a cane...and i snuck and took a shower today.I had to..lol..I see improvement everyday..Thanks for all your good wishes,...hugs ...alyse

    Keep up the great work! Wishing you a fast recovery!

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi all- Im doing well 6 days after surgery.Im using a cane...and i snuck and took a shower today.I had to..lol..I see improvement everyday..Thanks for all your good wishes,...hugs ...alyse

    Hi alyse!
    I'm so glad you are doing well! I'm really impressed that you are getting around with only the use of a cane, as I have a friend who recently had hip replacement and she had to use a walker for awhile. You are doing great! I won't rat you out for taking that shower! lol! I hope you see improvement with each and every day. Please keep us posted and take care! Dancing is just around the corner! :)
  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi all- Im doing well 6 days after surgery.Im using a cane...and i snuck and took a shower today.I had to..lol..I see improvement everyday..Thanks for all your good wishes,...hugs ...alyse

    It's hard to believe you have had the surgery and are on the mend. I haven't logged on for a while. Congratulations. You are a real inspiration. Having read the comments and your post I guess I'll start eating my prunes. I like them anyway. The Oncologist at MSK warned me about medications that affect our bones - including NEXIUM. Now told to use Prilosec but I am drinking Apple Cider Vinigar (about a tea spoon) at night now which seems to be working for the time.

    All the best,
  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    You're amazing! So glad to hear that your surgery went well. I hope you have one of those fancy canes with purple flowers. Bless you ~ Carol
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    z810840b said:

    hi all- Im doing well 6 days after surgery.Im using a cane...and i snuck and took a shower today.I had to..lol..I see improvement everyday..Thanks for all your good wishes,...hugs ...alyse

    Hi Alyse - so glad to hear
    Hi Alyse - so glad to hear you're doing well. Sooner or later we all may be facing a hip replacement so it's good to hear how well you're faring.
  • torrance
    torrance Member Posts: 118
    z810840b said:

    hi all- Im doing well 6 days after surgery.Im using a cane...and i snuck and took a shower today.I had to..lol..I see improvement everyday..Thanks for all your good wishes,...hugs ...alyse

    keep on truckin"

    Wow, look at you go. And I TOTALLY get the shower thing. You're secret is safe here! Thanks for continue to post for us and keeping us inspired.

  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    ur symptoms
    could you tell me your symptoms that made you go to doc for hip. i am having problems and pain but do not want an MRi due to my worsening osteoporosis despite Reclast infusion and calcium plus d. thx sephie
  • z810840b
    z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member
    sephie said:

    ur symptoms
    could you tell me your symptoms that made you go to doc for hip. i am having problems and pain but do not want an MRi due to my worsening osteoporosis despite Reclast infusion and calcium plus d. thx sephie

    hi sephie- i have had tightness and some pain in my groin since finishing treatment four years ago..It got worse through time.Once i got up and started walking..it would be "ok".Finally this past march....when I would walk..I would get severe pain in my groin.I thought i pulled a groin muscle.When lying down i could not lift my leg, and would get pain in groin area.Getting in an out of the car was also a problem..The pain in my groin was impeding my life.Someone mentioned to me that groin pain is a sign of a bad hip..It never occurred to me .As the pain got worse,it also started hurting me in the back of my leg down to my knee.I went to hip specialist. He took an mri and it showed my hip was collapsing and i also had a slight fracture. Its very common with anal cancer treatment from radiation.So here i am 11 days since surgery ..and doing well.STaples came out today.I can walk without cane around the house.I'm doing well.If you are having these symptoms .i would suggest you investigate it.My surgeon said it was only going to get worse if i didnt take care of it.Good luck to you sehie...hugs .alyse
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi sephie- i have had tightness and some pain in my groin since finishing treatment four years ago..It got worse through time.Once i got up and started walking..it would be "ok".Finally this past march....when I would walk..I would get severe pain in my groin.I thought i pulled a groin muscle.When lying down i could not lift my leg, and would get pain in groin area.Getting in an out of the car was also a problem..The pain in my groin was impeding my life.Someone mentioned to me that groin pain is a sign of a bad hip..It never occurred to me .As the pain got worse,it also started hurting me in the back of my leg down to my knee.I went to hip specialist. He took an mri and it showed my hip was collapsing and i also had a slight fracture. Its very common with anal cancer treatment from radiation.So here i am 11 days since surgery ..and doing well.STaples came out today.I can walk without cane around the house.I'm doing well.If you are having these symptoms .i would suggest you investigate it.My surgeon said it was only going to get worse if i didnt take care of it.Good luck to you sehie...hugs .alyse

    Hi alyse!
    It sounds like your recovery continues to go well and I'm so very glad to hear that! Walking without a cane is real progress! Keep moving forward one step at a time!
  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi sephie- i have had tightness and some pain in my groin since finishing treatment four years ago..It got worse through time.Once i got up and started walking..it would be "ok".Finally this past march....when I would walk..I would get severe pain in my groin.I thought i pulled a groin muscle.When lying down i could not lift my leg, and would get pain in groin area.Getting in an out of the car was also a problem..The pain in my groin was impeding my life.Someone mentioned to me that groin pain is a sign of a bad hip..It never occurred to me .As the pain got worse,it also started hurting me in the back of my leg down to my knee.I went to hip specialist. He took an mri and it showed my hip was collapsing and i also had a slight fracture. Its very common with anal cancer treatment from radiation.So here i am 11 days since surgery ..and doing well.STaples came out today.I can walk without cane around the house.I'm doing well.If you are having these symptoms .i would suggest you investigate it.My surgeon said it was only going to get worse if i didnt take care of it.Good luck to you sehie...hugs .alyse

    i do so appreciate ur message. i will look in to it later... i am scared of radiation. sephie
  • z810840b
    z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi sephie- i have had tightness and some pain in my groin since finishing treatment four years ago..It got worse through time.Once i got up and started walking..it would be "ok".Finally this past march....when I would walk..I would get severe pain in my groin.I thought i pulled a groin muscle.When lying down i could not lift my leg, and would get pain in groin area.Getting in an out of the car was also a problem..The pain in my groin was impeding my life.Someone mentioned to me that groin pain is a sign of a bad hip..It never occurred to me .As the pain got worse,it also started hurting me in the back of my leg down to my knee.I went to hip specialist. He took an mri and it showed my hip was collapsing and i also had a slight fracture. Its very common with anal cancer treatment from radiation.So here i am 11 days since surgery ..and doing well.STaples came out today.I can walk without cane around the house.I'm doing well.If you are having these symptoms .i would suggest you investigate it.My surgeon said it was only going to get worse if i didnt take care of it.Good luck to you sehie...hugs .alyse

    hi all...my hip is doing well...but a new problem emerged.i have been on some pain killers ..especially when i did PT.Unfortunaely it made me so constipated .....Im sure my friends here know where i am going with this...Ouch Ouch Ouch! I took everything for relief and finally was able to go...but it was so painful .Now i have pain again when going to the bathroom...I hope this passes quickly.I felt so weak and tired today.I know i have to hydrate and no more pain pills for me!!!Ugh...hugs alyse
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi all...my hip is doing well...but a new problem emerged.i have been on some pain killers ..especially when i did PT.Unfortunaely it made me so constipated .....Im sure my friends here know where i am going with this...Ouch Ouch Ouch! I took everything for relief and finally was able to go...but it was so painful .Now i have pain again when going to the bathroom...I hope this passes quickly.I felt so weak and tired today.I know i have to hydrate and no more pain pills for me!!!Ugh...hugs alyse

    Hi alyse--
    So sorry to hear about the constipation. It sounds like you've tried lots of different things, so I won't suggest any of the usual. Eating fruits that start with the letter "P" is a good rule of thumb. Peaches, pears and papaya (which is highly recommended) may help. You could also try papaya enzyme supplements. Are you taking a fiber supplement and stool softener? All things to try unless you've already tried them. I hope once the pain medication is completely out of your system, you'll get some relief! Hugs!
    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    z810840b said:

    hi all...my hip is doing well...but a new problem emerged.i have been on some pain killers ..especially when i did PT.Unfortunaely it made me so constipated .....Im sure my friends here know where i am going with this...Ouch Ouch Ouch! I took everything for relief and finally was able to go...but it was so painful .Now i have pain again when going to the bathroom...I hope this passes quickly.I felt so weak and tired today.I know i have to hydrate and no more pain pills for me!!!Ugh...hugs alyse

    Hi Alyse
    Glad your hip is doing well, but sorry that you've encountered another problem. I still use a sitz bath. Maybe the warm water relaxes something... Hope you feel better soon!
