Biopsy today

jim and i
jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
We got a call late yesterday from the radiation department saying the oncologist scheduled a biopsy. I am not sure why since he said Jim coudn't have surgery or chemo. The Onco;ogist is on vacation until the 31st so Jim went and had it done. Maybe it will show something else, one can hope.



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  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member
    Gotta have it...thinking of you.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    KareGiver said:

    Gotta have it...thinking of you.

    Hi Debbie.....I'm not giving up (and I know you are not either)
    ..... and I am praying so hard for Jim and others who have not had the best news on this forum lately......... I may be considered a fool, but I do believe the Lord still answers prayer when we pray diligently :)


  • zinniemay
    zinniemay Member Posts: 522
    thinking of you
    Reading you post , I know the feelings, My hubby Greg dx Dec 2008 had chemo rads in March to may of 2009 , he had Larynx cancer , they thought the got it all but by Dec 2009 they saw something on him lungs. by early 2010 they started another Chemo it the tumors did get a little smaller, but after 8 round did not work they started another Chemo after 6 round he was getting to sick and it was not working the tumors grew. So the forth rounds of Chemo did nothing but keep tumors from growning but after 8 round , well the grew, he had four tumors two in each lung, they had gave him one year with out treatment two with, as I write this I can tell you it has been over two years. He is still fighting! They put him into a trail drug program. He had a few bad days but more good days! He had a bad day Monday but by Wednesday bad to doing things.
    We never know, we just have hope.
    Hope and Humor as a dear dear friend told me is the key, and I believe it is. I break down sometimes but I dust myself off and I keep trying. I think we need to sometimes just cry and get it out and then move on. No one really knows what tomorrow will be. Do the best you can . Love and be loved.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Thoughts, Prayers, Positive Attitude and Humor...
    To all of my friends, survivors, care givers and family...

    Faith, Family & Friends,
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    zinniemay said:

    thinking of you
    Reading you post , I know the feelings, My hubby Greg dx Dec 2008 had chemo rads in March to may of 2009 , he had Larynx cancer , they thought the got it all but by Dec 2009 they saw something on him lungs. by early 2010 they started another Chemo it the tumors did get a little smaller, but after 8 round did not work they started another Chemo after 6 round he was getting to sick and it was not working the tumors grew. So the forth rounds of Chemo did nothing but keep tumors from growning but after 8 round , well the grew, he had four tumors two in each lung, they had gave him one year with out treatment two with, as I write this I can tell you it has been over two years. He is still fighting! They put him into a trail drug program. He had a few bad days but more good days! He had a bad day Monday but by Wednesday bad to doing things.
    We never know, we just have hope.
    Hope and Humor as a dear dear friend told me is the key, and I believe it is. I break down sometimes but I dust myself off and I keep trying. I think we need to sometimes just cry and get it out and then move on. No one really knows what tomorrow will be. Do the best you can . Love and be loved.

    HI Jennie ...
    ..would be happy to put your husband on my nighlty prayer list with your permission. I admire those who have put years into what I only put 7 months ..thought I hate that anyone has to go through what you are going through. Honestly, I don't know how you can do for that long what my wife only did for sooo much shorter of a time...and I thought she was tough as nails... :)


  • arndog64
    arndog64 Member Posts: 537
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thoughts, Prayers, Positive Attitude and Humor...
    To all of my friends, survivors, care givers and family...

    Faith, Family & Friends,

    I am praying for good
    I am praying for good results for your hubby.. I will be thinkning of you both today. Get some rest and enjoy your weekend.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Sometimes all we can do is pray and I am praying for you both


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