Let the countdown begin

son of hal
son of hal Member Posts: 117
Well, this is my last weekend with my bag. Monday morning I go in for my takedown surgery. It may sound crazy to some but I think I will miss having this illeostomy. I really enjoy the freedom this system has provided me these last eight months. I eat whatever I want (85% healthy) like spicy salsa, nuts, veggies without a thought about bathrooms. I know that is all about to change. My surgeon basically had to talk me into doing this as I am fine with my condition as is. He feels I should have good control afterward and I shouldn't need the bag anymore. He acknowledges there is going to be an adjustment period when things might be rough but believes it will all work out eventually. I'm still slightly apprehensive after hearing horror stories of people basically living in the bathroom. I've only got nine vacation days from work so things better straighten out quickly. I had to have an ultrasound of my leg today to rule out a blood clot, as I've had excessive swelling in my right foot for about three weeks. No blood clot, so they feel it may be lymphedema from when I had nodes removed in my groin area or the radiation two years ago. Crazy how things can pop-up so long after a procedure. I count my blessings though, I've been very fortunate thus far so I've got no room to complain. The surgeon thinks this should be the final chapter in my cancer journey, but we all know how that can change. Thirty months ago, diagnosed stage II T3, six weeks chemo/radiation, two surgeries for lymph node biopsies, countless scans, tests and procedures, APR surgery with temp. illeostomy, aprox $30,000 more debt plus alot of holding breath and crossing fingers. And I've had it easy compared to most. So, I'll give this a shot. I guess I owe it to myself to try to get back to normal. I know there are many people who would love to get rid of their ostomy and can't, so if I'm able to I should.
Let the finger crossing begin.


  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    All fingers crossed!!!
    May the surgery be successfull und your recovery fast!

    I will be watching your progress very curious because my husbands ileo takedown ist scheduled for mid June ;-)

    All the best!
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Had this procedure back in 2005 and though I do remember struggling a bit with the bowels again for a period post op (occasionally to the point of momentarily missing the bag) it really is a good feeling to get back to 'normal' plumbing again. It does feel that it is another step in 'recovery' where the impact the cancer has on your life is reduced by another notch.
    Let us know how it all goes,
  • swimmer22
    swimmer22 Member Posts: 60
    Same Here
    Like you - my reversal surgery is scheduled for June 13th. I am scared of all the horror stories of 20 trips to the bathroom a day. My surgeon told me that on the internet, the stories you read are mainly related to those who have problems and the others (majority) who have no complications with the reversal have nothing to write about-- thus they are not out here tell of their success. I guess there is some truth to that. He tells me that by far, the vast majority of his reversal patients have few issues and those that do have some problems, they resolve quickly. Best of luck to you!
  • khl8
    khl8 Member Posts: 807
    swimmer22 said:

    Same Here
    Like you - my reversal surgery is scheduled for June 13th. I am scared of all the horror stories of 20 trips to the bathroom a day. My surgeon told me that on the internet, the stories you read are mainly related to those who have problems and the others (majority) who have no complications with the reversal have nothing to write about-- thus they are not out here tell of their success. I guess there is some truth to that. He tells me that by far, the vast majority of his reversal patients have few issues and those that do have some problems, they resolve quickly. Best of luck to you!

    I had a reversal in 2009 and
    I had a reversal in 2009 and everything worked out, I am back to normal with no issues, it took a few weeks but it was worth it.
  • lauragb
    lauragb Member Posts: 370 Member
    Please come back aboard

    Please come back aboard after your takedown to let us know how it's going. Like you, I can eat anything with my ileostomy, much better than before. And I'm scheduled for takedown on the 31st.(if my white count will go up!) I am really nervous too after all the horror stories I've read! Sounds like we have a whole group heading in for takedown. Let's keep in touch.

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    the best of luck with your takedown. Mine was in June of 2010.. Did have complication of a fistula- bag for 6 more weeks. But it healed itself from the inside out. Thus now normal plumbing ever since. Yes- mainly only the horror stories are posted, so it is a very biased view. Have doc prescribe lomotil to control diarrhea. Will be 80 in 2 weeks. Expect 10 to 15 more years!!!
  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    the best of luck with your takedown. Mine was in June of 2010.. Did have complication of a fistula- bag for 6 more weeks. But it healed itself from the inside out. Thus now normal plumbing ever since. Yes- mainly only the horror stories are posted, so it is a very biased view. Have doc prescribe lomotil to control diarrhea. Will be 80 in 2 weeks. Expect 10 to 15 more years!!!
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Hoping that everything goes well with the surgery. It will be an adjustment afterwards but I'm sure you will settle in to a new routine. I'm surprised you ate nuts on an ileo, everyone always told me no. Glad you had no issues. The one thing missing from my diet on ileo was popcorn, corn, and mushrooms which was so glad to be able to eat after the reveral. I'll still eat mushrooms 4 times a week. Hoping all goes well. Keep us informed.

  • son of hal
    son of hal Member Posts: 117
    Thanks for all the input
    Thanks for all the input folks. It's much appreciated. I see there are a few people in my same boat so we'll keep paddling together. Good to hear about the good results occassionally, I know people don't usually like to brag on here when others are struggling. I'll definetly keep posting on my recovery to light the way for those that follow. Best of luck to those with upcoming surgeries as well. It's beutifull weather today and I'm going to try to enjoy it.
    Take care, CJ