Double mastectomy tomorrow

Cheryl70 Member Posts: 8
Up again in the middle of the nightl. This site brings me comfort. I am going into surgery tomorrow morning and just wanted to say thanks for the support and encouragement that will continue through my recovery and beyond. You gals are wonderful. Keep posting.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Wishing you the very best and a speedy recovery.....keep us posted...we care

    Hugs, Nancy
  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202
    I'll be thinking about you
    I'll be thinking about you while you go through your surgery. I hope everything goes well and you recover quickly! It felt like I was going at another speed than the rest of the world when I was going through my diagnosis, surgery and treatment. This is our new reality and please know that you are not alone during your fight! Here's to wishing you a fast healing!

    Prayers got out for you!
  • LynneC
    LynneC Member Posts: 2
    Your Surgery Tomorrow
    Hi Cheryl:

    I am brand new to this web site. I had a double mastectomy March 22, 2012. You will get through this. Stay focused on positives. My surgery was 5 hours and I didn't need pain pills after, but it is a little uncomfortable, BUT remember it is temporary!!!! If you want to talk before you go in, please feel free to post me.
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    LynneC said:

    Your Surgery Tomorrow
    Hi Cheryl:

    I am brand new to this web site. I had a double mastectomy March 22, 2012. You will get through this. Stay focused on positives. My surgery was 5 hours and I didn't need pain pills after, but it is a little uncomfortable, BUT remember it is temporary!!!! If you want to talk before you go in, please feel free to post me.

    Sendng You Well Wishes for tomorrow
    I'm sending positive vibes your way. It will be over before you know it. A bit of discomfort for a lil while and those drainage tubes for a couple of weeks... BUT, it's all doable. You're one of the Pinks and WE CAN DO it!!! You have all of our support!!!

    {{{Big Hug sent your way for a successful surgery}}}
    Mitzi ;0)
  • sudds1976
    sudds1976 Member Posts: 2
    Stay positive! I had my bi-lateral mastectomy on January 27. I have not regretted my decision one bit! The first few weeks are a little tough because of the drains, but once you get those out the healing goes very quickly. I was only out of work for two weeks (my job is sedentary)and am doing great with chemo. Just keep reaching out to people who have been through it before. It really helps to talk to them! I am praying for you!
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    sudds1976 said:

    Stay positive! I had my bi-lateral mastectomy on January 27. I have not regretted my decision one bit! The first few weeks are a little tough because of the drains, but once you get those out the healing goes very quickly. I was only out of work for two weeks (my job is sedentary)and am doing great with chemo. Just keep reaching out to people who have been through it before. It really helps to talk to them! I am praying for you!

    We are here for you
    We are here for you and many of us are awake in the middle of the night. Its such a rollercoaster ride for a while but soon will become more steady for you. I had my double mastectomy on March 21. My drains were in the way but not really painful. Within 2wks all 4 were taken out and I was feeling pretty good. Little by little stretching felt better, sugery site was healed, energy was coming back, still a few hurdles to jump but have the strength to do it or at least try and you will to. We will be thinking of you and all others going through the harder parts of this journey right now. Please post as you feel better. As always, all in my prayers.
  • concord
    concord Member Posts: 5
    sudds1976 said:

    Stay positive! I had my bi-lateral mastectomy on January 27. I have not regretted my decision one bit! The first few weeks are a little tough because of the drains, but once you get those out the healing goes very quickly. I was only out of work for two weeks (my job is sedentary)and am doing great with chemo. Just keep reaching out to people who have been through it before. It really helps to talk to them! I am praying for you!

    I am new to the post also. I did post two but can't find them- not good on the computer.

    Had a recurrence after 13 years - I did lumpectomy and radiation then. Now mastectomy is a must. I am so scared and upset that I just want the operation with no reconstruction. My Pet scan is set for tomorrow- petrified of those results. They are trying to set me up this week for the operation and chemo to follow in three weeks. Does all of this sound normal? I am frightened beyond belief but I see the comfort on this site. Any advise?
    thank you
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    eihtak said:

    We are here for you
    We are here for you and many of us are awake in the middle of the night. Its such a rollercoaster ride for a while but soon will become more steady for you. I had my double mastectomy on March 21. My drains were in the way but not really painful. Within 2wks all 4 were taken out and I was feeling pretty good. Little by little stretching felt better, sugery site was healed, energy was coming back, still a few hurdles to jump but have the strength to do it or at least try and you will to. We will be thinking of you and all others going through the harder parts of this journey right now. Please post as you feel better. As always, all in my prayers.

    Wishing you a fast
    Wishing you a fast recovery.

    Hugs, Angie
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    concord said:

    I am new to the post also. I did post two but can't find them- not good on the computer.

    Had a recurrence after 13 years - I did lumpectomy and radiation then. Now mastectomy is a must. I am so scared and upset that I just want the operation with no reconstruction. My Pet scan is set for tomorrow- petrified of those results. They are trying to set me up this week for the operation and chemo to follow in three weeks. Does all of this sound normal? I am frightened beyond belief but I see the comfort on this site. Any advise?
    thank you

    Thinking of you Cheryl and
    Thinking of you Cheryl and praying that everything went well and you are resting and healing fast.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    concord said:

    I am new to the post also. I did post two but can't find them- not good on the computer.

    Had a recurrence after 13 years - I did lumpectomy and radiation then. Now mastectomy is a must. I am so scared and upset that I just want the operation with no reconstruction. My Pet scan is set for tomorrow- petrified of those results. They are trying to set me up this week for the operation and chemo to follow in three weeks. Does all of this sound normal? I am frightened beyond belief but I see the comfort on this site. Any advise?
    thank you

    Hi, sorry about your re occurrence and after so long. I'd would say yes, sounds normal from what I have read over recent years for some of us ladies referring to the treatment that is. Naturally different types and stages need different treatment. Please dont be too afraid. The operation side of things I found simple and painless. Kind of going to sleep and waking up a different shape but the drains are not fun. Those few weeks will pass and the chemo treatment also was surprisingly easy but side affects a different story. As it is summer time for your chemo treatment I wouldn't recommend wigs, cotton or linen scarves or hats. Please look on they have some really nice hats, affordable and others more expensive if you want something dressy. Return any that dont suit you and find the style you like and get lots. Bare headed at home is lovely and comfy, overnight too. If you decide on reconstruction later on thats fine. Your choice. Must say I am very pleased I had my bilateral done and am doing great now except for Tamoxifen side effects, which just get on my nerves more than anything. Take it one stage at a time. Your first hurdle will be the drains. Wear loose cotton button up front tops. Dont stretch, dont lift anything in the slightest way heavy for some time, sleep every time your body says to and do not feel guilty, it is a healing process. Sleep on your back at first even if not used to it, there is little choice. Please ask any questions any time. Again I am pleased I had the operation and have no regrets. Good luck. Sometimes if the operations are done quickly it is best, no time to ponder.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Hi, sorry about your re occurrence and after so long. I'd would say yes, sounds normal from what I have read over recent years for some of us ladies referring to the treatment that is. Naturally different types and stages need different treatment. Please dont be too afraid. The operation side of things I found simple and painless. Kind of going to sleep and waking up a different shape but the drains are not fun. Those few weeks will pass and the chemo treatment also was surprisingly easy but side affects a different story. As it is summer time for your chemo treatment I wouldn't recommend wigs, cotton or linen scarves or hats. Please look on they have some really nice hats, affordable and others more expensive if you want something dressy. Return any that dont suit you and find the style you like and get lots. Bare headed at home is lovely and comfy, overnight too. If you decide on reconstruction later on thats fine. Your choice. Must say I am very pleased I had my bilateral done and am doing great now except for Tamoxifen side effects, which just get on my nerves more than anything. Take it one stage at a time. Your first hurdle will be the drains. Wear loose cotton button up front tops. Dont stretch, dont lift anything in the slightest way heavy for some time, sleep every time your body says to and do not feel guilty, it is a healing process. Sleep on your back at first even if not used to it, there is little choice. Please ask any questions any time. Again I am pleased I had the operation and have no regrets. Good luck. Sometimes if the operations are done quickly it is best, no time to ponder.

    How are you Cheryl? Lots of
    How are you Cheryl? Lots of gentle hugs and prayers.

  • Cheryl70
    Cheryl70 Member Posts: 8
    Alexis F said:

    How are you Cheryl? Lots of
    How are you Cheryl? Lots of gentle hugs and prayers.


    Doing Better
    Drains came out last Friday during my appointment for my first fill. Filled just 30 cc and seemed to go ok. I am just relieved the drains are gone. However, the expander in right breast (where cancer was) is floating around after coming detached from the skin "tabs". Ouch. It is uncomfortable. Especially, when I bend. Doctor says fill to 60 cc today to see if I can tolerate and hopefully this will keep that breast from moving around so much. I am not even sure where the port is at this point. It will be interesting to find out today with my fill with that silly little magnet. If this doesn't work, he is talking about putting me back under to re-tab! I said no way. I am already freaking out about the other procedures I "have" to have down the road. I am also feeling pressure from my disability company to return to work! Believe that?
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Get Well Soon
    I hope the surgery goes well and you get well soon. Thinking of you and hoping your recovery is fast.

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Cheryl70 said:

    Doing Better
    Drains came out last Friday during my appointment for my first fill. Filled just 30 cc and seemed to go ok. I am just relieved the drains are gone. However, the expander in right breast (where cancer was) is floating around after coming detached from the skin "tabs". Ouch. It is uncomfortable. Especially, when I bend. Doctor says fill to 60 cc today to see if I can tolerate and hopefully this will keep that breast from moving around so much. I am not even sure where the port is at this point. It will be interesting to find out today with my fill with that silly little magnet. If this doesn't work, he is talking about putting me back under to re-tab! I said no way. I am already freaking out about the other procedures I "have" to have down the road. I am also feeling pressure from my disability company to return to work! Believe that?

    Sorry so late
    I didn't read all the posts. Glad to hear you have the drains out. It was such a pain taking showers with them. If you are on short term disability until your doctor signs you back to work you don't have to go. Usually short term is only a max of 6 months I believe. The company can't tell you to go back to work. If you are really uncomfortable with all this reconstruction do you really want it? I hope the filling goes well and not too much pain.
