Any metastatic melanoma survivors?
Metastatic Melanoma Stage 4
I notice the original post was made long before I was dx'ed with stage 4 melanoma. Back in 1992 I had a spot on the right side of my neck was lentigo malignia and was "precancerous". It came back in 1996in the same place, and instead of being anohter oblong flat freckle it was a purple/black pencil eraser looking thing.At the time I was busy caring for my son who was diagnosed with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Sarcoma...he was diagnosed just before 14th birthday...I thought his cancer was a "real one" and mine would just be an irratating spot on my neck. My son died in January 1998. I didn't look after mine again until winter 2000. I had it removed along with 5 SLN. The biopsy was Malignant Melanoma. Clark's Level 3. Tumor Thickness 1.45mm. The Margins of Excision appear uninvolved. The lymph nodes were all clear. They didn't recommend anything further...not even scans.
Then in 2009 June something showed up on a chest X ray....I thought I was having heart problems....I had biopsy done at Mayo Clinic in Mn. Stage 4 melanoma. It was located in my mediasteniem...a 6.8 cent melanoma was in a lymph node and pressing against my superior vena cava.
To make a long story short- I was given 6-9 months to live. I had to begin with radiation and Temodar- it was only palliative care- to perhaps shrink my melanoma for a little while.
If it continued it would cut off the blood supply to the top have of my body. It was located in a place where the surgeon said ti was too dangerous to operate; He said it was difficult enough to get little nips for the biopsy via incsion in my neck.
It ended up stable until Feb 2010. It woke back up and I went to Mayo to beg for a thoracotomy. My surgeon agreed and he removed the 6.8 melanoma (thats the widest area of it- not the whole melanoma). I started MDX 1106/peptide trial as NED in fall 2010 and I continue to be NED and its been over 2 years. I also continue to get my booster IV's of MDX 1106 at Moffitt with Dr Weber every 3 months.
We moved to Florida so I could be closer to Moffitt. We had been living in North Dakota before beginning the trial.- Lynn www.gentlewinds.org0 -
Living in WVfelicia_franklinstull2 said:Nathan08
Well on there ther is 4 treatments every three weeks I think if i remember properly this is her husbent Frank and it can be harsh and some say it has a 25% but it dependson some aspects of the cancer so in some cases some experts say 50% no remember this drug is dangeruse can cuse memory lost,weekness, i know in one case death it cuseed a a man have a bowl burst that had a bowl sendrum allso i know on this drug you will have to report almost any thing can be agervateing and this drug you have sharp stabeing pains or a steady pain thatis unbarble they tell you to report to the er. also my wife up there got the il2 and v-trap and il2 mixed up also. Remimber one thing also docs cant tell you that you are gona decess ive been told over 100 times i was dead man walken I was told i was gona decess in a week, even one time they gave me a day locl docs arnt always the best mainly here in West Virgina.
Have you considered going up to the NIH in Bethesda Maryland? We used to live in Martinsburg and it's not so far. I am stage 4 and was givien 6-9 months and just celebrated 2 years of being NED No Evidence of Disease. I agree I don'think WV has the best doctors of melanoma. Most people die from melanoma and you need a specialist. Lynn0 -
mark2012mark2012 said:metastatic melanoma
I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma back in 1998. It progressed and I lost my left leg to melanoma in 2001. 1 year later it was returning at rapid rate. In March of 2002 I was told I may not see New Year's 2004. I was stage 4 melanoma and I got involved in cancer Trial at the University of Pittsburgh. It was a 1 year trial. By the grace of God and the UPMC trial I'm here! Cancer free since July of 2004. Never give up, stay positve!!
What drugs were used in the clinical study at the University of Pittsburgh? Reading the posts on this site gives me hope. When researching metastatic melanoma, the survival rates aren't promising. My significant other is Stage 4 . . . started out with a spot on his back, then lymph nodes, and now brain mets. He's had stereotactic radiation on the 3 brain tumors and had his first treatment of the Yervoy and Dacarbazine combination. While sometimes difficult to do, we are positive that he, too, will be a survivor.0 -
You Amber are a inspiration.Amber_17 said:Any Metastatic Melanoma Survivors??
Any Metastatic Melanoma Surviors?
Submitted by Amber_17 on March 17, 2012 - 1:11am
I was 17 years old when I found out I had Metastatic Melanoma. I was shaving my legs at 15 when I cut my right leg just above the ankle, well I couldn't get it to heal right, played heck with it. It grew like a mole dose. Well two years and five doctors later, I find out its Metastatic Melanoma late Stage 3. So I go through Surgery after surgery, treament after treatment. When I was 18 doctors give me two year, again at 21 they gave 2 yrs, again at 24 doctors give me 3 months. At 25 I find out the cancer as reached the bone in that leg, doctors tell me, We apputate 6-8inch below the knee or your mom puts you in the ground? Well I allow them to take my leg, Which from what I understand the cancer is now at stage 4 and at 25 almost 26 I'm still here living life to the fullest. I'm welling to talk with anyone who want more info or just wants to talk. Feel free to messg me at anytime.
You Amber are a inspiration. My 35 year old daughter was dx. 10 days ago. She is a single mom of 2 and is a nurse as I am. To say we are scared is a understatement. She goes to U of M in May. I have hardly been able to function since we found out. I believe god led me to this website as you and every one else has reminded me that through courage and knowledge and faith anything is possible. Keep up the good work and thanks.0 -
Zelboraf issueslmaso1 said:Yervoy
My husband tried Zelboraf in the fall of 2011, but could not tolerate it. How is the Yervoy going?
Tell me about your husband's issues with Zelboraf. We have been doing Zelboraf/Yervoy/ Full brain radiation. The week of Easter landed us in the hospital for a week. The doctor is of the opinion that the Zelboraf is what is doing it. The dose had been reduced to 3 tabs twice a day and he still was horribly dehydrated, he didn't know me for 2 days, severe diarrhea, didn't even know he was strength. They took hi off both Yervoy and Zelboraf for 2 weeks and now he is a amazing. So they did a Yervoy treatment earlier this week...and no side effects...but he goes back on the Zelboraf on Tuesday but this time 2 tabs twice a day. 2 more Yervoy treatments so 5 more weeks, then they will do a PET and MRI to see where things are at. Keep me posted on how things are going for you.0 -
Nathan08 - YervoyNathan08 said:Yervoy
My brother Jeff has stage IV melanoma on his lungs and took his first treatment of Yervoy last week. He has to
Have fluid drained from his lungs daily. The side effects from the Yervoy that he has experienced so far is tiredness and
A rash on his legs. We are praying the Yervoy is working and the cancer is leaving his body.
Anyone out there ever taken the cancer drug Yervoy. Please tell me what your experience has been with this drug. Praying for
Everyone on this post. God bless you all.
How is your brother, Jeff doing with the Yervoy treatments? My significant other has Stage 4 melanoma. He had stereotactic radiation on the 3 spots on his brain; and had the first Yervoy plus Dacabarzine infusion on April 17. So far, so good. The next one is scheduled for May 8.
Praying for healing and a miracle,
Marlee0 -
Felicia and Frank - Metastatic Melanomafelicia_franklinstull2 said:my husband has metastatic melanoma
my husband has had melanoma cancer since he was 17yrs old he tried to tell his mom that he had it and she told him he was lying so he just over looked it well when he was about 27 yrs old he was out on his own and decided to start the fight on this cancer thats when he found out what type of cancer he did have when he went to get it checked on it was at stage 3 there was a mole on the side of his face the cancer tumor was wraped around his jaw, eye socket, neck and sholder and going into his tempel region that was all taken out by surgery and he went through radation treatment here locally he had about 9 months of radation then he was in remission for like 7 months it came back around his heart which means he had stage 4 melanoma they put him on IL-2 and VEGF-trap for one treatment his body did well with the IL-2 but the VEGF-trap almost blew up his heart so the stopped the treatment immedatly and after 5 months of the IL-2 treatments it stopped the cancer in its tracks from going any farther to his heart then it shot down to his adrenal glands so they put him on a treatment called Yervoy he has made it past the 4th treatment which is farther than some has made it to hes a little weak on walking and on couple of other things but hes a fighter and he will never give up willingly he will go as far as his mind and body will let him he just had a cat scan today and we go back to Pittsburgh Friday to see how they looked i pray to god that we get good news that it has been treated and is husband is now 30 yrs old and most of the drs he has seen locally has said he wouldnt have seen til the end of the month, next month, the end of this year, next year, or even see 30 well he has proved all of them wrong he will be turning 31 in August
I've been reading your posts. I'm new to the site. My significant other was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma. His is very aggressive. He had stereotactic radiation on 3 spots on the brain on April 11 and had his first infusion of Yervoy plus Dacarbazine on April 17 with few side effects. The second infusion is scheduled for May 8. Your story gives me hope that we will have more years together.
I pray that you received good news at your appointment in Pittsburgh.
If you'd like to stay in contact, you may respond on this site; or may respond to my email address at I have not been successful in getting into the chatrooms.
This is such a scary disease, never knowing where or when it will rear its ugly head again. At this point, I'm reaching out to anyone and everyone searching for ways to fight it and survive it.
You are a good example . . . you are living with cancer, not dying from it.
Keeping you and the others in my thoughts and prayers,
Marlee0 -
Yervoy survivorMemphisMargaret said:Update
My husband had his first Yervoy this past Tuesday and radiation began this week as well. He is so very tired and has had some nausea. How is Jeff doing? Well I hope.
Jeff has made it past his fourth treatment of Yervoy. He goes back to the docs tomorrow to see how the treatments have helped him. We are praying for miracles. He's had hardly no side effects but seems to get tired easy. Other than that, God has been good.0 -
downs00MemphisMargaret said:Let's keep in touch
My husband has his first Yervoy infusion this coming Monday. I am wondering if you would mind keeping in touch about the treatments. Be Blessed!
My brother has had four treatments of Yervoy and goes tomorrow to get x-rays to see how the treatments have done. We are praying for miracles everyday. He seems to be doing good. He hasn't had any side effects but very little itching for a couple of days on his legs and he's not been on pain meds at all. Seems realy good. Gets tired a little quicker than the rest of us but that's about it. How's your husband doing?
Take care and keep up the faith....0 -
Keep up the fight, and know there are Survivors!lloyd03 said:Keep up the fight, and know there are Survivors!
About 2 yrs ago in Aug. I had melanoma skin cancer on the right side of my back. They removed it and took a lymph node from under my right arm. All margins were clear = no cancer around the skin were the melanoma was removed. Until July 2011 when I had swelling under my right arm. I went in for a CT scan that showed the mass uner my arm was a lymph node and also showed leasions on my liver, left lung and left breast.... they remove the swollen lymph node that was tested positive for Melanoma Metastasis cancer.
Then I went for an MRI on my brain because that is one of the areas Melanoma Metastasis spreads, so they wanted to rule that out..and they did...good brain
They had me go in for a PET Scan to see if the lesions on my liver, lung, and breast were cancer... Mamogram and PET scan showed breast had no cancer
but the lesions on my lung and liver were cancer.
I have been going for chemo through an IV every 3 weeks. In January I will get another PET scan and that will tell me if I will continue with the a New treatment...OR...NO treatment.
Although I have only been a Christian for about 10ish years, I put my trust in the Lord and in His Word " The Bible" He says.. He holds me in the palm of His hand, He says ...He will never leave me, His Word says... God will turn bad things into GOOD, His word says that... perfect LOVE throws out FEAR ...and if I have His perfect Love with me, and in me, what can I fear.... His Word says ....GOD has a plan for my life....and so much MORE....I will hold onto GOD's Promises and Trust that they are for me
And so with TONS of Prayers from TONS of people all over the world.
ME being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and about 7 Months of blooddraws twice ever 3 weeks and IV Chemo every 3 weeks= the drugs used were Zofram, Decadron, and Dacarbazine.
I was also drinking 4 or more 16oz bottles of waters per day and using high amounts of baking soda brushing my teeth and gargeling with it 2-3 times daily, and drinking it with a maple syrup chaser weekly, and a table spoon of honey with cinnamon weekly, they both helped with being tired and they are also known for healing qualities.
And with TONS of Prayers from TONS of people all over the world on facebook.
I was able to work about 3 weeks out of the Month and although my hair had some falling out it only thinned and I was able to have a short and sassy hair style
And even tough I was not able to find anyone who has had ( the same type of cancer) and was a survivor. I knew that it is GOD alone who HEALS ! and HE Can Do whatever HE will.
==Today I am HAPPY to Say==
I Am Cancer FREE = The PET scan results say NO Cancer.. Praise GOD.
So Keep the Faith and Keep Praying
Wow.Your blob made me shout and give God all the Praise and Glory..... You are highly favored woman!!!!!
I am printing your blob to give my brother who has Stage IV melanoma on his lungs. He's taken his fourth treatment of Yervoy and done very well on this. He goes tomorrow to get his x-rays to see how well the treatments have worked on him. We are all praying for a miracle and trusting God for a victorious outcome......
Please say a prayer for him. His name is Jeff.
Be blessed.0 -
Yervoylmaso1 said:Yervoy
How is your brother doing on the Yervoy, my husband starts his next week. His metastatic melanoma started last year September, he has the BRAF gene and he started the Zelboraf but was unsucessfull in being able to handle the side effects. So they took him off of it & did PET scan all clear that was in November. Found another lump in same area last month, took biopsy, again cancer was scheduled to take all lymph nodes out but PET scan showed it has spread to his lungs, liver & spine, started Yervoy, wondering how things were going with your brother. Thanks!!!
My brother has taken all four of his yervoy treatments and goes tomorrow to Wake Forest Hospital to get x-rays done to see how well the treatments have done with his lung cancer. He has had little side effects and no pain while on the treatments. He does get tired easier than us though.Keep me posted on yor end as I will do the same.
Take care,0 -
I hope you had fantastic results. My husband gets his 3rd Yervoy this week. Zelboraf is doing okay on a dose of 2 tabs twice a day. Only one night of diarrhea and still tires easily. We are going to try and attend our son's wedding this afternoon.downs00 said:Yervoy survivor
Jeff has made it past his fourth treatment of Yervoy. He goes back to the docs tomorrow to see how the treatments have helped him. We are praying for miracles. He's had hardly no side effects but seems to get tired easy. Other than that, God has been good.0 -
Stage IV MELANOMA Survivor approaching 6 years cancer free
Dropping a note as I am less then a month from my 6 years cancer free mile-miracle. Wanting to extend my story and offer hope to those of you newly diagnosed and or currently battling, or even new to becoming cancer free. Almost 7 years ago I was told to get my affairs in order, that I was looking at 6-9 months. My melanoma was in both my lungs, my liver, wrapped around my esophagus, all through my lymph nodes in my chest and two hot spots on two of my bones......9 months in and out of ICU undergoing High dose IL-2 and a complete overhaul of my diet and engulfing myself into the holistic world combined with traditional treatment of IL-2. Fast forward to here, now, sharing my story to offer HOPE and to let you know this cancer can be beat. Stay strong, and remember "You are here in this life because you are strong enough to be in it" Grateful for every day0 -
Yervoylmaso1 said:Yervoy
My husband tried Zelboraf in the fall of 2011, but could not tolerate it. How is the Yervoy going?
I am hoping the worst is behind us. My husband had his 3rd Yervoy last week. Not alot of side effects. The doctor feels the close to death experience we had last month was caused by the effects of the Zelboraf on my husband's liver. His does of Zelboraf was cut to 2 tablets twice a day rather than 4 and he is tolerating it much better. He had PET/CT and MRI last week. No cancer below the neck, the nine tumors in the brain have not grown. The only negative is one new tumor and we will go back to the neurologist for gamma on it.0 -
Mainegal -mainegal said:Stage IV MELANOMA Survivor approaching 6 years cancer free
Dropping a note as I am less then a month from my 6 years cancer free mile-miracle. Wanting to extend my story and offer hope to those of you newly diagnosed and or currently battling, or even new to becoming cancer free. Almost 7 years ago I was told to get my affairs in order, that I was looking at 6-9 months. My melanoma was in both my lungs, my liver, wrapped around my esophagus, all through my lymph nodes in my chest and two hot spots on two of my bones......9 months in and out of ICU undergoing High dose IL-2 and a complete overhaul of my diet and engulfing myself into the holistic world combined with traditional treatment of IL-2. Fast forward to here, now, sharing my story to offer HOPE and to let you know this cancer can be beat. Stay strong, and remember "You are here in this life because you are strong enough to be in it" Grateful for every day</p>
Thank you for
Mainegal -
Thank you for sharing. My significant other is newly diagnosed. Your post came at a good time. We have another MRI scheduled for Thursday. I've been very fearful of what Thursday may bring our way; however, your post brought me back to living in HOPE. This disease can be beat!!!
May you continue "NED"!
Marlene0 -
stage iv melanomaNathan08 said:Yervoy
My brother Jeff has stage IV melanoma on his lungs and took his first treatment of Yervoy last week. He has to
Have fluid drained from his lungs daily. The side effects from the Yervoy that he has experienced so far is tiredness and
A rash on his legs. We are praying the Yervoy is working and the cancer is leaving his body.
Anyone out there ever taken the cancer drug Yervoy. Please tell me what your experience has been with this drug. Praying for
Everyone on this post. God bless you all.
Nathan, how is your brother Jeff doing? my brother too is in stage 4 melanoma cancer and has started yervoy treatments.0 -
You've given us hopemainegal said:Stage IV MELANOMA Survivor approaching 6 years cancer free
Dropping a note as I am less then a month from my 6 years cancer free mile-miracle. Wanting to extend my story and offer hope to those of you newly diagnosed and or currently battling, or even new to becoming cancer free. Almost 7 years ago I was told to get my affairs in order, that I was looking at 6-9 months. My melanoma was in both my lungs, my liver, wrapped around my esophagus, all through my lymph nodes in my chest and two hot spots on two of my bones......9 months in and out of ICU undergoing High dose IL-2 and a complete overhaul of my diet and engulfing myself into the holistic world combined with traditional treatment of IL-2. Fast forward to here, now, sharing my story to offer HOPE and to let you know this cancer can be beat. Stay strong, and remember "You are here in this life because you are strong enough to be in it" Grateful for every day</p>
Thank you mainegal, my father has just be diagnosed with symptons very similar to yours, he hasn't received much hope from any of the doctors or nurses that he has so far been in contact with and was begining to get dejected. Your post has given him renewed hope and a determination to beat this cancer, he has already started looking at chhanging his diet and looking at complementary practices. He is very keen to learn of the changes in diet and holistic practises that you employed and would be extremely grateful for any details you could provide.0 -
Keep Hope in your Heartrnike said:You've given us hope
Thank you mainegal, my father has just be diagnosed with symptons very similar to yours, he hasn't received much hope from any of the doctors or nurses that he has so far been in contact with and was begining to get dejected. Your post has given him renewed hope and a determination to beat this cancer, he has already started looking at chhanging his diet and looking at complementary practices. He is very keen to learn of the changes in diet and holistic practises that you employed and would be extremely grateful for any details you could provide.
In Aug. 2009. I had melanoma skin cancer on the right side of my back. They removed it and took a lymph node from under my right arm.
All margins were clear = no cancer around the skin were the melanoma was removed.
Until July 2011 when I had swelling under my right arm. I went in for a CT scan that showed the mass under my arm was a lymph node and also showed lesions on my liver, left lung and left breast.... they remove the swollen lymph node that was tested positive for Melanoma Metastasis cancer.
Then I went for an MRI on my brain because that is one of the areas Melanoma Metastasis spreads, so they wanted to rule that out..and they did...good brain
They had me go in for a PET Scan to see if the lesions on my liver, lung, and breast were cancer... Mammogram and PET scan showed breast had no cancer
but the lesions on my lung and liver were cancer.
I have been going for chemo through an IV every 3 weeks. In January I will get another PET scan and that will tell me if I will continue with the a New treatment...OR...NO treatment.
Although I have only been a Christian for about 10ish years, I put my trust in the Lord and in His Word " The Bible" He says.. He holds me in the palm of His hand, He says ...He will never leave me, His Word says... God will turn bad things into GOOD, His word says that... perfect LOVE throws out FEAR ...and if I have His perfect Love with me, and in me, what can I fear.... His Word says ....GOD has a plan for my life....and so much MORE....I will hold onto GOD's Promises and Trust that they are for me
And so with TONS of Prayers from TONS of people all over the world.
ME being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and about 7 Months of blood draws twice ever 3 weeks and IV Chemo every 3 weeks= the drugs used were Zofram, Decadron, and Dacarbazine.
I was also drinking 4 or more 16oz bottles of waters per day and using high amounts of baking soda brushing my teeth and gargling with it 2-3 times daily, and drinking it with a maple syrup chaser weekly, and a table spoon of honey with cinnamon weekly, they both helped with being tired and they are also known for healing qualities. I also had a Boost a day for energy with my black coffee.. and Milk of Magnesia or pink Pepto every so often :P blaa
And with TONS of Prayers from TONS of people all over the world.--Facebook Friends, their Friends and Church Members.
Also I was able to work about 3 weeks out of the Month and although my hair had some falling out it only thinned and I was able to have a short hair style
Even though I was not able to find anyone who has had (the same type of cancer) and was(fully cured)never having to go to a Dr. again.
I knew that it is GOD alone who HEALS ! and HE Can Do whatever HE will.
==Today as of 1-18-2012 I am HAPPY to Say==
I Am Cancer FREE = The PET scan results say NO Cancer.. Praise GOD.
Im in Remission. Rejoice and Praise the LORD with me
After my 3 months of no chemo, I had another PET scan 4-11-12 and the lung & liver are still clear
but they did see a spot in my right knee...not sure what it is and they did look at the old scans and saw that it was there and it has not changed in size... I will be having a Biopsy 4-27-12 and they see whether or not it's just an old injury...
I am sO-o Happy my lung and liver are still clear
My knee biopsy came back cancer Free. I go 7-1-12 for a CT scan ...Praise GOD !!!
the results are in from my scan on 7- 1-12... the Dr. says to come back for another scan in 4 months... so I go for another CT scan on 12-3-12
I have found some information on keeping your pH balanced that kills cancer cells...and I was pleasantly surprise that I changed my diet , not knowing I was raising my pH Level, and I will continue to monitor my pH now that I know
Praying for you and your family Keep the Faith ... to God be the Glory -
Interluekin 2lloyd03 said:Keep Hope in your Heart
In Aug. 2009. I had melanoma skin cancer on the right side of my back. They removed it and took a lymph node from under my right arm.
All margins were clear = no cancer around the skin were the melanoma was removed.
Until July 2011 when I had swelling under my right arm. I went in for a CT scan that showed the mass under my arm was a lymph node and also showed lesions on my liver, left lung and left breast.... they remove the swollen lymph node that was tested positive for Melanoma Metastasis cancer.
Then I went for an MRI on my brain because that is one of the areas Melanoma Metastasis spreads, so they wanted to rule that out..and they did...good brain
They had me go in for a PET Scan to see if the lesions on my liver, lung, and breast were cancer... Mammogram and PET scan showed breast had no cancer
but the lesions on my lung and liver were cancer.
I have been going for chemo through an IV every 3 weeks. In January I will get another PET scan and that will tell me if I will continue with the a New treatment...OR...NO treatment.
Although I have only been a Christian for about 10ish years, I put my trust in the Lord and in His Word " The Bible" He says.. He holds me in the palm of His hand, He says ...He will never leave me, His Word says... God will turn bad things into GOOD, His word says that... perfect LOVE throws out FEAR ...and if I have His perfect Love with me, and in me, what can I fear.... His Word says ....GOD has a plan for my life....and so much MORE....I will hold onto GOD's Promises and Trust that they are for me
And so with TONS of Prayers from TONS of people all over the world.
ME being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and about 7 Months of blood draws twice ever 3 weeks and IV Chemo every 3 weeks= the drugs used were Zofram, Decadron, and Dacarbazine.
I was also drinking 4 or more 16oz bottles of waters per day and using high amounts of baking soda brushing my teeth and gargling with it 2-3 times daily, and drinking it with a maple syrup chaser weekly, and a table spoon of honey with cinnamon weekly, they both helped with being tired and they are also known for healing qualities. I also had a Boost a day for energy with my black coffee.. and Milk of Magnesia or pink Pepto every so often :P blaa
And with TONS of Prayers from TONS of people all over the world.--Facebook Friends, their Friends and Church Members.
Also I was able to work about 3 weeks out of the Month and although my hair had some falling out it only thinned and I was able to have a short hair style
Even though I was not able to find anyone who has had (the same type of cancer) and was(fully cured)never having to go to a Dr. again.
I knew that it is GOD alone who HEALS ! and HE Can Do whatever HE will.
==Today as of 1-18-2012 I am HAPPY to Say==
I Am Cancer FREE = The PET scan results say NO Cancer.. Praise GOD.
Im in Remission. Rejoice and Praise the LORD with me
After my 3 months of no chemo, I had another PET scan 4-11-12 and the lung & liver are still clear
but they did see a spot in my right knee...not sure what it is and they did look at the old scans and saw that it was there and it has not changed in size... I will be having a Biopsy 4-27-12 and they see whether or not it's just an old injury...
I am sO-o Happy my lung and liver are still clear
My knee biopsy came back cancer Free. I go 7-1-12 for a CT scan ...Praise GOD !!!
the results are in from my scan on 7- 1-12... the Dr. says to come back for another scan in 4 months... so I go for another CT scan on 12-3-12
I have found some information on keeping your pH balanced that kills cancer cells...and I was pleasantly surprise that I changed my diet , not knowing I was raising my pH Level, and I will continue to monitor my pH now that I know
Praying for you and your family Keep the Faith ... to God be the Glory
A family member participated in a clinical trial with Interluekin 2 and he has now been cancer free 8 years.0 -
Brain lungs and lymph nodes (maybe 2 or 3 dozen total)mainegal said:Stage IV MELANOMA Survivor approaching 6 years cancer free
Dropping a note as I am less then a month from my 6 years cancer free mile-miracle. Wanting to extend my story and offer hope to those of you newly diagnosed and or currently battling, or even new to becoming cancer free. Almost 7 years ago I was told to get my affairs in order, that I was looking at 6-9 months. My melanoma was in both my lungs, my liver, wrapped around my esophagus, all through my lymph nodes in my chest and two hot spots on two of my bones......9 months in and out of ICU undergoing High dose IL-2 and a complete overhaul of my diet and engulfing myself into the holistic world combined with traditional treatment of IL-2. Fast forward to here, now, sharing my story to offer HOPE and to let you know this cancer can be beat. Stay strong, and remember "You are here in this life because you are strong enough to be in it" Grateful for every day</p>
2008 I was told to go home and see my friends and family and I better do it in the next month or two. I returned from vacation about 2 months later and all of a sudden I had a miracle turn around. I guess that was over 4 years now... I havent done the holistic approach (as a matter of fact the last thing my dr told me before I left on vacation was to have all the steak, burgers and beer I wanted (as I was on a strict diet), so when I returned she asked what I did.. I told her I ate burgers and steaks and drank beer... she told me to keep doing it). However I am not recommending to do that, I am recommmending to do what your Dr's advise.0
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