new here and have all the 3 symptoms-scared-alone and lost.

birdlady053 Member Posts: 8
Hey everyone! Im so glad I found this site as Ive been going thru alot myself but I found my lump last Jan,2012 and had a lumpectomy on April 25,2012.Im getting my stitches and staples out Monday. I havent started radidation yet but expect it soon.Im ready as I want to get better. This is a emotional roller coaster as I also have COPD and it reflected on alot of the doctors decisions.OH,I have invasive mammary carcinoma. 4x7x7mm in size.I dont understand alot of this but Im grateful Im a small breast lady as they couldnt take but so much.I told them to take it all.They didnt take any lymph nodes. I live alone except for my b/gold macaw and 1 month old african goose which has been a godsend for me as she has kept me going forward.well,I had punomia last Jan and they saw a 2mm nodole in my upper right lung but I has a ct scan a couple days ago and today the doc called me and said it was larger and sending me to a lung specialist but he thinks it could be infection in my lobe which I pray it is.I havent even gotten my stiches out and now the roller coaster is starting up again.whew! Am I going to make it thur all this stress as they have me taking zanax for my anixity attacks which are about 10 a day.I just walk around like Im lost and I really am,somewhere! This copd,brest cancer and now lungs!!!! The worst part of it all is not the operation but what happens between finding a lump and when they take it out.Thats the most awful feelings a person can endure.I read other post and know others have been worst and my heart goes out to you.Ill be back soon and pray for me.oh yea! My goose baby says honk honk(hello)I know there will better days but today just is not the one for me.


  • Blondiemomma
    Blondiemomma Member Posts: 41
    You are not alone here
    I, like you, felt isolated and alone. Everything seems so much worse when you can't see the friends around you. I fell victim to the horrors of my own imagination. Thankfully, reality was much easier. Stay in touch on this board. Yes, some peoples stories will make yours seem a walk in the park, but that doesn't mean that you and your story are not important. We are here for you.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Inflammatory Nodes
    Hi birdlady,

    I am very sorry for all your recently trials dealing with breast cancer and COPD. That is a full plate.

    In 2008, a ct scan found tumors in both lungs, lining and a pleural effusion. I had a PET scan but did not have the results at the first visit with my oncologist. Due other medical problems I remember my oncologist stating that it could be an inflammatory condition. I needed to see a Thoracic surgeon and a biopsy would be needed to know if I still remained ER+. I do not have COPD but have other inflammatory conditions. I had a VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery) which of course proved that I had tumors that were ER+ and could continue to be treated with hormonal therapies.

    Given your COPD it could very well be some inflammatory condition. I truly hope in your case this is what it is. There are many things they can do for you these days, don't give up hope if it is malignant tumors in your lungs. It will be four years in June that I have been dealing with lungs, lining and now ribs. I live alone, still work full time and it is all doable.

    Hoping your nodules are again just inflammation. Keep us posted.

    Best to you,

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    SIROD said:

    Inflammatory Nodes
    Hi birdlady,

    I am very sorry for all your recently trials dealing with breast cancer and COPD. That is a full plate.

    In 2008, a ct scan found tumors in both lungs, lining and a pleural effusion. I had a PET scan but did not have the results at the first visit with my oncologist. Due other medical problems I remember my oncologist stating that it could be an inflammatory condition. I needed to see a Thoracic surgeon and a biopsy would be needed to know if I still remained ER+. I do not have COPD but have other inflammatory conditions. I had a VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery) which of course proved that I had tumors that were ER+ and could continue to be treated with hormonal therapies.

    Given your COPD it could very well be some inflammatory condition. I truly hope in your case this is what it is. There are many things they can do for you these days, don't give up hope if it is malignant tumors in your lungs. It will be four years in June that I have been dealing with lungs, lining and now ribs. I live alone, still work full time and it is all doable.

    Hoping your nodules are again just inflammation. Keep us posted.

    Best to you,


    You're not alone anymore
    Welcome. Sorry you're here, but hope we can help. I know that waiting is the worst. Somehow (at least for me) once I had all the facts and a plan of action in place, my anxiety would improve. I'm like this in all aspects of my life, but the cancer thing is certainly the most pronounced. I posted on the food thread some suggestions about food that helped me thru chemo. You're not having chemo, are you? Could this be from the anesthesia?

    Sending hugs and prayers that you soon find something that works for you. Keep asking here. There's always someone around who may have a solution. We all share such common fears, effects from treatments, etc., yet we're also all different.

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    Isolated? Maybe, Alone? NOT!
    I too am isolated and went through it all "alone" until I found this place, and my docs are great; treating the whole person. Lots of people here have more patience than I to get into the details so I won't be redundant except to say You will plug some of the voids here with us.

    The beginning of this journey is the worst, it will get easier as your path gains goals you can focus on. Day at a time is our motto here.

    Sending you all our hatch lings, they are ready to fly!
  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    Hi there
    I am glad that you had your surgery and pray that the pathology report gives you the answers you seek.

    I feel what you wrote about the lung nodules. The same thing happened to me. I had the surgeries for the tumor and then the CT scan and the lungs nodules were found. That was in December. I am going for my follow up scan this week. I am on Arimidex which is a hormone therapy because I am ER/PR+. If the nodules are from breast cancer, than the Arimidex will shrink the nodules in my lungs. I tell you this because there is a treatment besides surgery for those nodules. 2mm is so small and you will most likely be told that they will be watched with scans over a year or so.

    I can tell you that when I was diagnosed, I had the same feelings and fears as you do. I can also tell you that it takes time to absorb all the information that is "out there" and that this board is a gem in the rough.

    The ladies here are so sweet and smart and caring. You will find strength and encouragement here.

    Please keep posting to let us know how things are. We really do care!

    God Bless ....

  • merianne
    merianne Member Posts: 4
    I think all of us feel this was at some time or another or say why me, what at this time??? This is my third bout with it and you are right that is a rollercoaster, one that you feel like you will never get off. I think the unknown was always more scary for me. One thing I would suggest is when the doctor says words that you don't understand. Stop then and question what he is saying. Praying for you:)
  • birdlady053
    birdlady053 Member Posts: 8
    MsGebby said:

    Hi there
    I am glad that you had your surgery and pray that the pathology report gives you the answers you seek.

    I feel what you wrote about the lung nodules. The same thing happened to me. I had the surgeries for the tumor and then the CT scan and the lungs nodules were found. That was in December. I am going for my follow up scan this week. I am on Arimidex which is a hormone therapy because I am ER/PR+. If the nodules are from breast cancer, than the Arimidex will shrink the nodules in my lungs. I tell you this because there is a treatment besides surgery for those nodules. 2mm is so small and you will most likely be told that they will be watched with scans over a year or so.

    I can tell you that when I was diagnosed, I had the same feelings and fears as you do. I can also tell you that it takes time to absorb all the information that is "out there" and that this board is a gem in the rough.

    The ladies here are so sweet and smart and caring. You will find strength and encouragement here.

    Please keep posting to let us know how things are. We really do care!

    God Bless ....


    so grateful that Im not alone anymore
    Ive been up all night just reading about breast cancer and now maybe lung too.I go to get the staples and stitches out on Monday and hope to be able to ask more questions.I wrote my list.I have my Chantix too and now I can quit smoking.Its going to be hard after all this stress but I have to quit now.Its funny how you have good days and bad ones too.Mine started good but then it went downhill.I forced myself to get out the house and also got some food into me.I dont understand why I just have no desire to eat but I have to as I must keep myself strong.Maybe Ill eat if Im not smoking as I got alot of sweets today.I just wish I had all the answers as then I could process all that is going on with me and then I can accept it.Its like in 3 months my life has changed so much.Ive lost that feeling of normal as I know it will never be as it was and alot more changes will proberly happen in the future.Im not on a pita patter but more like I want people to say to me anything but "Im sorry".Maybe you look well or if you need someone to talk to,Im here for you.I feel like I just went thru a divorce where you get mad first,then you feel rejected and alone then you want to get even but I havent anyone to get even with.This is so emontional on me that I get where I just want to be alone.Ill write more tomorrow and thanks ladies for your encouragement and hope.
  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202

    so grateful that Im not alone anymore
    Ive been up all night just reading about breast cancer and now maybe lung too.I go to get the staples and stitches out on Monday and hope to be able to ask more questions.I wrote my list.I have my Chantix too and now I can quit smoking.Its going to be hard after all this stress but I have to quit now.Its funny how you have good days and bad ones too.Mine started good but then it went downhill.I forced myself to get out the house and also got some food into me.I dont understand why I just have no desire to eat but I have to as I must keep myself strong.Maybe Ill eat if Im not smoking as I got alot of sweets today.I just wish I had all the answers as then I could process all that is going on with me and then I can accept it.Its like in 3 months my life has changed so much.Ive lost that feeling of normal as I know it will never be as it was and alot more changes will proberly happen in the future.Im not on a pita patter but more like I want people to say to me anything but "Im sorry".Maybe you look well or if you need someone to talk to,Im here for you.I feel like I just went thru a divorce where you get mad first,then you feel rejected and alone then you want to get even but I havent anyone to get even with.This is so emontional on me that I get where I just want to be alone.Ill write more tomorrow and thanks ladies for your encouragement and hope.

    We all have felt this way
    I felt exactly like I was on a rollercoaster! There was a "you have got to be kidding" time, to "you aren't kidding" time to a "not me" ... It goes on and on and on. All the phases you've heard about and then they repeat themselves out of order. Ask your doc for help - they've heard it before and know what to do to help. Don't feel like you need to suffer alone. You already aren't since you've come an board here. There isn't anybody here that hasn't had the fear and aloneness you're feeling. I hope you can find some peace so you can cope. It does come!

    Lots of prayers!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Birdlady: vent away and
    Birdlady: vent away and ask...much good advice and experience here on this site...

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Birdlady: vent away and
    Birdlady: vent away and ask...much good advice and experience here on this site...


    Hi, just want to welcome you. Glad you found us. We all said the same thing when we found this site. Your never alone. We are all here. Hugs
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    You're not alone anymore
    Welcome. Sorry you're here, but hope we can help. I know that waiting is the worst. Somehow (at least for me) once I had all the facts and a plan of action in place, my anxiety would improve. I'm like this in all aspects of my life, but the cancer thing is certainly the most pronounced. I posted on the food thread some suggestions about food that helped me thru chemo. You're not having chemo, are you? Could this be from the anesthesia?

    Sending hugs and prayers that you soon find something that works for you. Keep asking here. There's always someone around who may have a solution. We all share such common fears, effects from treatments, etc., yet we're also all different.


    Welcome to this great site
    Welcome to this great site and know that you are now with the best group of pink sisters anywhere!

    Hugs, Megan
  • birdlady053
    birdlady053 Member Posts: 8

    Birdlady: vent away and
    Birdlady: vent away and ask...much good advice and experience here on this site...


    birdlady053 --yes,its good to vent.
    wow! I really was venting wasnt I.Thank you for letting me get it all out.I know alot of you hav been through worsethan myself and when I read about your trials and tribulations-I admire all your strenght and determination to keep it going and fight-fight-fight as you are helping me so much.
  • birdlady053
    birdlady053 Member Posts: 8
    merianne said:

    I think all of us feel this was at some time or another or say why me, what at this time??? This is my third bout with it and you are right that is a rollercoaster, one that you feel like you will never get off. I think the unknown was always more scary for me. One thing I would suggest is when the doctor says words that you don't understand. Stop then and question what he is saying. Praying for you:)

    Got my surgical pathology report today
    I went to get my stitches and staples out today but the doc only took 1 staple out and he wants me to heal alittle more.He was pleased with my path report as my margins were 2mm of the posterior margin and 3mm of the inferior margin and all remaining margins were 6mm or more.I liked the"or more" as it gives me hope.the tumor was was invasive mammary carcinoma and they just removed the tumor and left everything else intact.He wants to start raditation in 2 weeks. hes a great doctor,its just that Im a bad patient.LOL.Now,they are working on finding out what the spot on my right upper lung is as they feel its infection and the way my back hurts where the lung is,I think it could be too as I had peumonia before all the breast thing happened and they didnt leave me in the hospital but 5 days and with my copd,well maybe some of the infection is still in the lung.That hospital was really a bad hospital as they didnt take very good care of me.I usually get peumonia every spring due to the pollen as my lungs just cant take it plus the change of seasons but they usually keep me in the hospital 2 weeks,not 5 breast AJCC stage was pT1b pNX.well I feel better tonight,had a nice quiet relaxed day and I ate alot of food today as I havent been eating.I think I was trying to shut down but my strong backbone wont let that happen.GOD BLESS all you wonderful ladies as my prayers are with you.I dont feel alone anymore as we now have each other.Thank you!
  • birdlady053
    birdlady053 Member Posts: 8
    merianne said:

    I think all of us feel this was at some time or another or say why me, what at this time??? This is my third bout with it and you are right that is a rollercoaster, one that you feel like you will never get off. I think the unknown was always more scary for me. One thing I would suggest is when the doctor says words that you don't understand. Stop then and question what he is saying. Praying for you:)

    Got my surgical pathology report today
    I went to get my stitches and staples out today but the doc only took 1 staple out and he wants me to heal alittle more.He was pleased with my path report as my margins were 2mm of the posterior margin and 3mm of the inferior margin and all remaining margins were 6mm or more.I liked the"or more" as it gives me hope.the tumor was was invasive mammary carcinoma and they just removed the tumor and left everything else intact.He wants to start raditation in 2 weeks. hes a great doctor,its just that Im a bad patient.LOL.Now,they are working on finding out what the spot on my right upper lung is as they feel its infection and the way my back hurts where the lung is,I think it could be too as I had peumonia before all the breast thing happened and they didnt leave me in the hospital but 5 days and with my copd,well maybe some of the infection is still in the lung.That hospital was really a bad hospital as they didnt take very good care of me.I usually get peumonia every spring due to the pollen as my lungs just cant take it plus the change of seasons but they usually keep me in the hospital 2 weeks,not 5 breast AJCC stage was pT1b pNX.well I feel better tonight,had a nice quiet relaxed day and I ate alot of food today as I havent been eating.I think I was trying to shut down but my strong backbone wont let that happen.GOD BLESS all you wonderful ladies as my prayers are with you.I dont feel alone anymore as we now have each other.Thank you!
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    BC and COPD
    Niether of those are for sissies. My mom had COPD and I know how it affected her life. I would be willing to bet that it is an infection, especially when you mention the previous pneumonia and the spring pollen issues. I am so glad you are quitting smoking. My daughter used Chantix and was sucessful. Since many of my kids have asthma I am so glad only one of the 4 smokes and it is the one who does not have asthma.

    Yes the zanax will help and you now have two reasons for anxiety. Do not hesitate to use it as directed. It is possible that meditation between attacks will help. It may reduce that fight or flight reaction somewhat and reduce the number of attacks. Meditation is free and the only side effect is a feeling of release from at least some of your stress. I must admit that I do not know what it's effect is on breast cancer but it seems to be a component of yoga and that is used for cancer patients.

    Glad you found us, but too bad that you had to come here as nobody wants breast cancer.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    merianne said:

    I think all of us feel this was at some time or another or say why me, what at this time??? This is my third bout with it and you are right that is a rollercoaster, one that you feel like you will never get off. I think the unknown was always more scary for me. One thing I would suggest is when the doctor says words that you don't understand. Stop then and question what he is saying. Praying for you:)

    You are not alone so I hope
    You are not alone so I hope that you can see from the posts that we are all here to support you and we all understand exactly how you feel. I will keep you in my prayers and am sending a big cyber hug too.

    Hugs, Debby