Stage 1v breast cancer with mets to

JackieA Member Posts: 150
entire spine, both femurs, hips, ribs, sternum, clavicle, and knee-still being heavily treated. Pleural effusion- pleural thickening, nodules, scarring. We just recently had a scan came back with a liver lesions--taken Halaven...What does this mean? Should I be worried for my husband? Being treated with halaven, zometa, avastin, neupogen, neulasta-- any testimonies or advice? Thanks


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    What does your oncologist say?
    Welcome, Jackie. You will find a lot of support on this board, although I doubt anyone will venture to tell you your prognosis which I'm assuming is what you're asking. We're all different and statistics don't apply to everyone. There are a number of members are stage IV who should chime in and tell their stories. You can do a search here for Stage IV and read some of their experiences.

    Do you have breast cancer or is it your husband? I assume it's you and you're worried about leaving your husband alone, but we all know that men get breast cancer, too.

    Sending some prayers your way.

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Hard to give advise
    I too am stage iv. Was diagnosed with mets to nost all bones and skin. Have been on chemo for 16 months. It has spread, Have lesion in liver, as well as now in the connective tissue of ribs and chest wall. Should you be scared? I think it is hard not to be scared for your family. When I was first diagnosed, I was not given much time because of how aggressive it is. Chemo has slowed it down. I realize there is no cure and my odds are not great, but I am not a statistic so I can't go by everything I read. There are times when I am not feeling good for a period of time and I will get down but it does not last. As long as I still have good days, I can pull myself up, but it has also been with the help of my pink friends on this board.The only advise that I would give is to try and stay positive and remember to live. I am taking a break from chemo for most of June and having something to look forward to really makes a difference.
    This road is difficult but I am willing to fight as long as there are good days. My good days now are not what they used to be, but I can still find something good in most days.
    I sure hope for the best for you. This is the most amazing site and I know that these pinks have helped me through so much. Just knowing they care and really do understand how each other feels. You almost have to have gone through it to understand so much of how we all feel.

    Prayers your way,
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    What does your oncologist say?
    Welcome, Jackie. You will find a lot of support on this board, although I doubt anyone will venture to tell you your prognosis which I'm assuming is what you're asking. We're all different and statistics don't apply to everyone. There are a number of members are stage IV who should chime in and tell their stories. You can do a search here for Stage IV and read some of their experiences.

    Do you have breast cancer or is it your husband? I assume it's you and you're worried about leaving your husband alone, but we all know that men get breast cancer, too.

    Sending some prayers your way.


    Like Suzanne asked, is this
    Like Suzanne asked, is this you or your husband? Sending prayers to you both.

    Hugs, Leeza