Colonoscopy Prep...

eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
This is not really related to Breast cancer, but you have all become my source of comfort and insite. I was scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow and have now been told to call in the am and rescedule. I started drinking the prep and after one glass began to vomit. I called the doc who said to take an hour break and try again, so I laid down for a bit, got up and after a few sips got sick again! I am so upset (and still feeling sick). I am about one yr post treatment for Stage3 Anal cancer, just had a double mastectomy for Breast cancer and had been feeling ok. I do have a colostomy, and this was my first time doing the prep with that, but should not have mattered. I didn't expect this to be fun, but wanted the test done and over and now have to try all over again! Anyone know of a easier way to prep for a colonoscopy, since I feel this will happen again????? Thanks for listening, I know this problem does not compare to most, just looking for ideas to help. As always, all in my prayers.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Ask if you could take anti nausea medication before drinking the prep..It may make a difference..

    Wishing you well
    Hugs, Nancy
  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202
    I also recommend asking for
    I also recommend asking for anti-nausea meds. Just make sure more than 1 pill is prescribed. It helped me alot. That prep is vial in my opinion. Good luck!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    The prep is far worse then
    The prep is far worse then the test..I have had 23 to be exact...I have ulcertive colitis. (past two prep did not work) not sure what my next step is..

    TEST you will be knocked and out in no time.. NEW meds now usally no after effect like years ago...much better now as is the prep..(still not pleasant of course)

    wish you luck...
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    The prep is far worse then
    The prep is far worse then the test..I have had 23 to be exact...I have ulcertive colitis. (past two prep did not work) not sure what my next step is..

    TEST you will be knocked and out in no time.. NEW meds now usally no after effect like years ago...much better now as is the prep..(still not pleasant of course)

    wish you luck...

    Prep Just had this test
    I just did this test last Thursday. I have had the colonoscopy before. The prep this time was not as bad as before. I told my doctor that I would not be able to handle the prep with my stomach problems.The prep was just 2 bottles of that stuff. The 1st bottle was to be mixed with 16 oz of crystal light at 5 pm night before test, drink down. Follow by 2 or more 16 oz glasses of water or whatever clear fluid you like to drink in the next hour. Then at 7 pm the 2nd bottle same way as first. That was it. Not great, but not to bad. The test it self is nothing. Thats the easy part. Good luck
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    colonoscopy = nasty
    Colonoscopy = NASTY and BAD PAIN - for me anyway.

    Perhaps ask for a different prep liquid. When I had it I was sent some powder to disolve in a gallon of water, but they've sent some liquid to Hubby annd some pills to take. Both for screening, not diagnostic. My PA wanted it done as a baseline as one place IBC likes to met to is the colon. Hubby was supposed to have had one done for a baseline when he was 50 but he blew it off but got a new Dr and he was much more emphatic about it (and he made the mistake of telling me) so I watched closely his mail from VA so I knew when it is sheduled for.

    As I said it was NASTY and PAINFUL for me and the Dr who did it said I should not have another one - should have a barium enema if need to be checked in the future. I was in the OR for over 3 hrs and then 2 in recovery - not normal for me - have always bypassed recovery to room or home. Seems my intestines are not 'organized' as they should be - they turn into a 'jumble' (Dr's word) that the scope can't get through so they used a LOT of air to try to get through but never did past about 3'. I had so much air in that I looked like I was 9 mths pregnant. C-sections were less painful. Took about 2 weeks to be back to 'normal'. My experiences with a colonoscopy is far from usual but as with anything - there are times that strange things happen - some of us are weirder than others.

    Winyan - The Power Within

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    yeah I just had one and I
    yeah I just had one and I got sick too. Someone told me there were pills you can take instead. I would definitely be asking for options. Hope all goes well for you and so sorry for what you have to go through.
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    elm3544 said:

    yeah I just had one and I
    yeah I just had one and I got sick too. Someone told me there were pills you can take instead. I would definitely be asking for options. Hope all goes well for you and so sorry for what you have to go through.

    Thankyou all so much for your replies. The original prep I took was called Nulytely. I had taken it in the past with no problem, but that was before having a colostomy and some of the meds I am now on. My doc rescheduled it for May 17th with a new prep invoving Miralax and Gatorade. I spoke to someone who went this route and said it was MUCH easier on her so hope for the same. With a colostomy things run through your system almost as soon as they go in so should clean out quickly if I can just keep it from coming back up. I will definately ask for something to calm my stomach first, didn't even know that was an option and wonder why he didn't suggest it.????? Anyhow, you are all the best, thanks again for the advice.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    eihtak said:

    Thankyou all so much for your replies. The original prep I took was called Nulytely. I had taken it in the past with no problem, but that was before having a colostomy and some of the meds I am now on. My doc rescheduled it for May 17th with a new prep invoving Miralax and Gatorade. I spoke to someone who went this route and said it was MUCH easier on her so hope for the same. With a colostomy things run through your system almost as soon as they go in so should clean out quickly if I can just keep it from coming back up. I will definately ask for something to calm my stomach first, didn't even know that was an option and wonder why he didn't suggest it.????? Anyhow, you are all the best, thanks again for the advice.

    Wishing you good luck on the
    Wishing you good luck on the 17th and for good results.

    Hugs, Lex