Feel like I aged 10 years in 1 year

jne66 Member Posts: 26
It's 1 year since I found my lump. I feel like I've aged 10 years in the last year. My hair came back white at first (even my eyebrows). Gray now. I gained 20 pounds during treatment and only lost10. My body is stiff and sore. I tire easily. I have neurapathy in my hands. Sores take longer to heal. I have hot flashes and can't tolerate any warm weather. Cellulite. My incision site has been giving me twinges-which of course makes me wander if it's reoccurring. Intellectually I realize it's probably nerves healing but emotionally I worry. Zero sex drive due to early menopause. I feel about as attractive as a potato in a gunny sack. I look back at where I was a year ago and I want to cry. I'm 46 and I got the senior citizen discount the other day. I joke about it but here I can say it just added to how I was already feeling I truly am grateful to still be here it I feel like I've lost something immeasureable


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I've said this before
    Yes, I do feel like I aged about 7 years in 2! I'm sure with all the stuff we had to go through, it just DOES take its toll on your body. However, I try to focus on just being happy I'm here and embrace the "new" me...a.k.a...older me! ;)


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    sea60 said:

    I've said this before
    Yes, I do feel like I aged about 7 years in 2! I'm sure with all the stuff we had to go through, it just DOES take its toll on your body. However, I try to focus on just being happy I'm here and embrace the "new" me...a.k.a...older me! ;)



    It will get better
    Yes, it feels like 10 years older, however I agree with Sylvia please focus on being happy, give your body as much rest as it needs. As time goes by you will feel better, your energy slowly will come back, you can dye your hair., take a walk in the park.
    Emotionally time will heal you, just try having one LOL per day. Finding new normal is difficult, however possible and very rewarding.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    sea60 said:

    I've said this before
    Yes, I do feel like I aged about 7 years in 2! I'm sure with all the stuff we had to go through, it just DOES take its toll on your body. However, I try to focus on just being happy I'm here and embrace the "new" me...a.k.a...older me! ;)



    Like Sylvia, I am
    Like Sylvia, I am appreciative for every day. I know bc changes all of us, and, a lot of it isn't good, but, just give yourself time and do what makes you happy and take it one day at a time.

    Hoping you feel better very soon,

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    For another take on this
    Prior to breast cancer I always felt 10 years younger than I was. I now feel my actual age. The only thing holding me back from doing what I did prior to cancer is the fact that I have lymhedema now and have to be extra careful about the way I do some of my highly physical pursuits.

    Now maybe since I am acting my age, the teenage grandchildren will not get embarrassed at some of grandma's antics. (Truthfully though I hope I can still embarrass them somewhat).
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Like Sylvia, I am
    Like Sylvia, I am appreciative for every day. I know bc changes all of us, and, a lot of it isn't good, but, just give yourself time and do what makes you happy and take it one day at a time.

    Hoping you feel better very soon,


    I didn't notice it at first
    It felt so good to feel good again, I actually thought I felt better than I had before cancer. I definitely felt that the treatments aged me, tho. How could they not? Then life sort of settled down.. I hope that will happen for you.

    Although we are our worst critics and to the rest of the world you probably look great, how we feel about ourselves is hugely important. I hope time will restore you to the you you were pror to diagnosis - or the new you becomes a welcome face in the mirror. It has been really hard for me to accept some of my physical changes but I think I have - it's been 2 years since my dx and 18 months since I finished treatments.

    No matter what, you are changed, both physically and emotionally. It's just hard. Most people don't understand that, but we do, and we're here to support you.

  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202
    Sounds like me
    It's been almost a year for me too! My world was turned topsy-turvy that fateful day last June that I got the call that my mammogram was not right. My breast feels differnt - it itches all the time (the other one doesn't). I have neuropathy - particularly in my hands. No sex drive either - oh, yay! My hair came in white with gray accents. I was blonde before. Actually, I kind of like it! I do appreciate the shortness 'cause it means I have fast prep times in the morning. Surprisingly, my skin seems to be in better shape than before - it's smoother and softer. I was one of the seemingly, rarer cases of weight loss - so I'm enjoying that. I wouldn't recommend the type of diet tho. I ache all over and seem to be bent over when I get up from a chair. Yikes, I'm acting like my mother. You know we have lost something immeasureable - our innocence! It wasn't going to happen to us, right? As you can see - it happens to alot of us. This is a great place to find support from many very wise and helpful people!
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Sorry you feel so bad. I am sure a lot of us feel the same way. I have put weight on in places I never have before despite working out quite a lot, the meds just wont let me lose anything. Yes, feel older, achy, lack in confidence, and every twinge leaves a question mark. It is hard, you are not alone in your feelings. My poor husband is so looking forward to retiring and keep thinking I'm not going to make it that far. So try to keep strong. I have 3 and half years left of Tamoxifen and hope when that is done life will get better. Funny really as I sailed through the operations and treatment and feel worse now.......... Good luck
  • tookiebird
    tookiebird Member Posts: 5
    The new normal
    The treatment and after effects are punishing for sure. I feel like some people look at me differently now that I look older and am 30 pounds heavier. I gave now added in probiotic and fish oil and am working with a trainer and on a strict diet. I am four years out and finally feel I am getting back to my old self. You will get there for sure! Keep at it. Part of it I think is that chemically induced menopause is much worse and so it takes pretty drastic measures to fight. I did acupuncture for hot flashes and all of this with oncologist's blessing. I love love love my doctors but sometimes they dont know what we are going through. They think we are little old ladies and should be grateful. I am grateful and blessed to be alive but I could do w/o the 30 pounds! But gals I am going to get awesome fit and when I do I am going to wear a tiny bikini even though I only have one boob. Maybe I won't wait until then!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sending good thoughts your
    sending good thoughts your way..
